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Help With Ejaculation.


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Ok whenever i ejaculate now its just a liitle bit and it doesn't really shoot out that much :( but before i had huge loads and it shot out like a bullet. Me and my girl even tried to stop having sex for about a week to see if the problem was too much sex but it's still not the way it was before. So what can i do to get my huge loads back and to have it shoot out again instead of drip out?

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Ah, the mysteries of the male genitalia! (And they say the vagina is so mysterious!)

What you are experiencing is a normal variation. Hate to tell you, but as you get older, the variations continue, but do get far less disconcerting.

Ejaculation quality has to do with soooo many things: how hydrated you are, exercise, mental and emotional state, the quality of sexual stimulation, time of day, recent illness, diet....take your pick of any of these and more.

Stay healthy, physically, emotionally, mentally, and relationally. Enjoy those big, forceful loads when they happen, but if the less than stellar visuals bother you, be inside for the big event, and you'll never know the difference. And remember that the porn stars use cut away shots and yogurt...or ivory liquid...lol.

I'm with iha (rhetorically). Sometimes as orgasm is mindblowing, sometimes it is just relaxing. It seems that if i expect them to be one way, they are always different. Just enjoy the sex, don't focus on how much comes out but on the sex....keep hydrated and focused...but not on your semen. :D

It probably feels "manly" to shoot a big load, but it's not quantity, it's the quality of the sex!!

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Iha is right (AGAIN...he is so annoying :D )

Keep in mind that the amount of ejaculate is really not important unless you are trying to have a baby. Seeing a big load in now way means you had 'better sex or a better orgasm' it is just an amount predetermined by all of those factors Iha mentioned. Just have fun and have safe sex!

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Iha is right (AGAIN...he is so annoying :D )

Keep in mind that the amount of ejaculate is really not important unless you are trying to have a baby. Seeing a big load in now way means you had 'better sex or a better orgasm' it is just an amount predetermined by all of those factors Iha mentioned. Just have fun and have safe sex!

Wouldn't informative be a better term? LOL!

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