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Me In The Rain Like A Weirdo


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Okay so sometimes I am way to caring. There is a small tree in one of my gardens. I was going to cut it down, but then realized there was a momma bird, with her nest in it so I decided to wait. Anyway the other night we had what the call a microstorm come threw no warning nothing. It just showed up, winds were 60mph, and it was raining like hell. I was concerned about the baby birds and since that tree is small and the branches arent so sturdy, I got even more worried.

My x was here at the time visiting and I asked him to help me, but he said, " they will be fine, nature is nature." Well not in my book. So I took my brace off and went outside in the wind from hell and pouring rain. When I went out momma bird got knocked out of her nest, she was trying to stay on the branch but it didnt work and she flew to the next door neighbors tree. So I hobbled out there and held the branch that the nest was on so the little ones wouldnt get blown into the neighbors pool or their nest destroyed.

They whole thing lasted about a half hr. My daughter finally came out with an umbrella once I was soaked with an umbrella.LOL It is the thought that counts I said it is okay honey I am already soaked so she stood out there with me for a little while. Bless her little heart. LOL

Well needless to say I didnt know that my X was taking pictures of me out there in the pouring rain holding a branch to save these little birds. Here are the pictures.

Oh and well I spoke to Tyger on the phone, she asked,"well why didn't you just go buy them a bird house?" Well hmmmm, Okay so I admit sometimes I am such a blonde it is almost scarey. I said, " hmm Oh yeah huh!" ROFL

Thanks Tyger!!! You know I love ya!!






Enjoy!! I was a good girl though I saved them and I kept my right knee straight! :D

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What a crazy thing to do - sounds just like something I would do! Good job!

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I had to save a nest full of robins a month ago. They built a nest against my house and the

rain gutter down spout, when the eggs hatched and the birds grew the nest started to fall.

I was out there with a large clamp trying to hold up the nest and mamma robin brought in about 10 of her friends to bombard me in the process. boy do they get vicious.

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Darlin' I have ONE word for you:



You're fantastic to try and help those little birds out like you did!! *HUGS*

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