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Anyone Looked Into Jack & Jill Groups?


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A while back I ran across a J&J group in my area. Enough to pique my curiousity but I noticed that everyone who expressed interest was only checking things out every few weeks or months. Of course I tried to revive it with no luck at present but MAybe?? Anyone tried this? Or would like to?

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A while back I ran across a J&J group in my area. Enough to pique my curiousity but I noticed that everyone who expressed interest was only checking things out every few weeks or months. Of course I tried to revive it with no luck at present but MAybe?? Anyone tried this? Or would like to?

um this may sound silly, but what exactly is a jack and jill group??

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Basically it's a group of men and women who get together to masturbate!

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Really? What is that like, do you give each other reach arounds and stuff? LOL

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Just get together and wax the carrot and play the banjo together? hmm. well, one on one might be nice, but a room full of people just whacking and flicking the bean? nah, sounds either boring or frustrating (no touching).

Play the banjo? why does that sound like a familiar joke? How about a knitting group instead? LMFAO! My best friend goes to one in a church. We are so different it is sad. Wax the carrot? I think I am going to post a thread entitled masturbation slang and see what people say!

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Best one I heard is "double click the mouse". Coming from my computer geek, I'm not surprised :lol:

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Really? What is that like, do you give each other reach arounds and stuff? LOL

As far as I gathered there's no touching others only watching and waxing the woody. It was all couples. Pretty much like mutual night with your partner but there are a few more to watch!

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Basically it's a group of men and women who get together to masturbate!

Oh, thats like something you see on Real Sex on HBO lol

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Is this like Monday night football...every Monday 6 couples (sic) get together and masturbate in front of each other, leave, then come back again the next week? That would be kind of wild. I think of myself as pretty uninhibited but I'm not sure why masturbation seems so...not fun. Watching others have sex would be easier than watching them masturbate...and I'm not sure why...(pondering...)

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yeah, I'm always up for a good time but, um, why? Now i love watching guys enjoy their date night with Hand-eglia and Rosie Palms, but a grouple of people just chilling out and then rubbing out? I'll pass.

"Oh joan nice to see you! I haven't see you since the kids recital!"

"Oh honey I know things have been crazy."

"I know what you mean! By the way, nice technique, can you should me how to do that?"

"No problem love, And Fred is really going strong over there! Good for him!"


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club relate in florida, they have parties in tampa and orlando alot. nice people but i tell you more later when i not holding the baby using one hand to type. alot more does go on but masterbation in the focus


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club relate in florida, they have parties in tampa and orlando alot. nice people but i tell you more later when i not holding the baby using one hand to type. alot more does go on but masterbation in the focus


You've been to one, Glenn??! :lol:

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Is this like Monday night football...every Monday 6 couples (sic) get together and masturbate in front of each other, leave, then come back again the next week? That would be kind of wild. I think of myself as pretty uninhibited but I'm not sure why masturbation seems so...not fun. Watching others have sex would be easier than watching them masturbate...and I'm not sure why...(pondering...)


Hmmm, think I'll pass

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This sounds interesting. Some of the games may sound intrigueing but I couldn't masterbate with a bunch of people watching me. Oral maybe is a different story. Or how about you go in the closet and do it. This is one of those things that I would have to know these people really really really well. And lots of standards for new comers. And definatly have proof from the doc. of STD screenings and check ups and x number of times a year. and you can't have any partner out side of this group. things would have to be really strict inorder for me to do anything like that!!!!

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