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Posts posted by justcurious

  1. My best orgasm happens when I can sex him into not being able to control himself. He has an iron will and I get sick a lot. When I'm well I can exercise and build up the muscle in my thighs and then ride him like he deserves to be ridden. For me it's a visual and mental thing. To look into his face and watch his iron will melt and to know that I did that... It's the kind of satisfaction that only comes from knowing that he let his defenses down for me. We are both very untrusting people and not just mentally knowing that he trusts me, but to see that trust in action, to hold him for an instant and to feel that I am in control... That is when I have my best and fullest orgasm. Now don't get me wrong, we still have lots of sex, regardless whether or not I'm sick, and he gets off on my pleasure, so I am never unsatisfied, but this is when I have my very best and most cherished orgasms. They are my favorite.

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  2. Moving is always a hassle, but if that's what you have to do, that's what you've got to do. I don't know the specifics, but I do know that change is always scary, but if it's a change for the better, then there's nothing to be afraid of. :) I hope things go well for you. Good luck!

  3. The name pretty much says it all. I am a naturally curious female, so why should I act any differently when it comes to sex? I'm still me and I'm still curious. I have been in a relationship with a man for 5 years. Before him, I had a girlfriend. I am bisexual. I love this man and he is more than willing to have a guest in the bedroom every so often. I'm not a fan of bunnies, I had one that hurt me and I guess it scarred me mentally because I just can't bring myself to ever get one again. I enjoy being dominated. I can dominate, but the power intimidates me to the core. My favorite place to have sex is the shower. As I said, I am curious, but I do have a list of things that are off limits. That list contains 5 things. I think that's pretty good. Anyways, it's nice to meet you all. Thanks :)

  4. People can naturally be dominant and submissive. Plus, dom/sub relationships do not have to involve pain. Mentally submitting submitting to someone is different that submitting to someone physically, but not much. If you never met then your relations were mainly mental anyways. Achieving climax is primarily mental anyways. It's not an alternative form of submission, it's just a mental form of submission, nothing more. It's still submission. A proper Dom will have that dominant mentality as well.

  5. My partner is away at military training, so the solo act was getting old. I was just playing with my boobs when I noticed that it felt good, then it felt great and bam. Just like that. I googled the topic and apparently the breastgasm is a real thing, so I'm not a freak. I guess it just shocked me. Are breastgasms common?

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