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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. Bones are for dogs.....give the men some MEAT to hold. I'm no Barbie, but are we talking Roseanne before OR after her bariatric surgery??? I really think a lot of people have this phobia about being "too fat" and are making themselves physically and mentally sick over it. I'm 5'6" and I'm not meant to be Barbie sized, my "perfect dress size" according to my dr. is a 12-14. My S/O says I'm curvacious and he loves my curves and he'd rather have some "cushion" than bones hitting bones. He is in great shape, which used to bother me a bit because I'm not in shape like him. I told him I was starting an adult hip hop dance class and he told me not to do too much because he likes my curves and how soft I feel to him in bed. *blush* :rolleyes: Its all a matter of preference, I guess. If you love BBW/BBM then go for it. Variety is the Spice of Life!


  2. I guess price per session depends on where you live. I know a psychiatrist here in the Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage CA area and she is $350/visit. $150 is quite reasonable.

    I'm glad you are giving her the support she needs in this and there is nothing she can/will do or say that is "wrong or stupid".

    Also, you might look into your insurance and see if it covers "family counseling". If it does, then I would talk to the therapist about your "couples sessions" being billed to YOUR insurance as "family/couples therapy" and you might just end up paying your copay for the couples sessions.

  3. A GOOD psychiatrist is someone who also works with sexual topics or will refer you to someone that will help you. oops...I just realized Howard said this already. DUH. As for her previous psychiatrist, I woulda ran too....for a professional to bring in their personal life and experiences is a no-no. Look for a female doctor for her. That also might help her in the "woman to woman" bond that most men are clueless about. ;)

    Good luck. Its hard when a relationship falters because of mental health issues.

  4. This is a very tough thing you're going thru. She is "shutting down" because she feels like a failure to you, that she's not fulfilling you the way you want her to. I personally do this at times, a part of being emotionally abused thru my younger life. It was easier to shut it out...kind of like the 'in one ear and out the other" deal and hoped it might go away.

    Do you have health insurance? You might be able to find a therapist thru their listings. I would even suggest couples counselling for the both of you together in an effort to show her your support. Its not like "you have the problem, so you go fix it by yourself", its showing that you care and want to work on it WITH her. I might even suggest a psychologist or psychiatrist as it seems as if she has a lot of other issues in her past besides just "sex". Her Ex sounds like he threw her for a BIG loop and she needs help with that also.

  5. My experience with 3-somes have all been fmf and I can count how many I've had on 3 fingers and only 1 turned out good...the others, well, I dunno what I did wrong, but the other females ended up pissed and jealous with me. I guess that 3-somes for me are to piss off other women. Not worth my time.

    now....mfm 3-somes hold my fascination! *giggle*

  6. The anal version of the fleshlight will give the guy a tighter feel.  This is great for guys who like the tighter feel or for guys who have a thin penis.  If you have a think penis the vaginal model may be a little loose for you.  I do agree that the fleshlight masturbator is a very good product.


    Thanks Rob! I couldn't tell you if he is thick or thin as I've never been sexually with this guy. I just somehow always end up being the "Ask Abby" or "Ann Landers" of Sex when it comes to my friends. Go figure ;) I'll let him know your suggestions on which model to get.

  7. HAHAHA you go girl... and to the other gal?  Who acted disgusted? LOL I bet they went to the liquor store right after work, loaded up.... and I bet if you watched them closely today at work, they are probably walking a little differently and have a HUGE smile on their faces... hahahahahahaha....



    *evil giggle* you just KNOW it...lmaooooo

    Make sure its a GOOD lube too...some of that stuff is so bad, its like you didn't put anything on it at all.



    Do you have the different inserts or just the pussy one?? I recommended this to a friend and he wanted to know if anyone had tried the anal or oral inserts/sleeves?? and saying I don't have this toy (lol) I couldn't tell him. But I do highly recommend this toy to all my male friends because of people like you who tell me about them!!

