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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. I had to pull out my seamstress measuring tape and see what 5.5 inches around looked like. I have to say, there ARE men that big out there. Past history ;)

    One of my dad's favorite sayings was "Devils dwell where Angles fear to tread" and sometimes, if you know you have made this commitment to your partner, then you need to avoid the circumstances that led you there. I'm not saying you can't cuddle, kiss, whatever, but to be naked with one another would be a big NO in my book IF you are still sure in your promise to not have sexual relations like that until you are married. It is also easier to "go farther" again now that you've done it once. As far as your relationship with God goes, he is a fair and loving God, and he designed repentance because he knew we would make mistakes here. As Jesus said to the prostitute in the New Testament when he forgave her "Thy sins are forgiven. Go and Sin no more". (ok..just cut the sarcastic laughing you regulars, yes, I go to church and take my kids too..I told my pastor: "I just repent too dam fast for Satan to catch me" :lol: )

    As for her tightness, there are times when I feel tighter to myself during intercourse than others. Blood fills the the vaginal walls and I would have to say its like your erections in a manner, the more excitement, the circumstances, etc., the more engorged you will feel. Am I making sense?? (if not...blame it on my daim bramage lol)

    Also, to Bride-to-be, something I had been told and hope this helps some way: The idiot took your Virginity, but he did not take your Chastity. That you will give to the man you are to marry.

  2. Perhaps the other men reading this post don't have the experience to make their partners wet? Could it be?

    Mikayla ;)

    Say it isn't so!! *shock* C'mon guys...how wet do you like it??? I know you don't like it dry... or ??? :huh:

    All I know is I'm wet and it doesn't take much for me to get VERY wet, in fact my partner loves it. I just wonder if its a turn off for some guys or what??

  3. This answer is so irrational, I don't know where to begin. Your wife wants a natural erection from you, but you can't get it due to the diabetes. You won't ask your doctor for a prescription for viagra or something else, because you have to tell your wife everything you do? So, the alternative is to find a substitute lover for your wife?

    Does she get anything to say about that?

    Why don't you talk to the doctor. He may have a change in medicine that give you that natural erection again, but if he prescribes something to enhance your performance, keep it a secret between you and your doctor. Tell your wife he changed your medication, so you can have sex again. Then go have fun.

    Hey...its no "secret" if you tell her "the doctor changed your medicinal protocol". OK, so the protocol included a ED drug, does she need to know that much?? Oh, the terms I learn as a medical transcriptionist...lol. BUT, I also know from my job that your erections will never get "back to normal" either. Your wife is deluded in her thoughts.

    Personally, I don't see anything "unnatural" about ED medications. I told my spouse at the time, he'd better think about Viagra or else. (he was on depression meds which also affect sex drive)

    BTW, may I ask horny2 if you have blood pressure issues?? This too, is a health issue to take into consideration when considering an ED aid. I know there are a couple that you should not take if you have high blood pressure.

  4. :P great...ever done computer sex? :P:D What a great avatar Curvacious Lust has.... :P She seems to have a terrific body like Mikayla1 :rolleyes: goodness gracious 12G

    Ha ha....I'll let you think that's me 12G...now for a reality check.....looool :P

  5. He's the only man who ever requested this of me but he loved it when I would lay on my back, legs straight with my ankles crossed while he fucked me. I liked it because I seemed to get a lot of clit stimulation from it, but no one I've been with after him likes when I do it. Anyone here tried this??

    Maybe now you'll try it and see what reactions you get so you can tell us later????

  6. Hmmmm.....a blue glass dildo and saying Blue is one of my fav colors, this is definitely worth looking in to!!

    Tor: I have the boots and riding crop all picked out to go with the straitjacket. And I have the romantic weekend already "scheduled", just not tonight due to demands of a family life. Kids sure can put kinks into things, can't they? Although I love them both with all my heart!!

  7. you didn't say if you use toys or what. Just curious about that. How do most women masturbate? with fingers or with toys?

    Lets see, yes on toys and fingers and whatever else comes to mind (or hand ;) ) On a dare, I used an empty wine bottle one time. And its not always clit stimulation either, vaginal masturbation is great too. In fact, I'm one of the few women who cannot squirt so I have been working on mastering that as well :D

  8. Like my wardrobe, it depends on my mood and what I"m wearing as to what I'll wear for panties. Anything from thongs to boy shorts to granny panties to Commando Style. I even have a pair of men's thermals I like to wear if I'm going to be in the snow. Today's mood?? See through mesh black brief panties.

    BTW...I'm back home!!

