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How Are You Trying To Conserve Energy/$ This Summer?


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So what are you doing to cut costs?

We have an AC/heating unit for cooling and so on, and this summer, so far, has been brutal. I don't care how "white trashy" it looks, but I've put tinfoil in most of the windows to keep out the sunlight, and drawn the curtains. I hate the fact that there's no sunlight, but, by doing that, and turning the AC way down, and putting on the ceiling fans and 2 other fans, I've cut $150 off our electric bill.

Yes, we have old, crappy windows, that leak, and so sucky energy bills, but that really did help. I'm also dilluting the cleaners that I've bought. Hey, the still work, and nothing like a little elbow grease to get some stuff off the counters anyway.

I also hang out most everything to dry, including towels, use more fabric softner, and then I put the towels and Dh's jeans in the dryer to get their fluff on. I use those dryer balls instead of dryer sheets too.

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We just got central air. I LOVE IT!! We keep it at 74. Although it has been so humid here, we had to turn it to 72 to keep the humidity out. I don't run the dryer, EVERYTHING gets hung out on the line. My hubby calls me the light nazzi, because I am constantly yelling at everyone to turn off the lights when there not in the room. (a horrible habit of son and hubby) Our electric bill is actually cheaper with the central air then the window units, typically has been running us about $100 a month so far.

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