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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. So today I saw two cops at my neighbor's house not exactly sure what that was about because they are quiet people. A woman in the restroom talked to me from the stall" This bathroom is clean,you think so honey. " I answered her" Um,yeah sure". Then I heared her chuckling explaining she thought I was her daughter and then we both laughed🤣. I was laying belly down on a wooden chair made by the locals at the beach. A guy asked me how was the internet today? All I could come up for an answer was..." I'm looking at people exercising." Which in fact I really was on Instagram. The guy was a bit creepy not sure by what he was saying. Today made me laugh and it's always good to laugh😁

  2. 5 hours ago, MMMike said:

    That's great that you want to do that,it could save someones live,I'm also a donor,although I do smoke and have extremely high cholesterol,there has to be something they could use.

    Fantastic 😁

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  3. 23 hours ago, Last2Long said:

    I love what NuffSaid wrote above ("Let him feel the warmth of your mouth (and other lips) without getting to taste them, and pleasure yourself a little .. a couple of silk scraves softly dragged along his body when you're finally naked, some ice in your mouth whilst you lick him gently.."). 

    When I first read the topic/title of this post, the first thing that popped into my head was my favorite, the biggest tease: When she shows me something I reeaaalllllly want, but is just barely out of reach. The best way is to tie my hands up, then placing various body parts (my favorite ones) very close to my face, but just barely out of reach. Or maybe rub her nipple on my lips but then pull it away, before I get a chance to lick/suck it -- or put her pussy right in my face, but just barely out of reach. Another -- gently rub her pussy on my thigh or her clit on the back of my hand or my cheek or nose or "hump" my chin or even "fuck" my nose.

    I'll bet almost any guy would agree with me on this -- the biggest tease is to show me something I want soooo badly, but keep it just barely out of reach.

    Whatever you ladies do to your guys, you've got to reward him at the end. Tease him with whatever, but eventually let him have it at some point.

    Well said 😁

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  4. Wow excellent topic I always fantasize about this one especially. Yes, I agree verbally and physically will do the trick. Even staring at a guy could set the person off in a good way. Dancing lures a guy to desire which is always super fun. An outfit or even a swimsuit as simple as that can do the trick. Whispering a few nasty words can get him going, too. A deep muscle massage especially the thigh area. Believe it or not even a dirty joke with a devilish smile. Twirling of the hair while staring at his lips while he's talking is a good one, too. I think eating anything drippy,long,or sticky is always fun and I'm not talking about a cock. Sorry I'm trying my best not to get into the joking mode of this topic and best to stay focus. A sexy compliment is one of my favorite things to do. Wrestling is my favorite especially when I'm on top and rubbing against him. 

    I loved reading everyone's responds to this topic super hot❤

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  5. A few days ago I found heart shaped rocks and decided to make a wish before I threw the rocks back into the ocean. My wish was for my brother's life to get better with his career and the other wish was for my friend to find a better relationship because her marriage unfortunately didn't work out. I have other wishes that I hope will come true for other people.🙏❤


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  6. I've been thinking for several years that I want to be an organ donor and would love to help others in need. I think I'm healthy enough plus I don't drink,smoke,or do drugs. I think I need to fill out information and info when I renew my license. I also will talk to my husband,family,and friends about it.🙏

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