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Posts posted by NoSoupforYou

  1. My hubby is from Norway and is not circumsized. Now, my husband is on the larger side, so there is not a lot of "extra" skin. The one thing that I found is during oral is that he does NOT like the be deep throated. It pulled the skin under his head. Also, if giving a hand job basically the same applies. Grab his shaft more in the middle rather then towards the top. To close to the top pulls at the skin under the head. I had no clue how do deal with this when we started dating. . Took some time to learn what he likes and doesn't. It's really not that big deal. Just start out slow at first, get a feel for the way his skin moves over his penis, where the skin starts to pull ect...good luck and ENJOY!! And yes, an Irish accent is damn sexy!!

    I'm guessing this must vary a lot based on the uncirc'ed guy ... mine is also rather large and uncirc'ed, but *loves* deep throating.

  2. My current man is my first uncut ever, and I'm a convert. It's not that different overall, but I like the extra "give." I feel like there is extra sensation, and I never get dry or feel rubbed raw with him, no matter how long and hard we go at it without lube. There's never been an issue at all with smell or taste; he's very clean.

    I figure they're born with it for a reason; I wouldn't circumcise any sons, but I had girls.

  3. My current man is my first uncut ever, and I'm a convert. It's not that different overall, but I like the extra "give." I feel like there is extra sensation, and I never get dry or feel rubbed raw with him, no matter how long and hard we go at it without lube. There's never been an issue at all with smell or taste; he's very clean.

    I figure they're born with it for a reason; I wouldn't circumcise any sons, but I had girls.

  4. My current man is my first uncut ever, and I'm a convert. It's not that different overall, but I like the extra "give." I feel like there is extra sensation, and I never get dry or feel rubbed raw with him, no matter how long and hard we go at it without lube. There's never been an issue at all with smell or taste; he's very clean.

    I figure they're born with it for a reason; I wouldn't circumcise any sons, but I had girls.

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