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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. Endless trying. Endless giving. Endless crying when no one is around. The decision is too real and time will tell. Your heart breaks into glass how many times do you have to fix it until it's turns into fibers of dust. Thinking to yourself everything happens for a reason and everything will be ok but will it be?


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  2. Endless trying. Endless giving. Endless crying when no one is around. The decision is too real and time will tell. Your heart breaks into glass how many times do you have to fix it until it's turns into fibers of dust. Thinking to yourself everything happens for a reason and everything will be ok but will it be?


  3. I rather be working out than being in a bar/restaurant. I'm trying to get back a healthier body and mind but it's hard to being around the same kind of people the ones who don't like to work out and rather eat and drink alcohol. I'm hoping to meet people like me who want to improve themselves mentally and physically. 

  4. We miss you Miranda only 25 years old and you would have been 28 years old this year not much younger than my brother. I was so thrilled to have met you around the age of ten so cute and carefree with the biggest smile from ear to ear. You grew into a beautiful young lady and I never knew why you had to take your own life like you did that day. 😢🙏🌹

  5. The other day I messaged a famous guy and not saying who just for a response and he wanted a naughty photo. Damn I got so nervous so I sent him one with a bra and panty on and not exactly sure what he thought but I actually don't care because I was brave enough to send him a photo of myself. 

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  6. On 10/27/2017 at 8:07 PM, Cinnamon 2112 said:

    Oh he'd be super jealous 

    Just think that one guy holy shit that would be super hot even if he was famous. I'd choose Fabian Petrina the guy who looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger when Arnold was into body building. He's super hot on the inside such a hilarious guy and holy fuck on the outside super hot. 

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