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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. So our favourite is me sitting in a rather high chair and my wife kneeling in front of me, taking the cock deep into the cleavage and squeeze togehther with both hands. Then she does the moving up and down, decides the pressure and the pace, after my recommendation, lol.

    And if you decide to go all the way, it is good for the man to press against the womas body as climax builds up, that gets some extra rubbing on the balls, which rockets the man over the top.

    oooo....I think I'm gonna try this way!! My S.O. likes to hold my tits while he's titty fucking with him on top, leaving my hands free to play with his azz cheeks, whatever (he loves me to lightly grate my nails down his chest).

  2. This is one of the reasons I keep baby/wet wipes in the headboard along with my toys and what nots for sex play.

    BTW Men....did you know anal sex is good for your prostate?? A prostate massage is a good thing. So remember...its not only fun, but medicinally therapuetic ;)

  3. A lot of men are homophobic in that area. I've tried to get my S.O. just to even have a 3-some, totally pleasuring me and they don't even have to touch each other but NOOOOOOOO. Drives me crazy. I live in one of the most bi/gay sexual oriented places but can you find a truly bi-male?? nope. Go figure. Maybe I should protest the White Parade next April saying there are no Bi Men.

  4. 8890H4.jpg

    those are HOT.....I wanna pair!!!!

    the red ones are cool too, but I'm not into the chrome heels..just my preference. the other black ones look similar to the pair I want with the matching riding crop.

  5. Lets get back to the BOOTS!!!! :D

    What styles to you like? Heel shape?? colors?? calf, knee, thigh high????

    I have my bitch biker boots, cowboy boots, nice dressy knee high with 3 inch heel .....c'mooon!!!

    (I like wearing my bitch boots when he has his black leather chaps on...wheeeeeeeeew)

  6.   I don't know why your gyne thinks this is a problem, unless she concerned about another issue, I say 'let there be moisture'!

    That is just my opinion...



    well, part of the issue is...too much moisture causes chronic yeast infections....and we know how much "fun" those are...and it has to be the full 7 day course treatment or it doesn't clear it.

  7. My ob/gyn told me I'm "overly moist" when I went for my last appointment. I always thought women who needed lube were "frigid" and I'd never needed it. I have to use baby powder....a lot and panty liners ALL the time (or keep spare panties with me...which I don't like wearing all the time). Yes, it can be medically "treated" but the side effects kinda made me think "not for me"

    Is too wet a good thing or ...................???

    Any and all advice, critique, whatever is welcome

  8. Hey, I like it! I have a hands free phone I use so I can stretch out and play with myself. It sure gives an added dimension to mutual masturbation...especially if your partner is out of town or lives a distance that you can't meet as often as you'd like to. How I love hearing just his voice as I climax, urging me oN !! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH BABY!! :D

  9. I looove boots! I just found a pair that I want to order, shiny black lace ups with stilletto heels...and they come with a matching riding crop. *giggle* I feel sexy in boots. I make it point to buy at least 1 new pair every winter even if it doesn't snow here or really get cold for that matter (So. Cali). As far as wearing them during sex....ya know the song: These boots were made for walking...they're gonna walk all over you! (if he wants me to that is) ;)

  10. I totally agree with Mikayla on this one. My sig. other is Bipolar. He was diagnosed after we had been together for 6 1/2 years. Those drugs really whack out the sex drive and when he is cycling, there are lots of ideas running through his head, causing undue stress almost to the point of paranoia. (this usually happens about the time he needs his meds readjusted). I have also learned that if he seems a bit "off"...he has smoked pot within the last 24-48 hours, which interfears with his medications, making his cycling even more rapid and severe at times, or drinking too many beers with his buddies.

    I know what its like to love a person, but have no intimacy with them for extended periods. One time, we went almost 3 months with nothing...not even kisses or holding hands. You don't know how hard it is to sleep next to someone with your sexual desire so strong and yet, they don't want anything to do with that side of your partnership.

    Good luck in any decision you make.

  11. Howard is right, once again. Young men do tend to ejaculate much quicker than older men.

    Have you tried the "squeeze" method?? The assisting partner squeezes the tip or base of the penis just before the point of climax to essentially "cancel" the orgasm. The "squeeze" forces blood out of the penis and reduces the erection. Thus, you are able to extend your periods of sex.

  12. I started using the womans "intuition" razor (i think its by schick??) after a friend suggested it. I love it. If you're looking for an alternative way, I have used "Magic skin softening powder". It is actually a powder you mix with water for a "paste" and it removes hair like Nair. It doesn't sting. It was actually made for using on african men's faces and it doesn't cause ingrown hairs. Good luck ;)

  13. My most "public" was the Men's room in a Nevada Casino in the handicap stall....who knew there were so many kinky positions to do with those rails??? *wink*

    Oh....and the fact that the entry to the men's room was across from a very full 21 table as we left.....I can still see the dealer's face as I walked out. MMMMMMMMMMMM B)

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