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Penis Size: Is It "filling"?


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ok...Id just like to say that I am not activly sexually active...at least inteding to be.

But my GF lives pretty far away and although we are waiting for marriage to have full on penatrating intercourse we have dabled in a few other regions.

But My question is with regards to penis size equaling fullfillment.

On the last day that my GF was in town, We where just in bed holding each other and that lead to this then that and so forth and we ended up close to naked next to each other. I began to rub her with my penis and that progressed to me rubbing her clitoris with my penis. and although we had never intended to go this far, it went a step further and although we didnt have "sexual intercourse", I did end up placing my erection into her vagina.

She tells me that I am not small with regards to penis size and I believe her because I trust her..and if you are wondering I am 6 1/2" long and 5 1/2" around. but when i entered her it wasnt at all what i thought it would feel like.(I had never been inside a vagina before)..this was my first time at 21.

I always imagined it as being tighter because it felt tighter around my fingers when we had dabled that far.

She orgamed almost imediately and then I withdrew knowing that i had well crossed our boundries and did not progress to orgasm.

but...Could she have just been VERY aroused and could that have cause her to "loosen"?

She was very very wet..more than i had ever felt her and ever though I previously had my fingers(two) in her I dont think I would have loosened her up that much.

Just wondering what was normal.


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She tells me that I am not small with regards to penis size and I believe her because I trust her..and if you are wondering I am 6 1/2" long and 5 1/2" around.

I always imagined it as being tighter because it felt tighter around my fingers when we had dabled that far.

She orgamed almost imediately and then I withdrew knowing that i had well crossed our boundries and did not progress to orgasm.

but...Could she have just been VERY aroused and could that have cause her to "loosen"?

She was very very wet..more than i had ever felt her and ever though I previously had my fingers(two) in her I dont think I would have loosened her up that much.

Just wondering what was normal.


First, if you are 5 1/2" around you had better call Guiness - because that would be the biggest cock I have ever heard of!

Second, if that wasn't "tight" in her vagina, then you had better tell Guiness that your woman has the largest vagina ever!

I am sorry I am kidding with you, I am assuming that was a mistype....I am hoping you don't really think you are that big in girth!

Back to the question. I suspect that if you only put the head of your penis in that if felt "loose" to you because she was wet and you didn't thrust it all the way in. When you put your fingers in, you are probably putting them higher up and not just at the edge of her vagina. I suspect that is the reason she felt loose. Is your question will it feel tight for you when you get to intercourse? It should. Unless your GF has recently had a baby, even then it will tighten back up again in time.

I wouldn't worry about this so much. You are a virgin, although it sounds like you did have sex last night. The definition of sex is putting a penis in a vagina. Do you think if you didn't thrust it isn't sex? If you really want to wait until marriage, I would stop that behavior right now. I am not condemning you, I am just showing you that technically, you had sex.

Any more questions.


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First, if you are 5 1/2" around you had better call Guiness - because that would be the biggest cock I have ever heard of!

Second, if that wasn't "tight" in her vagina, then you had better tell Guiness that your woman has the largest vagina ever!

I am sorry I am kidding with you, I am assuming that was a mistype....I am hoping you don't really think you are that big in girth!

Back to the question. I suspect that if you only put the head of your penis in that if felt "loose" to you because she was wet and you didn't thrust it all the way in. When you put your fingers in, you are probably putting them higher up and not just at the edge of her vagina. I suspect that is the reason she felt loose. Is your question will it feel tight for you when you get to intercourse? It should. Unless your GF has recently had a baby, even then it will tighten back up again in time.

I wouldn't worry about this so much. You are a virgin, although it sounds like you did have sex last night. The definition of sex is putting a penis in a vagina. Do you think if you didn't thrust it isn't sex? If you really want to wait until marriage, I would stop that behavior right now. I am not condemning you, I am just showing you that technically, you had sex.

Any more questions.


Maybe Im doing the measuring thing wrong...I took a piece of string (an old shoe string) and wrapped it around the thickest part of my penis(fully erect), then marked the string...laid it out straight and flat then measured it.

It was 5 and a half inches long when measured. Tell me if I did it wrong.

Id agree with you though about the behavior, it was too hot and heavy and things went too far for our personal beliefs and convictions, but we have made our peace with each other and God, and are heading in the right direction.

Thank you for your reply.


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Well, I have never heard of anyone being that big around....I truly thought around 5 would be about the biggest...but hey, if you have an extra 1/2 inch then I salute you!

