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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. I found my G-spot when I got really excited and could FEEL the difference in the vaginal walls. I'm no expert, but my G-spot seems much more spongy and fuller feeling when I'm sexually excited than other times. BTW...Mine isn't 3 inches back...I think I was made for men with short thick cocks...lol.

  2. I would have to say vaginally. I've never experienced an orgasm with anal, and in truth have only done it a couple times, so I'll have to stick with vaginal and be content. Which I am. Very much so, in fact.

    I second that opinion.

  3. Funny that this should be brought up. Those who have been on the board for a while, know that my husband has Bipolar Disorder. There was a time that his sex drive was Zero....we hadn't had sex in over 9 months. All my advances and attempts at foreplay were refused...yes, REFUSED to the point he was sleeping on the couch to not even be near me. Finally, he told me to find someone to take care of my sexual needs (a FWB) because he was in a place where he wasn't sure what he wanted (as in sex, marriage, life in general). So, I did. Yeah, to some it may seem like cheating, but he knew where I was and what I was doing. In essence, we had something like an open marriage except he wasn't sleeping with anyone. As he finally went to a doctor, got diagnosed and on the right meds, I quit seeing my FWB. Rob and I are still friends, we chat and email (he has since moved to FL, we're in CA) Sex is still touch and go in our marriage. Hubby didn't know Rob had moved and told me to go see him. I said, "no, I don't need that now." He still thinks I should go see Rob, but I told him Rob moved to FL. That kind of shut him up, but he said maybe I should find a new FWB. I was taken back by it and wouldn't even consider now. Is Hubby seeing somebody else? I doubt it. He goes to work and comes home. BTW...he did have an "episode" with another woman 5 1/2 years ago...he swears there was no "sex" but.....thats a whole nother post. Sex is definitely not what it was like before his breakdown or as often, but I'll take what I can get from him, not a FWB.

  4. Sure you can! If you make it "thick" enough, and dry it completely, you can save it for future uses! The instructions even say, if you want to wear a body suit underneath you can make a complete suit - complete with zippers! I am telling you - I might really get into this!

    Mikayla ;)

    OOOO, I might too!! I love the sound of being "painted" :D
  5. Yes, I love erotica too! I have read anything and everything by Anne Rice too. Her Vampire novels are steamy, but those Sleepy Beauty ones....CL is right, OHHHH LAWDY! She also wrote another one, outside of the triliogy, called "Belinda" - I HIGHLY suggest this one - you will cum in your shorts!

    I have it on good authority that Quiet Guy is on vacation - but he is working on a story in his head! I PM'ed him - I was getting anxious for another too! :D


    OOOOOO....Gonna put Belinda on my "must read" list. and Who gave QG permission for a vacation?? Loool...just kidding!!

    And I started Book II last night.....its even better than Book I!!! *siiiiigh*....Tristan!!! LOOOOL

  6. OMMMG...I've never really read anything really erotic until just this week....I got the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice......LAWWWWDY...I loooove it! I made it thru book 1 in 1 day!! LOL.

    Speaking of which....where's Quiet Guy?? Isn't it about time for a new story from him????

  7. CL,

    the VCF is 95 pct effective.

    I used it AND a condom, ya know what?

    it didnt work, the condom broke.

    The baby is 10 weeks old now.

    Wow...I didn't know that it was so low. Your luck sounds like my friend's mom.....7 kids, 6 conceived on the pill...lol.

  8. If we don't have all the facts, we make assumptions, which of course, are not always correct. Perhaps, she is using a diaphragm or there is a birth control "film" that is inserted before sex that is a spermacide. I'm not sure how effective it is, but hey, its gotta be better than no protection. I have no faith in condoms....sorry, thats just my opinion. I always was on the pill and used condoms, plus sometimes I'd use a spermacide. Overkill?? perhaps...but I was NOT ready to have kids until I was married.

    I think you both need to sit down and have some serious heart to heart discussions about everything in your relationship, including birth control. Its not a one-way street. Good luck.

  9. Yes, I am the Mr. Nice Guy.

    So, if any ladies happen to make their ways up to Vancouver Canada ... look me up :P:P

    thanks again

    Why is it all the nice guys seem to be north of me? It doesn't change...except for the fact that I'm now married....lol. Yeah, I dated guys from Canada when I was single....both times.

  10. I have to say one of the best places I had sex (even if it was with my now exhusband) was in nature! We found a rock out in a fast flowing creek that was flat on top, but just under the surface of the water. We did it right on the rock! Nothing like cold water splashing up on you while having sex. I still haven't figured out how he stayed hard in the cold water tho.......... :unsure:

  11. I saw an ad on TV about it and wondered if it was worth the money. I know I'm clean and I wash up after all sexual interludes, but sometimes I just feel like I can smell the "sex smell" and ok, I hate it. Opinions?? I've had 2 ob/gyns tell me that its "natural". Another reason I'm looking into it, is the temps have jumped up to 100+ degrees now and I tend to get yeast infections during the heat. It says it will help with that too.

    Clinically proven to maintain healthy vaginal pH!

    To maintain a healthy vaginal pH

    When used once every 3 days, RepHresh Vaginal Gel helps maintain a healthy vaginal pH. A single application of RepHresh Vaginal Gel can maintain vaginal pH in the normal range for 72 hours or more. Studies show that vaginal infections often occur when vaginal pH is unbalanced, or outside of the normal range. By maintaining a healthy vaginal pH, you can help reduce your risk of vaginal infections.

    To Eliminate Vaginal Odor

    When vaginal pH is unbalanced, odor-causing microorganisms can flourish. For long-lasting freshness, use once every 3 days. May be used as a personal lubricant when vaginal dryness causes discomfort. Also eases insertion of tampons. RepHresh is also safe to use during pregnancy.

  12. I have not personally, but I know someone who has.

    her story is just that she was in love with a man, he told her that he had an STD that was permenant, but treatable, and she went through with it. She now has the disease, and they will have to hold off of intercourse for a while when one or the other is experiencing complications related to the STD. I hope it lasts for them, afterall, that is the last thing you ever want to be stuck with, or have to tell a partner(IMO).

    I'm going to guess when he said "treatable" that it was the medication, Zovirax. It doesn't "treat" it, but lessens the outbreaks. I was approached by a man with an STD and I declined. At this point, I was still wanting to get married and have children.

    I would also like to point out that Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is NOT always caused by an STD. Here are a couple of sites that you can read up on it. I just don't want everyone thinking that STD's are the only thing that will cause PID.



  13. I love low cut shirts for me. Even before I developed my "big boobs", I always had nice cleavage and loved to show it off...hubby loves it too. Its like a sneak or tease of whats inside the shirt and bra. Hubby likes those broomstick material dresses that button all the way down.

    Speaking of tattoos...I'm considering one myself of a dolphin on my calf. I love dolphins!!

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