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PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW HIS LINKS! Stan Rains' Letter to Dominos Pizza Concerning Sponsorship of Hate Dads Billboard Campaign

Stan Rains wrote a letter to Dominos Pizza concerning its apparent sponsorship

of a billboard contest for children which constitutes State Sponsored Parental

Alienation Syndrome. It is with special permission from Mr. Rains that we

publish it here on the Antipeonage Act Website:

From: "Stan Rains"

Subject: Dominoes Pizza Parental Alienation Ad Campaign

Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 16:02:27 -0500

Dear Sad, Sick, Destroyers of Children.

I am writing you in reference to your web site

http://www.paykids.com/ContestRules.asp . On this page, you describe a contest

rewarding children who can make their non-custodial father look the most hated

and despicable. What are you trying to do to all of those children? That is a

hate crime against the children first and their non-custodial parent second.

I have never and hope to never see again any campaign that would ask any child

to find ways to make their parent appear as a criminal monster in a drawing.

Do you do that to children of drug dealers, mass murderers? Would you have

children draw pictures of how terrible their alienating, hateful, malicious,

child-destroying mother looks to them when she is teaching them to hate their

father? Their father is half the child. If you teach the child to hate either

parent for any reason,

you teach the child to hate himself.

Did you know that women file 85 % of the divorces, knowing the devastation this

will cause on their children? The causes women filing divorce in this country

for abuse and adultery are only present in about 6.5% of divorce at most. Bad

hair causes more women to file than abuse or unfaithfulness by the men.

Do you know that child support paying military personnel killed in action are

listed on the States' and Federal Government's Deadbeat Lists. Death is not an

option when it comes to paying child support. Getting killed in Combat now gets

heroes labeled "Deadbeat". Now the children not only do not have a father, but

their war hero dad is now a low-life scum deadbeat because he is dead. And you

wish to memorialize their dad dad with an ugly drawing on a billboard labeling

him deadbeat, criminal and a loser?

Did you know that men who become ill or disabled cannot get child support

reduced and then make the deadbeat list?

Did you know that reservists and National Guardsmen often times make less on

active duty than they owe in Child support. They do not have the time or money

to request reductions before combat duty and come home deadbeat in amounts that

they cannot catch up on. They come home and are arrested for serving this

nation in war.

Did you know that a hostage held in Lebanon for years was arrested when he came

home on child support arrearages while he was a political hostage? The arrest

took place in Chicago.

Did you know child support paying fathers who died in 9/11 are on the deadbeat

dad lists? Did you know preachers who die of cancer (Rev. Dennis Austin) are

now listed as deadbeats? Death is not an option. Neither is illness, injury, or

any other just cause. Is that the plight of a married father with children of

that marriage? No. Then why crucify innocent men for the insanity, even

temporary, of a wife who finds a hotter lover, or wants to spend more on

make-up? Did you know that is exactly what is happening to more and more women?

Did you know that by all studies most of the so called Deadbeat fathers are

actually beat down dead by family court systems assessing excessively high child

support and failing to enforce visitation with their children after the children

were kidnapped by a flighty mother? Most in arrearages are men from lower income

categories. The millionaire deadbeat is urban myth 99.99 % of the time. There

just aren't enough millionaires, deadbeat or not to fill that claim. So you

have a man struggling to make ends meet and marginally employable and you wish

to further disenfranchise and criminalize him, then heap indignity upon him by

having his children make him look like a monster?

Did you know that the tax advantages and tax free income, social services denied

to men but provided to women, only, actually encourage divorce, the number one

destroyer of today's children? Did you know that in tax advantages alone, a

woman leaving a man realizes an immediate $3,000. + a year advantage? Did you

also know that she will have immediate access to all types of social services

immediately upon divorce that are not accessible to any man?

Have you ever done the math on child support? If a man is making even as high

as $40,000/year gross income. He will be required to pay at least 20 % before

taxes (20% of gross income). His I.R.S. tax will be 28% of his gross income (20

+ 28 = 48%). Then he will be required to pay Social Security Tax of 15.3 of his

gross (20% + 28% + 15.3% = 63.3%). And then there is State Income tax of about

5% (63.3%+5% =68.3% of his gross income). If he is or was self-employed, then

he has upwards of 6-8% more of his gross he must pay out in taxes, which I will

ignore at this point.

Now we multiply the $40,000 times 68.3% and get $27,320. Now we take $40,000.

and subtract the $27,320 and we get what is left, $12,680. or 31.7% of his

income is what he superficially gets to keep to actually live on. This is well

below poverty level. This does not take into account the requirement for a man

who has gone from middle class to below poverty level to also provide health

insurance for his child ($50-$100/mo at the least) and to pay for his wife's

attorney, any social workers and psychologist ($200-400/mo). Then, the father,

if his wife allows him to see his children, must care for and entertain his

children when he does have them at the whims and fancy of the abandoning wife.