Anyway, I wasn't condemning your act, I was just pointing out that you two did in fact have sex - even if it wasn't full on penetration. I know you are doing what you will to protect that "limit" but I never understood why people wait to penetrate each other but do everything else under the sun. Perhaps you can help me with this question. If you have seen each other naked, kissed, touched, fingered each other - have you had oral sex too? For me - now this is FOR ME - all these things are far more intimate in nature than just the intercourse part. The actual penis in vagina part is just the topping on the cake, and usually not even the best topping if you get my drift.

So my question is this: why do everything else, but wait for the sex? Why not limit yourselves to only kissing and non-naked touching? Why tempt yourself at all with the other stuff?

I am just curious.

As for your original question, I hope I answered that to your satisfaction.


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Well, I have never heard of anyone being that big around....I truly thought around 5 would be about the biggest...but hey, if you have an extra 1/2 inch then I salute you!

Anyway, I wasn't condemning your act, I was just pointing out that you two did in fact have sex - even if it wasn't full on penetration. I know you are doing what you will to protect that "limit" but I never understood why people wait to penetrate each other but do everything else under the sun. Perhaps you can help me with this question. If you have seen each other naked, kissed, touched, fingered each other - have you had oral sex too? For me - now this is FOR ME - all these things are far more intimate in nature than just the intercourse part. The actual penis in vagina part is just the topping on the cake, and usually not even the best topping if you get my drift.

So my question is this: why do everything else, but wait for the sex? Why not limit yourselves to only kissing and non-naked touching? Why tempt yourself at all with the other stuff?

I am just curious.

As for your original question, I hope I answered that to your satisfaction.


Thank you for your wonderful responses...i am grateful....i dont really have alot of places to turn for this kind of mentoring or advice...i am thankful...thank you.

And as for your question.

Limitation to only kissing, hugging, and non naked touching was the original plan....and as for my opinion that intent has not changed between us...we very much long in our hearts for sexual purity between us in our relationship and in Gods will for us.

We never originally intended to go as far as we have gone sexually. We didnt set liimitations or boundaries though because we knew if we put the line there...we would cross it so we just tried to keep ourselves out of tempting situations....but...

We live 200 miles away from each other due to school, and when we see each other its usually only for a couple of days....and we cant afford hotels and such so we stay with each other.

Kissing lead to hugging and that lead to bodily contact which turned into romantic petting which tuned into a hand down her pants which turned into "I want to make you feel good"....snowball effect.

But with sober minds(not drugs or alcohol but "hot and botherds") we wouldnt have done that.

Sex was not part of the plan but it happened....we where good for a long time, but thats not an excuse.

neither of us believe that sex(oral,vaginal,anal) is for outside of marriage....but when hormones and heavy breathing come into play things become skewed.

We dont believe in it or that it was right but it happened and we are resloving to try our hardest to not let it happen again...I am not terribly proud that i have acted hipocritically against what i believe but I cant help that I did...i can just try to not do it again...also I am human and make mistakes although I dont want you to think that I didnt love doing what i did...i love hermore than anyhting and intend to make her my wife someday.

thank you for wanting to understand this, and thank you for not condemning me.

It is hard to be in my situation because I still have feelings although I have beliefs too...i strive to be a Christian young man, upright and chivalrous in the things that i do, but am tempted and fail as a human.

Please dont let my short comings taint your view of what a decent man or a Christian is...

I try to be the best person that i can be according to my personal convitions and beliefs but I do fall short.

and therfore upon which I rely on Mercy and Grace.

I dont know if this helps you out in understanding my actions but i will gladly keep trying.

God bless


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Thank you for the honest and lengthly response to my query, I appreciate your candor.

You know, I too am Christian, and was brought up to believe that sex before marriage was a sin. I, however, also was taught that God is a forgiving being if you believe. So, I was not a virgin when I got married, and I do not feel badly about it. I know God forgives me, and I do not regret any of the things that I did because they have made me into the person I am today.

I assume that is how you feel. You are no less a good Christian man because you may have crossed the line with your girlfriend. Being in a committed relationship with someone and being responsible about sex is so important today, that I believe that God would want more people to just do that as opposed to refraining completely.

Many people might judge the things that I have done as "sin" and that is fine. Many people would judge the things I do now as "sin" and that is also fine. I believe in acceptance of people as long as they are not hurting anyone. You are not hurting anyone, so I do not judge your actions.

Nothing you could do would ever taint my ideas of Christianity - if the things I have done haven't ruined my faith then nothing could. If anything, just knowing that I am accepted for what and who I am no matter what I have done in my life makes me a stronger Christian deep down.

I salute your convictions - even though I do not agree with them. I believe you have to make your own road on this path, as I made my own. Rest assured you will emerge victorious either way you choose to travel.

