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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. It's interesting how one word makes people react especially the female population. I've noticed if a guy calls a female a "bitch" it's awful but call her a "cunt" watch out she'll deck him one to the moon. I'm no better if a friend's boyfriend/husband is being horrible to her I'll call him a cunt or summer's eve (douche). 

    Which one word you loathe when a person calls you in either an argument or because they are just being a huge dick? 

  2. I have had strange things move during the night in my bedroom and luckily I'm too tired to notice so I place the items back where they go. Then go back to sleep but the following morning I remember and get totally spooked out. Sometimes I hear a voice calling my name. This happens around the same time each year and not exactly sure if something is trying to get my attention and that's half the reason why I can't sleep lately. I feel like Shemp on the Three Stooges. I've even seen a ghostly figure looking angry in the hallway and that totally freaked me out. I remembered I was home alone that night, too. So I decided mabye the house was dirty and started to clean so the ghost will be happier. If you never experienced things like I have I don't blame you for not believing and if you had what do you do to cope with it all? This has been going on for over 30 years ever since I was a kid and luckily my mom believes and understands me.


  3. Today I saw a few kids that reminded me of my younger brother when he was there age. So I thought they were nice kids and smiled at them never again smile at kids. One of them said directly to me"asl". So I had to Google what that meant and after I found out I felt creeped out. How can kids between the age of 10 and 12 think like that? I'm old enough to be their mother. The meaning is age,sex,location. 

  4. On 10/7/2017 at 7:49 PM, GirlCrush said:

    How the Fuck do people get into all these sexy. .escapades !! Is that the right word.. Cause Im getting fricken jealous over here..among other things lol 

    Yeah not much action in my life and I'm jealous,too. I'm also happy for those who can achieve their fantasy .

  5. My mom's dog is going blind and by the time that I finally meet him he'll be completely blind. All the other stressful family issues doesnt matter. I dont mean to sound cold hearted I just don't want to care anymore. Years on end the stressful shit and it still finds me over 3,000 miles away. I just want peace in my life just happieness. I can't make miracles happen and it feels like that is expected from me.

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