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Bob Long

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Posts posted by Bob Long

  1. Ok a little update on my new penis pump, I love it I can say the sensation  if feel in my cock is great one night the wife comes home and walks in on me while my cock is stuffed in the tube and I am pumping, she gets a big smile on her face and says wow what do we have here. She too was amazed at watching it grow and how my girth increased and all the veins popping out, she stripped naked and hopped on our king size bed and said let me and took the pump from me and asked me how it worked I showed her the release and she slipped it off my cock and put my cock in her mouth she smiled saying let me lubricate it, she sucked my cock for a bit spitting on it licking me and then slipped my slick cock back in the tube after pumping me for maybe 10 more minuted wither free hand playing with herself  when she decided she was wet enough she hit the release and pulled off the tube and got on my cock and road me. We too without me telling her what my fuck buddy Kelly (who she knows all about and are actually friends) and I did  the pseudo scientific blowjob and fuck comparison she even pulled out a lab coat that I completely forgot about from a Halloween costume for some fun role play.

    We both are not under the illusion that I will achieve permanent cock enhancement but its just a fun toy. One thing she mentioned is I need to upgrade for one with an electric or battery operated model , hands free will be a lot more fun  

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tyger said:

    It's really sad that her previous doctor didn't think it was a big deal. Was that previous Dr. a male? Not to sound sexist, but, many male doctors don't take women's sexual health concerns overly serious (in my experience), and so long as a man is ok health wise, it's ok. But, if a man goes to the dr and complains about ED, it's taken more seriously. It's sad that this is still a reality for many. Especially with older doctors, or those still stuck in old-fashioned mode.

    I'm glad that you found a doctor that listens and is open to trying things for you both. Loving couples need to be encouraged and helped along the way, and sometimes, that means medically too.

    No  her Dr was a woman but IMO not  on the cutting edge or even close to it, I have no proof but it wouldn't surprise me that she gets nice donations from Big Pharma, years ago I dated a pharmaceutical rep a smokin hot blonde who told me Dr's wanted 2 things money and pussy.

    Her new Dr. and our pal is very progressive, she said she would try anything short of  black magic if she truly believed it would help a patient,some of the things she's prescribed are

    Eating healthy,

    Maintaining a healthy weight(not a problem for my honey)

    Eat lots of fruit and vegetables,

    Avoid trigger food such as alcohol, and caffeine,

    Eat Foods rich in phytoestrogens (soy products, tofu , sesame seeds, beans to name a few)  Drink 8-12 glasses of water a day,

    Reduce refined sugar,

    Diets high in processed foods and refined carbs are associated with a higher risk of depression and worse bone health in postmenopausal women

     Eat Protein-Rich Foods

    Take Natural Supplements

    The twist she does that no one else to my knowledge does is the psycotheraputic end of it for her getting in touch with and comfortable with her menopausal body and sex drive reaffirming her sexual confidence so to speak, as she explained many women have a very dim view of themselves when they typically suffer in silence going through menopause, they feel ugly and undesirable their husbands or SO's don't understand or care they're just bats-hit crazy  is what they think.

    My wife went to many therapy session by herself to help reaffirm that she was sexually desirable and capable of enjoying sex before I was asked to participate  to solidify what she had learned during her therapy sessions. I have to honestly say its like we were 25 years younger not only being sexually active in a big way that impressed the Dr. but we approached our therapy sessions more like "date nights" just us enjoying each other again no stress or pressure, no talking about bill's kids the house work (a biggie) Just us. The stress women must go through during these times has to be incredibly difficult

    I will confess that never having had sex with any kind of audience before was a lot less of an anxiety than I ever would have imagined I am sure due in part how comfortable she made us feel and how much I wanted to do what ever it would take to help my wife

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  3. 1 hour ago, gr8shag said:

    You are one lucky guy bob long! Wish my wife would be more open minded to try new things

