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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. CL I got some from the Fun Factory for my wife and they are made of steel encased in a hypoallergenic skin, that has no casting edges or any other edge to my knowledge. They are smooth an soft, set together in one shape, like the figure 8. She enjoys them but she doesn't use them much.

    I'll check into that! Thanks Crazy!

    Howard: If mine were to "shoot out" I'd be one of the most excited women. Wouldn't that mean my muscles were doing what they were supposed to??

  2. Excuse me while I laugh. He has NO RIGHT to make that request of you. Girlfriend, if you do say it...cross your fingers behind your back...lol. His 'request' is just one way of keeping some kind of control on you. What makes you think he's not going to give anal to another woman. It is not fair AT ALL.

  3. A good, long, passionate French kiss. That REALLY revs this woman's engine!! Also, any kind of nipple play. I will get VERY close to cumming with that done just right. ;)

  4. I think that the late nite booty calls was his "claim" to you even tho he had moved out. Jealousy is an evil green monster that takes many forms. I think we could better respond to you if we knew "why" he moved out...and was that "the end" in both your minds, even tho you do have children together. As far as I'm concerned, hell NO you didn't cheat.

  5. OK...none of those metals I have problems with. Now silver and copper...look out. I had a doctor tell me its because my body absorbs the minerals in those and there's no way to stop the reactions. BTW...the ones they sell here DO NOT state what they are made of.

  6. Because I hate doctors and I'm trying to find help myself. I'll go to one if nothing works, but for now I'd like some suggestions, I cant be the only one who has experienced painful intercourse.

    I hate to say it, but seeing a doctor is the #1 choice in this situation. Sorry BabyA.

  7. My turn!!

    Men do have insecurities. Your SO says the same thing mine does: Why am I dressed up and who am I trying to impress? I tell him over and over again: I dress up to look hot FOR YOU and if the other men see it, then great... they'll see I'm with YOU and they'll think what a lucky SOB you are to have this woman on your arm cause I"m not going anywhere!! :D

    (men always complain when we're not ready on time...I think it says in the Male Handbook they have to whine even if we're just 1 minute late...LOL)

  8. CL sorry to hear that you may be having problems....i just read a article on this very issue and here are some signs that you should ask your doctor for a thyroid test if you have two or more of these symptoms:

    morning fatigue, sensitiivity to cold (or cold hands and/or cold feet), dry skin weak fingernails, muscle fatigue pain or weakness, worsening pms or severe menopausal symtoms, fluid retention, low blood pressure and elevated cholestrol, trouble with memory, thinning or coarse hair

    hope this bit of information helps you out thyroid problems often go on and until YOU ask to be tested doctors always seem to say its something else.....even if your doctor gives you med the article stated that you should get plenty of vitamin d iodine selenium vitamin a zinc and omega-3 fatty acids....exercise...aiming for 60 mins of aerobic five times a week and 20 mins of toning moves 3 times a wk and 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 hrs of sleep per night

    i know you said it will be a few months before you see your doctor but please keep me posted when you do

    take care and good luck

    well, I qualify for 6 of those....fatigue, cold: my feet always seem cold and I'm someone who used to run around in the snow barefoot; fluid retention, low BP, coarse hair, and memory problems. I usually blame the last on brain trauma from a MVA I had 7 years ago, but still....I can't wait for the insurance to kick in. I'd go now, but then the insurance will consider it a "pre existing condition" and probably won't cover a lot of it. I'm going to up the Vitamins you mentioned tho...we'll see what happens.

  9. You are correct that the yeast infection treatments can break down condoms (it does say so on the inside of the condom package) however, I know CL doesn't use condoms for BC (at least I was pretty sure she didn't :blink: ) so I was confident in saying the condom would be an OK barrier against the yeast infection. The condom is not going to break down that rapidly that he would be immediately exposed to the infection.

    However, as I said in my first response, I would not recommend having sex during a yeast infection, there are other options.

    Mikayla ;)

    You're right...I have an IUD right now until the "other half" decides to get the snip job done. Thanks for the info everyone!!


  10. I am wondering if I have thyroid problems. There is a family history of this. I have put on weight and just can't seem to lose it. Also (can't believe I"m saying this) my libido is sluggish now too. I can't see a doctor for 3 months as hubby is starting a new job and I will FINALLY have insurance so I can get this all checked out.

    Anyone here have this issue or know someone who does?? Helllp!!!

