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I did it today....was in Walgreens with my co-worker, CJ. They had batteries on sale, buy one get one free, so I teasingly told her that I was placing an order on here.

We were standing at the checkout line, and I said I was buying them for my new BOB. She just looked at me funny and I whispered to her, "battery operated boyfriend." She started laughing and the guy in front of us gave us the most disgusted look....some people have no sense of humor!!! <_<

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Wal-Greens has some of the best beginners vibes avialable. back by the pharmacy labeled as personal massagers! I doubt he would quit shopping there if he knew. He would probably pick one up for his SO if he had a lick of sense! Oh well, one day, he might take a load of laxatives and drop that stick out on the deuce.

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What I found totally ridiculous by this, is that you were discreet in what you said, by whispering. Your friend laughing probably gave it away, but if he got offended by it, then obviously, his mind was already there. His problem!!

The only time I EVER have issues with people discussing sex, toys, or genitalia, is infront of my daughter (she's almost 5). When I decide that it's time for her to have age-appropriate discussions about this stuff is up to ME, not those surrounding me. I've really only had to speak to one person (a family member) a couple of times, cuz she just honestly forgot.

But, I agree, the guy was being an ass, if he was giving looks of disgust, when his mind was in the gutter too!! LMAO

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