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Posts posted by Frank82

  1. I think the biggest problem on the response of this is your body makes only so much. I wish I could help you, but don't know how to tell you on producing more. Good luck and hope you find and answer. Sorry I could not help you.

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  2. My wife's is small, but did not marry her for that so it does not matter. We are what we are. I do not know why a women would want to have them cut unless their is real medical condition. I am uncut and my wife is fine with that. We get to hung up on the small things like that it is the deep connection with the person that really matters.


  3. Unchart this is actually normal. Men do not  always get a hard on from P-spot stimulation. This is a different  type of pleasure and a deeper one. I have an Aneros  stimulator and it is great. I have gone as long as an hour and a half with out coming and have to stimulate my penis to get that. I do get precum from it which I like to lick  and so does my wife:D. We  both like me having the stimulator in my ass while  fucking her. This allows you to last longer and cum harder when you do, but the best thing is I do not get the deep pleasure in sex as I do with p-spot stimulation. Just keep with it I suggest a P-spot toy and it takes time and practice to get better at it and to go longer because the build up over time and the build up keeps going and some do end up with what is call by some an assgasum. I have not had this yet but I know I have come close and can't wait to have my first one. 3 things time, practice and lots of lube. Good luck.



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  4. I have found while using My P-spot toy and leaving it in during intercourse is helpful. I last longer and this makes it more enjoyable for her as well. While making my orgasm stronger. I highly recommend trying this for you guys that have not. For the women work on you guy trying this if he is into prostate toys. I use an Aneros toy and highly recommend it!

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