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Everything posted by l8niter

  1. just thought id post a pic or 2 join in if you would like ladies and gents all are welcome
  2. I love my cock rings they give me lots of exciting pleasure and sensation, not to mention my girl loves them too , I highly recommend them
  3. Investigating ( sexual experinces )
  4. Welcome Better we are a fun group and talk about lots of topics, jump right in and enjoy, join the fun :) :)
  5. Z- Zipper Un zipping a tight short revieling dress and watching it drop to the floor
  6. October fest? need beer for my sausage
  7. Sunshine if you don't cum from having oral sex then hes either not doing it right or long enough to warm your sensations, Hang in there I hope it gets better for you with the new guy just don't give up, keep trying different lubes as Mrs said you will find one that will work for you and it just might blow your mind, heres hoping the best for you
  8. Welcome to ToTimid read the forums and jump right in ask questions give opinions its a great group here enjoy :) :)
  9. Sorry ladies I missed weiner Wednesday, i'm so over getting pocked and prodded by doctors <_< <_<
  10. thank you tt hope you enjoy the pics :) :)
  11. Thanks tt I always enjoy your nice comments :) :)
  12. I need a bun for my wiener , Ok Wen lay back and spread your legs and ill rest my wiener in your sweet bun
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