Mikayla :unsure:

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I too am a Christian, and I Also Grew up believing that You had to be a virgin before Marriage.

I met this boy, and I regret totally for doing this... But He couldn't keep his penis in his pants. I didn't know how to say No to him ( I was 16, he was 21... Rape, I know...) I wanted to make sure he was happy, because I was a sweet Person, and I hated saying no to people. I let him to what he wanted, and the whole time it was going on, my heart was screaming "No!! Make Him STOP!" But I didn't say no to him. I didn't know how.. I was 16 and Rediculously stupid.

I almost got Pregnant at the age of 16.

I felt aweful and repented so many times, begging God for forgiveness, then I learned that I already have been forgiven.

I Used to get mad at every single guy that I dated after that, because they all tried to have sex with me. (I'm a pretty girl, not to brag or anything, but I had so many guys that would ask me out... and they would get total rejection, because they weren't what I wanted...) I was able to say No to them.. I knew that I wanted to wait till I found that Right Guy and was married to him. I remember I kicked this one guy in the nuts because he was trying so hard to get me to sleep with him. He kept whispering things in my ear and telling me how sexy I was. I had had enough of it....

I Finally Found the guy that I want to be with for the rest of my life. And He wasn't a virgin either. But we were open and honest with each other about it. We're both ok with the fact that niether of us were virgins. And He actually wanted to hunt the guy that "took" my virginity and tell him what exactly was on his mind.

I have Sex every now and then with my Fiance'. I know that He actaully cares about me, and doesn't use me like most guys who just want to get in my pants. My Fiance' Treats me like I'm a princess, and Tells me I beautiful inside and out. He's got all of the right qualities, looks, personality... Everything...

Edited by Bride_to_be
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I had to pull out my seamstress measuring tape and see what 5.5 inches around looked like. I have to say, there ARE men that big out there. Past history ;)

One of my dad's favorite sayings was "Devils dwell where Angles fear to tread" and sometimes, if you know you have made this commitment to your partner, then you need to avoid the circumstances that led you there. I'm not saying you can't cuddle, kiss, whatever, but to be naked with one another would be a big NO in my book IF you are still sure in your promise to not have sexual relations like that until you are married. It is also easier to "go farther" again now that you've done it once. As far as your relationship with God goes, he is a fair and loving God, and he designed repentance because he knew we would make mistakes here. As Jesus said to the prostitute in the New Testament when he forgave her "Thy sins are forgiven. Go and Sin no more". (ok..just cut the sarcastic laughing you regulars, yes, I go to church and take my kids too..I told my pastor: "I just repent too dam fast for Satan to catch me" :lol: )

As for her tightness, there are times when I feel tighter to myself during intercourse than others. Blood fills the the vaginal walls and I would have to say its like your erections in a manner, the more excitement, the circumstances, etc., the more engorged you will feel. Am I making sense?? (if not...blame it on my daim bramage lol)

Also, to Bride-to-be, something I had been told and hope this helps some way: The idiot took your Virginity, but he did not take your Chastity. That you will give to the man you are to marry.

Edited by curvacious_lust
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"I just repent too dam fast for Satan to catch me" :lol: )

Also, to Bride-to-be, something I had been told and hope this helps some way: The idiot took your Virginity, but he did not take your Chastity. That you will give to the man you are to marry.

I think we are having a very serious discussion here, something that we normally don't have here on this site, but I find it important. Curvacious makes many good points, and some very funny ones too :lol:

I love the comment about repenting too fast for Satan to catch her - I suppose I too abide by that rule! :blink:

For those of us women who have had our virginity "taken" from us in one way or another, or have been abused in the past in whatever way, what Curvacious says is SO true - that person may have take something away from us - but they can't take the inner core of what makes "us" - "US." We as women have more to offer than a piece of skin with a stupid name - we have our souls and hearts to offer - and that no man could ever take away! :blink:

Good posting guys!

Mikayla ;)

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Thank you all for your responses and insights...Im glad to hear that you folks are real people..lol

IM so very thankful and blessed for all the advice and I agree with all of it.

Id just like to express my gratitude for you all. Ay first i was skeptical about posting on this site cause I thought it would just be a bunch of "notNbotherd" hoopla but after searching out a few posts I realized that there is help to be found here with actual concern and personal insight from personal experience.

Thank you

-BeyondBlessed :)

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I am glad you are finding that this site is not filled with only "hotNbothered Hoopla" as you called it. I think that when looking at any information in this sort of capacity you have to be your own personal filter; taking the advice you find helpful and using it, and disreguarding the advice you find to be unhelpful or foolish. Everyone, or at least most, of us here just want to help or share our experiences. I am glad you found that out!

Mikayla :D

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