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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. 2 minutes ago, GirlCrush said:

    Craziest:  took my close off while my partner was driving. There was a whole lot in between.. But lead to pulling over for front seat sex! ! While cars passed by! 

    Wow super hot ❤ My luck a cop would show up and ruin a good time.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mike miller said:

    It could be something!  just because you can't see it doesn't mean its not there,but you seen a apparition,....I hear a muffled voice of a woman several times a year only in my house though,I thought my s/o was talking to me ,but when I asked what she said she replied I didn't say anything...I hear it when its just me as well,I thought I was losing my mind.

    Did you ever see anything other than hearing voices? Did you ever have a dream that came true the following day/night? That sometimes happens with dreams that I had it's really creepy. Yes,I think I'm losing my mind as well. 

  3. On 12/1/2008 at 7:20 PM, Tyger said:

    WTF is WRONG with people?????

    On the stretch of road I live off of, people are CONSTANTLY dumping animals, dogs, puppies, cats, kittens. The end of our subdivision is an infamous cat dumping ground. The lady that lives on the corner buys bulk cat food (cheap Wal*Mart brand, but with all those cats, I can't blame her. Some food's better than none.)

    I'm not talking dead ones, I'm talking real, live, sweet animals that people just don't want or can take care of. And they know that either the road will kill the animals, or someone will feed/adopt them out of guilt. Which is NO way to adopt an animal, since, sometimes, people just CAN'T handle the animals.

    Where we have our horses, they've had 2 dogs dumped (puppies) there in the last 3 weeks. They adopted one, but this other one just showed up about 4 days ago, and these dogs are SOOO sweet! They can't take on the newest one, and he was soooooo timid! He JUST let me touch him today, and I had to pull out 7-8 ticks on him!! Poor guy was COVERED! How miserably uncomfortable for him! But, he let me do it, and didn't snap at me or anything. He's so sweet, and if I didn't have 2 medium sized dogs already, I'd take him home in a heartbeat! He's a hunting breed, like the one that Meaghan has on her avatar (brown with bright yellow eyes) here on TT.

    It's fucking ridiculous!! I mean, how betrayed, scared, and unloved these animals must feel! They must wonder what they did wrong. It makes me cry every time I think about it.

    About 9 years ago my husband brought home a bunny someone left at his job outside and unfortunately the other bunny died in a bucket. We gave our bunny so much love and spoiled her with toys and treats. It's horrible how people dump animals anywhere and not think before they buy a pet/pets. I always pray that those homeless neglected pets find a way to a loving home🙏🌹❤

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