  11. No sex here during the first 2-3 days. I don't know why but since the birth of my daughter, my cervix/uterus gets REALLY tender during that and i'm not into pain. Since going off my BC pills, my cramps aren't as bad. I had an IUD placed. Like howard's ex, the Pill was horrible for me. Awful mood swings, migranous headaches, and cramps that felt like I was going into labor all over again. Odd thing is....my partner seems HORNIEST when I'm OTR. Go figure. (he's getting more into oral pleasure tho...so its all good that way....CHOCOLATE!!...LOL)

  12. I really wish I could see the both of you argue about something different (a good debate) and not an issue involved in this forum. You are both so firm in your stances and no wavering in the least. Amazing.

    I'm off to read the story again!!! :D

  13. Kids are VERY smart. My son is at that age where kissing is gross and parents shouldn't do that stuff. My younger daughter thinks its funny and eggs us on, "kiss her daddy, make Alan sick".....lmaooo. So, code words are always a good thing. The old line "Honey, I need to talk to you in private" isn't quite working anymore.

  14. Amazing work QG. No wonder your wrists ache..and I'm sure it wasn't all from typing ;) Wow...once again, you have gotten a good story out!! I loved it!! Its funny how I see so much of myself in Whitney's character. Because I would have "pouted" and giggled in those exact spots.

    Remember....critcism is always constructive, even if given negatively.

  15. OK, hubby and I watched Ron White's new TV comedy, "you can't fix stupid" and he told about how his wife didn't like anything sexual during her period. He said something along the lines of "if it (the cum) was chocolate, he'd be getting oral all the time" Sooo...now our new code word is "chocolate" :lol: Kids have no idea what we're talking about!! teeheehee

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  16. Boy, my post sure came out wrong ... lol. I meant that it seems like you both have had long wonderful sex lives and me being 37, didn't realize a lot of this until after my first marriage came crumbling down and here I was, at 27-28 years old, finally figuring out what sex was really about and I'm STILL trying to learn it all. Of course, a near fatal car accident on my part and husband being diagnosed with Bipolar disorder after being married for almost 3 years, throws in a curve too. (I don't suggest brain trauma to anyone)

  17. So many people have been asking about books and what recommendations do we have? I'm hoping we can get a GREAT discussion going here! Something that will be referred to often on Too Timid.

    For basic sex books, I like Anne Hooper's books. I have The Ultimate Sex Guide which is great, and also the pocket size of this one. They are not intimidating and are very simple. Good first sex books.

    ESO: How You and Your Lover Can Give Each Other Hours of Extended Sexual Orgasm by Alan and Donna Brauer.

    This is a great self help book. Its more than just a "sex" book, its like sex therapy! Learn about you and your partner's "erogenous zones" and what it is like for your partner. This book came recommended to me by a friend when I was getting ready to marry again. My then fiance had been thru 2 relationships that cut down his sexual self esteem and I needed something to help him overcome those setbacks. This has helped tremendously.

    I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend that if you are going to read a sex book, share it with your partner. Its not going to do any good if you are the only one reading and trying to figure this out.

    OK....who's next in this book review??

  18. :lol: You two CRACK ME UP!!! I fell out of bed once...actually, more like "slid" out because the wheel on one corner of the bed bent and broke off. We ended up on the floor and just kept going. I did get some lil carpet burns on the butt cheeks and knees from it....lol.

    I have a book somewhere that helped me a lot, "ESO, Extended Sexual Orgasm" written by Alan and Donna Brauer. Its not a "sexual position" book per se, but there are some really good techniques in there for extending your pleasure time!!

    I also have the Best Sexual positions ever...in pocket size :D

  19. I don't remember either. I'm guessing that I was looking for a toy and found this site during a search,

    and noticed the adult talk forum link and started reading. I do know I lurked for a least a month or two before I posted or even signed up for an account. I'm FAR from anything close to Howard and Mikayla, but I'm having fun learning as I go ;)

  20. 420 is slang for "time to light up" as in, "light up a joint" it is used mainly with high schoolers or drug users. May I ask, where are you seeing all these terms? There are so many nowadays. The DOM/sub community has a whole bunch as well, you could very well think you slipped into the twilight zone if you wandered into one of those rooms!

    Got any more???


    P.S. good job CL - I guess I am not the only one "down with the lingo" :rolleyes:

    I did a "stint" as a adult text operator. Yeah, me of all people. So I had to learn them as part of the job.

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