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Too Much Masturbation


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I'm worried that i'm masturbating too often and i'm concerned that there could be negative side effects for my future of orgasm. I find that i masturbate any where from 2-4 times daily really when ever i have a minute to myself, as nice as this is now I'm concerned. Could i be mastubating too often? Is it possible that i could quit being able to have orgasm with the real touch of a man? Or quit being able to have an orgasm at all?!

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I'm also a newbie here and i also would like to ask some of our sexperts regarding


I'll share you my story when I first masturbated

the feeling is too ecstatic that it feels like it's an ectacy i can't get over with it....

I just do it whenever i feel hot...

Until such time i came to feel and worry that i might not be able to enjoy

myself to be touched by a man since my body was so used to masturbation...

As a matter of fact i did some researches regarding too much masturbation

as far as i know is that there is no problem with masturbating it's just that

you know how to limit yourself too much of something will not do any good on you...

Keep it moderate and know your body more when enough is enough....

and goodluck ..... B)

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I don't think there's any problem with frequent masturbation. I myself used to do it multiple times daily and never showed any adverse side effects. As Iha mentioned you can fall into these mental traps. Another one to watch out for is that you can train yourself to only orgasm one way. To avoid this, make sure you mix up the way you masturbate.


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