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Marie Antoinette

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Just wanted to write a quick note and say 'hello' to everyone.

We are new here. I am Marie and my hubby's name is Anton. We have been buying products for a few months and now are new members of the review team.

I hope we are able to help others figure out if a toy is right for them. We are new to the whole 'toy scene' too. So we will be learning together.

I've been reading on the site for about a month or so and this seems like a very friendly and helpful group. Nice to see that people can ask questions and discuss things without having to feel stupid or embarrased or even feel like a freak. I have a friend that likes to say that her 'freak flag' flies pretty high..... LOL..... I've told her about this site and she has been reading too.

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Does Anton need to have his own user name and profile for the board?


A little background on us....

My mom would be shocked if she knew I was even looking at toys much less had some.. LOL... I was raised in a very protective house with a mom that seems prudish and a dad that likes porn. (odd combo huh) But they are still 2gether after 36yrs of marriage.

Anton & I used to date in high school off and on for 2 years. We never 'did it' back then but came close a few times. We never split on bad terms. Just friends would get in the way or interfer.

Well after he graduated he got married. She turned out to be a total beeotch. But he was with her for 16 yrs. All the while wondering about me.

I graduated a year later. And to make a long story short. 2 abusive, controlling men that treat women like blow up dolls and 17 yrs later we are back together and very, very happy! Turns out Anton has tried to find me a few times in the past years and was just never sucessful until he found me on classmates.com.

I know... sounds a little crazy... But that is the short version of our lifes. I am 34 and Anton is 36.

He treats me like I am a princess and I thank the stars everyday that he found me!

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Hello to you both!! I absolutely LOVE your signature!!

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I'm only guessing here but as a reviewer it may be best for him to have his own usename. One of the moderators will have to discuss that with you. From what you say it sounds as though it may have been meant to happen. I would never have thought it from classmates though. I got fed up with all their bogus emails and blocked them.

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Welcome to the review team and board! My flag flies high here too ;) And thanks for the back story. It's always nice to hear where people are coming from relationship wise. Looking forward to reading your reviews!


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