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I'm very new to the toys and when I was browsing around the site I knew right away I wanted a dual action. But I am totally lost on what to get, so i was hoping someone could help me. I posted this on the sex toy review but just realized this question would be better here.

Here's my scenario:

1. I live in the dorms, which mean thin walls, and next year I'm getting an apartment with a friend and the place we are going to live in has thin walls too. So I want one thats not soo loud when its turned on ya know? On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the loudest I want the toy to be at he most a 3 on its highest vibration.

2. I guess you can say I have a pretty small body frame and don't want anything too big or too small maybe 5"-6" in insert size would be good.

3. I want the material to be easy to clean (and how would I clean it), it uses water-based lube, and I don't have to replace it every six months or something.

4. Preferably with a remote too.

I did a a lot of research into this because I really want my first buy to be a good one, and I don't want to spend a lot of money on it just in case the toy dissapoints, maybe no more than $35-40. I was looking at the Ultimate Pearl Beaded Rabbit Vibrator and I saw the reviews on that, but I'm still quite unsure about it can anyone help? If that toys a good buy or if theres another toy that would meet my standards.

Thanks a Bunch

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Have you looked through the shopping site here yet? There are tons of reviews that have been done and where the loudness of the toy is an area of concern almost every single review makes mention of it. The reviews here are done by real people who are also a part of this forum and their findings are both on the item page and posted under the product reviews here on the forums.


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Have you looked through the shopping site here yet? There are tons of reviews that have been done and where the loudness of the toy is an area of concern almost every single review makes mention of it. The reviews here are done by real people who are also a part of this forum and their findings are both on the item page and posted under the product reviews here on the forums.


I did look at every single review but at the same time one person would say one thing and another person would say the opposite and thats where it gets a little confusing for me.

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That's because real people have very different views on different things. What is loud to one isn't loud to another. What is strong for one person isn't strong enough for another. The reviews are meant as guides to help you make your decisions but beyond that you sometimes have to take a little risk and go with what seems to be the best fit for you.

As far as the dual action vibes we have a couple that work well for Valntyn. The Bears of Passion vibe is a very nice one with some strong vibes but the noise level might be a little too high for you... on your scale of 1-5 I'd call it a 4. The Firebird Tickler vibe is also an awesome one that never fails to get Valntyn to orgasm and wasn't too noisy... on your scale of 1-5 I'd call it a 2-3.

Hope this helps.


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I'm curious to hear what you bought! Thurisas is right, the reviews are, obviously, based on that person's preferences and experiences. If you have a specific question about a reviewed toy, please feel free to either post the question in the forum under the review section with the toy, or PM the person that reviewed it.

Have fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm curious to hear what you bought! Thurisas is right, the reviews are, obviously, based on that person's preferences and experiences. If you have a specific question about a reviewed toy, please feel free to either post the question in the forum under the review section with the toy, or PM the person that reviewed it.

Have fun!

i bought the ultimate pearl beaded vibrator. it was the greatest experience in my life!!! after trying this toy out i've been addicted to it, i also bought a couple new toys a week later. i'm really glad my first toy didn't disappoint.

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I'm so glad that worked out for you! I found that toy distinctly uncomfortable - I'm a very small girl and the beads actually HURT when I tried to use them. So I finally had to get myself really, really hot and bothered until the pain threshhold went up and then it was amazing. ;)

They are addictive little things aren't they?! I have a blast trying new things!

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