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Have I Turned Him Off?



My boyfriend of 4 years is an excellent lover and he makes me feel like no other has we used to have sex daily sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. Just recently I have found that the only way for me to orgasm is if I rub myself. He has tried everything and I cant orgasm for him. Sometimes during sex I want so badly to have one for him I cant think of anything else. Anyway in the last month we have only had sex 3 times and I have to wonder if its because of this. We both have very stressful jobs but we had them when we started dating. Is it possible I have turned him off because I can only have an orgasm if I do it myself???

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Hi, I had this problem before with a old BF and I took my sister advice' She had great answers' and it really did work. It took a few times but it did work.

She told me NOT to take care of myself during sex with him' do it when he is not home' ALL MEN don't like to know that for what ever reason they can't get there women off. EVEN if it's not there. Again there men.....

She said to fake it in bed with him ' start off slow 1 time' a few times to let him get that ego back up and go to work and tell all his friends how crazy he made you in bed...Men do this all time as well

I told her that doesn't sound right............ She said listen to your BIG sister I know what I am talking about.She then told me to call it role playing if I had to ' playing the role of the GF that gets off by her BF' she then said until you get the real part LOL..

OK...So I did do this a few times and it worked like a charm. he felt like a man again. I wanted to have sex with him more and I did come.

Hope this helped a litttle

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