  9. I'll be offline for a few days. My grandfather died a month ago and its now time for the family to get all of his personal belongings taken care of and I'll be out of town helping my mom. So, while I'm gone, have LOTS of Sweet WET Dreams!! and mucho SEX SEX SEX!! (yes, I packed my fav toys and spare batteries ;) )

  10. OK...sounds odd, but I use Magic Shaving Powder for Black Men's faces. Now, don't get after me for not being "politically correct" but thats what it SAYS on the canister. You mix it up with water to form a paste and use it like Nair. I tried the premixed cream in a tube, but it doesn't work as good as the powder does. You can get it at almost any drug store, Walmart, Kmart, whereever and its inexpensive....$1.50 at Walmart. I like that it doesn't sting like most hair removal stuff either and no ingrown hairs (dam, those suckers HURT)

  11. OK, you all will laugh at this...I"m such a cheap azz. My first toy EVER was one of those vibratores like the one thats on special right now at Too Timid, and I got it FREE....yes FREE off the internet.(I've gotten 2 toys free off the internet) I figured what better way to introduce myself to toys other than a freebie. I have a site that sells toys at liquidation prices that I like to paruse and a new toy shop opened up here and its good! I hate to say it, but most of the adult toy stores here in Palm Springs are geared towards gay men (go figure), but this new one isn't.

    Like I said..I'm cheap and I haven't paid more than $30 for a toy. Now lingerie....thats another story ;)

  12. Too many toys?? Is that possible? OK...I only have 5 at the moment (can't figure out how to update the lil profile thing), but nothing can replace regular sex. Like Mikayla said...Variety!! (I'd steal the lady's toys and hold them ransom until I got my fill, then she can have her toys) *evil grin*

  13. Altoids has breath strips now. I don't know if they are new or not, but I just bought some last week for the firs time. LAWDY...Both my mouth and his cock were buzzing!!! and I like how they melt so fast!! teeheehee :P

  14. Are you pregnant? This is the only time (usually) that a woman's body will produce milk, before childbirth and after if she nurses or pumps. Are you sure the substance is milk? If it is not, it could be a sign of infection. I don't want to scare you, but if you have a substance coming from your nipples that you are sure is not milk, it could be a sign of something serious, go to your gyne and get it checked out NOW.

    Take care,


    Yes, I've had it checked out twice by different OB/GYN's since there is a history of breast cancer in my family (my mother). They say its normal (I had cultures done of it, one said the fluid "appeared normal", but wanted to test "Just in case". And I am faaaaaaaaaar from pregnant right now. Lawd have mercy if I get pregnant now. I broke my pelvis in 4 places before I had my last child and I swore I'd never go through that pain again unless I had to.

    And why is 12 guage asking about Howard when he hasn't posted in here???

  15. To start, I looove my tits played with, pulled, teased, sucked, WHATEVER. But later, I feel like my tits are engorged and I need to nurse! (I breastfed both of my children). Its not always the time or place to say "baby, take care of my tits"....any of you women have this issue and what do you do?? I even get some "milk" sometimes.

  16. From this post, it seems like your girlfriend is a very co-dependent sort of person, needing to be told how, where, what to feel and if thats what she is looking for from her therapist, then its not going to work. The therapist gave her choices not a single solitary answer to the issues in your relationship. Is your g/f the sort of person who has to be "taken by the hand" in everything you two do together?? I know how the situation with kids goes. I was a divorced mother of 1 for a time and yes, kids DO take first priority.

    Sorry if I"m not totally coherent right now. Had a family tragedy and I'm not quite "with it" and won't be for a while.

    Good luck. I sincerly feel the emotions you're having and it isn't easy.


  17. I'm with Mikayla on this one. The heaviest days are a NO NO. TG I went off the pill cause my periods are so much lighter (opposite of what they told me would happen...no cramps or PMS headaches like on the pill either) So, I have 1 really heavy day. Maybe, just MAYBE if you were to suggest your wearing a condom, she might relent. Yeah, so you have to wear a condom... would you rather do that or go without (precisely ;) ) Besides...you could buy some of those fun ones, french tickler, extra ribbed and spice things up.

  18. Um.....does the phrase "preventive medicinal measures" mean anything?? Apparently not. And by the time you find that there is an infection, it could be too late. Systemic infections can travel to the heart in a VERY short period of time and you could be deathly ill before even realizing how bad off you are.

    You could have Strep throat or mono and not know it and pass that along to your partner from oral sex? "Good health coverage" won't do JACK if you're on life support from an infection because of carelessness.

  19. Yes I am qualified to tame you if you really are tamable. Not into dominants that are misguided. Will happily engage training you and showing how a real man can handle a real woman in these uncertain times.

    Dude, you're in So Cal.....Why are you looking for someone in Russia? There are PLENTY of S/D places here. I know because I live in SoCal too. Believe me....the women act tough and independent but are silently SCREAMING for a man to take control.

  20. I have to agree with you. Being that I work in transcribing and I find typographical errors by nature, both of those posts have the same spelling errors and the links are to the same website stating they are "Russian." I'm guessing they are hunting for American men and Green cards. Lawdy have mercy. Saying that 85-90% of us here are either married or in committed relationships, they won't find much.

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