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My First Review....



Ok, so I was all excited about this expierence to begin with. I was really looking forward to getting my reviews up so I could recieve my next package. So I sent my first 3 reviews to Meagan and she told me great go ahead and post them on the site. She also included some information about making sure your logged in so that your names doesnt show anoyomous and make sure to not forget the links and pictures.

So, here I am all excited....tryin to post my reviews.......on the shopping site mind you. I had my grandson running around here playing and chasing the kittens. I copied all of the review to include the picture and link (remembering back to Meagans email) then I got on the site....then I got side tracked with the little one. That where it all went wrong right there! So I came back and went into the shopping site....pasted what I had in the box.....and for some odd reason I put my name in the box above where I am assuming it was supposed to be a product description. I dunno what I was thinking....I was having a total brain fart.....literally! By the time I realized what I had done it was too late....I had already hit the dreaded FINISHED button!

Oh well.....my first review on the site will look like I am a doozie! Everyones gonna say wow she doesnt read directions well huh? HAHA Oh well.....it was my first I definately made it interesting. Life goes on....


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