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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. 3 hours ago, square said:

    I wouldn't say depressed, but definitely some bluesiness.  With the shorter days and cooler whether, I feel like I need more sleep, have less energy (mental more than physical), and my libido takes a hit.  

    It's bizarre how the weather effects each person.  Some love the cold days they take advantage of skiing. Others feel romantic with rainy days which I feel super lazy on those days. The cloudy dark days people love as well. Yes I agree so much less energy on those days. 

  2. 3 hours ago, square said:

    Repair the basement window before winter.  I've been putting it off for about five years.  (part of the problem is I don't quite know how to go about it.)

    I wouldn't know it either. Not sure if you can get advise from a professional. Good luck and please keep us posted ,thanks.

  3. 4 minutes ago, GirlCrush said:

    Oh no, its fine..its good to bring out all emotions. . .. Im not sad.. I learn to embrace everyday I had with my Dad. Some people lose parents tragically and never get to say all the things we did. Im blessed. :)

    You were fortunate to have wonderful memories of your dad. 🙏I wish I did of mine something must have happened that made me block out 99% memories of him. I'm fortunate that I have photos of him.🙏 Mabye either my Grandmother or an Uncle has a video of him.🙏


  4. 2 hours ago, square said:

    Assuming it's a pretty good sized lottery,

    quit my job.  Take a long and restful vacation.  Maybe start a business or two, with the goal of them doing something to better the world in some way, and if they lose money, it won't matter.  Give some away to worthy causes.  Doing more of my own cooking and eating better, and getting more exercise.  Spend more time outside doing things I enjoy.

    Sounds like a cool plan😁 I think you'd feel better if you have any time to workout even if it's a small amount. Spending time outdoors is so refreshing and again if you have any free time. Yes, eating healthier food can cause you to feel better and cooking for yourself is always fun. I hope you can find any time to do those things.🙏

  5. 2 hours ago, square said:

    I have to laugh a little.  I don't like being around negative people, yet I can be pretty negative.  I'm trying to do better.

    Yeah everyone gets negative but the ones I'm talking about is the people stating everything I think of is wrong and always correcting anything I say or do. They suck the life out of me. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, GirlCrush said:

    My Dad only had 6 months to live. He went to the movies one last time like when he was a kid. Seen Tomb Stone. I remember one day he walked outside and just laid down in the green grass, and commented how good it felt. He met with each one of us kids and had a great talk. Mine was how he was going to stop treatment that was making him sick, and live what life he had left. His request from me his baby ,was to not let him die alone. I laid next to him and thank him for being my father, and I understood if he had to go ( which really I didn't) . A tear dropped from his eye and then he was gone.   25 years later it still feels like yesterday. If I had 6 month to live.. Id do it just the way my Dad did!!

    It totally sucks losing anyone and yes it certainly does feel like yesterday. Did you ever join a grieving group? I should have but haven't found any. I think you're dad is watching you and always around. Sorry if this topic brought up wicked sad memories it wasn't supposed to.🙏🌹

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