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every time i have sex with my gf all i can think about is her sister, she has bigger boobs and a smaller ass thaat is sooooo hot

HAHAHAHAHA! Not even a good joke. You cannot even for a second think this is a good thing!! Are you due on Jerry Springer any time soon ?

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Fantasies are great, but, if you're not attracted to your GF anymore, then you should do both of you a favor and split. And, as one with sisters, do NOT go try and date the other one. Sleeping with one sister, then trying for the other, not a good combo for the sisters, and you may end up with a lot more drama than one person needs.

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I was on that boat once, but it was brothers, and they were identical twins.

....What? Like any of you WOULDN'T love to be able to say you'd banged identical twins :P

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I am with a twin now but her sis is just not on my dance card!! iha, I think I'll follow your lead there!!

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Oh man, this is wrong on SOOOO many levels! One, there's nothing wrong with nice, big, butts. Usually, they say men who don't like big butts have small dicks....is this true mpaahana? Two, how could just do someone and not even think about them?! lol, you think about her sister?! That's totally disrespectful to her AND you're taking advantage of her. You need to do her (yes her) the pleasure of breaking up with her, so she can slap you in the face and move on.

This wouldn't even make a good Jerry Springer episode.

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Agree, you shouldn't be thinking about someone else, exclusively, when you are with your partner.

See, I don't feel bad because I wanted both brothers at once. :P

.....What? :lol:

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It's natural to think of others while in a relationship. After all, you're in a relationship, not dead. The problem comes when you act upon those fantasies without permission from the one you're in a relationship with. As far as what people like and don't like, no offense, but who are any of us to judge? If you don't have the personality, body type, or whatever criteria that a person is attracted to, how does that harm you? Don't date him. It seems childish to hurl insults because someone has a preference and voices it.


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mpaahana its true. Stop wasting the girls time if you are not interested in her anymore.

And Iha, you made me think of that Seinfeld episode when George keeps trying to eat the pastrami sandwiches during sex. So funny. hahaha!

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I can honestly say that while having sex with one person, I have never lusted for another. I am pretty sure it has to do with trying to give the most pleasure to the person I was/am having sex with. And the only way I know how to do that is pay attention to that person, how are they breathing; does she have goose-bumps; are their toes curled; is her vagina wet or very wet or flowing; is her back arched; is she pulling at the sheets; is she uttering something - you get it. And I want/wanted to continue to "get-it". That is when sex is fun! That is when you are focused on the one you are with. Like the song says, "Love the One You are With"!


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Njoy, it's getting hot in here.......thanks for that! ;)

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I can honestly say that while having sex with one person, I have never lusted for another. I am pretty sure it has to do with trying to give the most pleasure to the person I was/am having sex with. And the only way I know how to do that is pay attention to that person, how are they breathing; does she have goose-bumps; are their toes curled; is her vagina wet or very wet or flowing; is her back arched; is she pulling at the sheets; is she uttering something - you get it. And I want/wanted to continue to "get-it". That is when sex is fun! That is when you are focused on the one you are with. Like the song says, "Love the One You are With"!


I was with you right up to the song reference. Remember the verse right before this part?

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