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Posts posted by hm7380

  1. My boyfriend refuses to cum in me while we're having sex... (hes only done it twice, the entire time we've been together). We ALWAYS use condoms (at his behest, as he's terrified of pregnancy, even though I've made it clear I'm on the pill, and will NEVER be having kids, and godforbid I DID somehow get pregnant, I'd be having another abortion - and fyi, he wasn't the progenator of the first fetus). The condoms are not the problem. It's the fact that he won't cum inside me even while wearing them.

    Don't get me wrong. I LOVE giving him oral sex, and do it at LEAST once a day, if not 2-3 times/day. He tastes delicious, and I enjoy the feeling of getting him off with my mouth. However, he seems to only want to get off this way now, and I honestly need to feel him get off inside of me (condom or not)... it's something that I've always associated with closeness in a relationship... Of the people I've been with before, I only let the ones I love cum in me, and I REALLY want him to do so. (Once again, IN a condom would be fine). It REALLY helps me bond with someone, and I feel like there's something 'missing' from the relationship because he won't do this. When we're having sex, he'll get me off, then pull out and sit back and wait... he never ASKS for me to go down on him, but it seems like it'd be a bitch of a move to NOT attempt to get him off after he's done it for me.

    I was under the impression that guys were pretty much indiscriminate as far as who they came in (condoms or not - and I'm being *somewhat* sarcastic here, though I really did think most men would rather get off from vaginal sex rather than oral sex, even though I've been told I'm talented in that particular area). And just for the record, I'm average-to-tight in my vagina, so it's not a question of lack of sensation from unproportionate genitals.

    Any advice would be helpful! :)

    ~~ wants a full load up in her... and not her mouth

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