  9. ok..on a chatboard I visit, a lady was venting about how this guy she met online and was considering meeeting, was married last month and he didn't even tell her. Well, she called the wife to tell about his infidelity. The wife stated she knew and that she had encouraged him to do it so "she could date the women too". Now, I didn't find this weird but lawdy, you should have read the responses from some of these ultra conservative women. I dunno if I'm so "unsheltered" or "open" about sexual things because of living in CA or what, but dam people...they need a reality check....lol.

  10. Hi,

    Did she happen to have an episiotomy/cut for delivery? Also, I wonder how tight the doctor sewed her up afterwards. Or is the discomfort AFTER penetration as in her pelvis feels tender?? How large was your baby? There are lots of little factors. It took 9 months (usually) for that baby to grow and develop and if this is your first child, it will take some time to get "back in shape".

    First and foremost...FOREPLAY...lots of it. She needs to be wet because if the dr. sewed her up "too good" it is almost like being devirginized all over again and scar tissue does not give. You might try desensitization lube if that is the problem...numb it up good.

    Congrats on the baby!

  11. I'm guilty as SIN in this area and it about killed me...literally. Ended a nasty divorce, just broken up with "the nice guy" and was looking for some wild experience my life and did I get it...an Ex-marine with whom I got pregnant (yes, I was on BCP) Well, us and 2 friends were on our way for a weekend getaway with me driving (they had been drinking, I hadn't because of the baby) Well, because of his machissmo attitude, I ended up rolling the car three times we were driving across the I-15 in AZ. I was in SICU for 2 1/2 weeks, rehab for another 2 1/2 weeks with a busted leg, arm, ribs, brain trauma, and I lost the baby. So much for wild men. (btw...the Nice Guy came back and we got married 8 months later, but that has its own whacked story)

  12. I've just told the person I'm not interested and am involved with my partner and that seemed to stop it. I'm not against people pm'ing to discuss something they're not comfortable asking in the forum because they are of a more personal nature.

  13. I am personally surprised she has been on Prozac for so long, but that is my opinion. BTW, you need to know that during this transition from one antidepressant to another is going to be tough and she is going to be off kilter for a while. Don't take any outbursts or negativity personally, just know that it is her body adjusting and it might take a good 4-6 weeks for her to adjust.

    What did the doctor change her to? Wellbutrin is a bad sex drive killer too.


    Oh, I just re-read your post. My daughter's father is on antidepressants due to Bipolar disorder. It is a chemical imbalance that just made him turn into a total A-hole, who was violently angry at times (and this is from a very nonviolent person). Yes, I was scared at times and he never hit me or the children, but there are couple of nice holes in the walls and door to remind him of how bad it was.

  14. My momma taught me its a shame to waste a good thing. So, of course I swallow ;) (but I don't think she meant it quite in these terms...lol).

    I love feeling him pulse and throb in my mouth and getting the sweet reward at the end.....WOOHOO!! jrinmontco is absolutely right about the pineapple juice. Any type of citrus juice does it, but pineapple is the best by my opinion. so DRINK UP BOYS!!!

  15. omg...I am just blushing thinking about this. He knows that I have an opinion of "keeping some things in the bedroom" and will say something in front of my kids(1 who is a prepubescent male...lol) that makes me blush soooooo bad and my son says "ewwwwwwwww", but if we were in the bedroom, I'd be drooling and totally excited over!!

  16. CL, you have one luck guy. I haven't given my wife pearls EVER, she hasn't let me put it there for about 4 years now. Make sure he knows how lucky he is.

    Oh I will in a day or two ;) He's been visiting family in Italy for 3 loooooooooong weeks and gets back this weekend. Think him being an American born Italian has anything to do with his sexual ways?? *giggle* ok....nips just got perky thinking of him and how he titty fucks........

  17. My experience with 1 night stands were with guys I'd known for a while, but never thought of being sexually involved with, and yes, alcohol did play a part in some of them. Nice thing was, we were still friends after it was all over and done with. 1 of them, we became even closer friends and I would hang out watching sports at his place with all of his guy buddies.

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