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Let's see.......

I'm a 34y old mother of 6. Country girl all the way. Don't work outside the home and with all honesty believe I just hit my sexual peak :o

I've been lurking on this forum for a while now, just building up the nerve to join in and well here I am. Now I can't wait to ask some of my burning questions :D

I've throughly enjoyed reading the post and have learned some things and look forward to learning more ;) Guess that sounds sad coming from a woman my age uh?

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Not sad at all, we are just now at a point in society where it's not huge issue to be sexually free and open and WANT to have great sex. Ask any question you like and welcome aboard!

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Welcome to the forum! And no that doesn't sound sad. We're all students and teachers here. Everyone has their own learning curve ;) So ask those burning questions!

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Welcome to the forum. The only sad thing I can see is that you have had fears about your sex life. Ask away with those questions and I'm sure you'll get a lot of knowledge and insight!

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