His wife, whom the vast majority of the time abandoned the home and kidnapped

the children for no reason other than chasing a pipe dream now claims head of

household, is eligible for multiples of services ranging from welfare, to free

legal counsel as a reward for divorcing a man who was innocent. I will be glad

to provide you with the links to various federal studies documenting these

statements with peer-reviewed reports.

Child support for this $40,000/year man was not just $8,000. The ex got the

money tax-free. Tax-free means she got an amount to spend that would take anyone

else upwards of $12,000. a year in gross to enjoy. And that is what that cost

the man, $12,000. because he paid the taxes. He also paid the taxes on the

health care, and on the payments to her lawyer, psychologist, etc. were assessed

by the court as child support. For a divorce he did not deserve, or want he is

not allowed to live .

If the man gets behind, he can loose professional licenses (Tim Emerson, M.D.

of San Angelo, TX.), drivers licenses, even hunting and fishing licenses so he

is criminalized if he catches his own food since he is not allowed money to eat.

Also, have you ever researched the destruction of a child and their adulthood

from having been aggressively alienated from a parent as a child? There are

numerous web sites dealing with this issue, including groups of adults

struggling with the aftermath of having been alienated from a loving parent.

Child support is regularly used as a tool by unethical judges to imprison or to

chase off a loving and dedicated father insisting on being a part of his child's

life. That is not even disputed by Michigan's A.G. And, you wish to be a part

of such fraud. I would imagine whatever feminist sold you on this idea did not

have you do any real or meaningful study on this course of action before taking

it. This tragedy of stolen children and fraudulent child support awards has

reached the levels that every family has been hit. Every family has lost access

to at least one child as a result of Parental Alienation. And you wish to

encourage this destruction.

The greatest classification of suicide in the 18-35 age group is men who have

lost their family, home, income, savings, livelihood and respect for nothing

they did wrong. We loose more men to this cause in two years than we did in

two decades in Vietnam.

Have you looked into how child support is actually assessed and the formula that

is used? Of course not. You are not really concerned about children but on

jumping on a PC band wagon to sell Pizza. What extreme feminist sold you on

this very destructive ad campaign? Every family has lost access to at least

one child from Parental Alienation. And you want to formalize and praise further

destruction of these children.

I will boycott your local stores until such time as you publicly apologize for

intentionally encouraging custodial parents to brainwash their children against

struggling non-custodial parents. I will make copies of your PayKids.com

website and pass them out to local veterans groups, pta groups, and in front of

your stores with maps to your competitions stores and even your competitions

menu's and discount coupons where I can find them. Why didn't you offer second

jobs to struggling dad that allowed them time off when the get their kids. Or a

contest where children draw the picture of the monster, criminal judge that

keeps them from seeing and being with their loving father. Let's see you put

that on a billboard.

By the way, my child was molested by my ex's nephew at the age of 2. My ex

moved into the convicted molesters home. He was also convicted of molesting

three other little girls. I have been bankrupted in the last ten years

attempting to protect my child. The courts have used child support as a tool to

silence my objection to my child being in my wife's custody and to my demanding

that at the very least the courts enforce it's own visitation orders. After

knowingly destroying my business and declaring me indigent on his own accord,

the judge in our case then, knowing I was now unemployed, at his orders, then

doubled the child support payments. This was a means to make me go away and

quite attempting to actually expect my child to be protected. These statements

are a matter of public record.

If you do not remove this page from your website and drop this campaign teaching

children to hate their fathers and themselves, I will make sure that I cost you

as many customers as I can and I will make your really abusive campaign the most

expensive and ill-advised effort your Corporation has ever made.


Stanley A. Rains, Jr.


For their sponsorship of Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox Sucker's

www.paykids.com his Paykids Foundation, boycott the listed sponsors, including

Art Van Furniture, Meijer Stores, Michigan State Medical Society (warning, the

MSMS website does not like to let you out when you click the back button), SBC

Communications, and Michigan Health and Hospital Association and tell them why

you are boycotting them! Go to the Michigan Enemies of Freedom Page and read

letters by Stan Rains and Terry Lear for more information as to why, and read

Domino's Pizza, Inc.'s letter to me in response to my concerns about PayKid's

use of Domino's Pizza gift certificates as a prize in their loathsome Billboard

contest, which was CANCELLED!!

Not to be outdone, we are announcing our own billboard contest!

If the back button does not take you there, click Home to go to the Index page

of this Antipeonage Act Website, click Enemies for the main Enemies page, click

Letters for the Letters page, and click Allies for the Allies page. Or you can

use the Antipeonage Act Site Map.

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