    For the longest time mine very vanilla so to speak, great blowjobs from the get go and sex was good but routine and then she began to go through the dreaded change and id not like what she was turning into I told her Dr./sex-therapist that I owuld kiss her ass on 5th ave on a Saturday at high noon because I loved her that much for saving my wife and I form menopause hell. It seems that her FORMER Dr gave her whats described as pretty routine meds for that situation well they were killing her sex drive and the Dr had a oh well thats too bad attitude . The woman actually cared about us as people and a loving couple. She took her off those meds immediately and took a more holistic approach along with therapy sessions , the result is my wife is hornier than ever and loves being sexually adventurous. I can't blatantly say that Dr's and big Pharma are in bed together but I have heard the exact same thing from so many people. Her friend and co worker who suggested this woman to her swears by her and said she was in the exact same situation. Her and my wife are now more than friends and co-workers another bonus

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  4. On 5/20/2020 at 2:28 PM, Tyger said:

    Unless she expressedly told that guy "I'll fuck you for a car/cash", then, no, she is not a prostitute. If she has sex and expects money, gifts, or something for her "services", no, she is not a prostitute.

    I reread the post, and it seems as though YOU bought her the car? If so, you need to tell her that so she won't feel bad.

    People have different ways of life, and, so long as you're both in agreement, and support each other, then all's well. :) 

    A little confusion here, I was saying to her well then because I bought her a new car ( not he car that showed up) and she fucks me does that make her a prostitute.

    She did fuck a guy with my blessing but never spoke of it and I just assumes she backed out of it, she told me her reason for not mentioning it was because he technically never fucked her, he had such a small cock she had all to do but keep form laughing at him and he came  before she could even suck his cock, she swears all she did was touch his cock and came, she wanted to give it a second chance but he was embarrassed and left her hanging but as she It turns out she did fuck someone but not what I suspected or appeared obvious another guy but rather one of her lady friends. She had sex with this woman multiple times and the two both enjoyed themselves immensely, well during a casual conversation in between having sex she complained what a pain in the ass it was being without her car when it went it the dealership etc. so her friend is so into the relationship she seized the opportunity to "just do something nice for her" It appears her friend had a car she was getting rid of and didn't appreciate the low ball offers form the dealer so she decided to give it to my wife. My wife confronted her about it and her friend broke out in tears. Not wanting to see her girl so upset she calmed her down and told her she wasn't going to dump her but that even though she greatly appreciated the gesture it wasn't necessary. She decided to pay it forward by giving the car to a friends daughter who just got her licence. So at first she assumed it was from the guy who she happened to tell her car frustrations too. She laughs now and jokes with me about being a prostitute and from now on she's going to keep the meter running when we have sex. She has asked me if I thought she decided to be a prostitute did I think she would be a good one worth the money. I laughed and said only if she hired herself out to me exclusively

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  5. 14 hours ago, cirrus20 said:

    Wish I could join that party!


    Always a party at our house seems I am the party favor lately, you'd be surprised how many ladies willingly want to fuck me  :)



    Patients and work yourself up to it, don't be discouraged start with one a little smaller a trainer  so to speak....lol   1.6" om the girth isn't all that big that you shouldn't be able to handle it, I have to say the emphasis  is use LOTS of lube. Thats me taking it form one of my wife's friends one night but the other two are my wife taking one of her monsters up the ass, a woman who never even wanted to try anal. Good luck and enjoy


    Lori anal.JPG

    take it.JPG

  6. On 5/16/2006 at 6:26 PM, Mikayla1 said:

    I have been speaking a lot lately about my LOVE for Double Penetration (for those of you not in the know, this is when you take a toy, or a penis and a toy, or two penises - one in your pussy and one in your ass).

    I was wondering, am I the only one who loves this practice? I hear some women tell me they would like to try it, but don't know how. Others are afraid of the pain. Still others haven't had anal sex yet, so having DP seems impossible. I think I get the best orgasms EVER when my hubby and I are doing DP (vibe and penis) - and I can't imagine sex without the occasional DP!

    So, ladies - who loves the DP????

    Mikayla ;)

    My wife who never tried or had any desire to experience anal  until one night after returning from a wedding where we both got really buzzed both being extremely horny I couldn't wait til we got to the bedroom so I bent her over the kitchen table she screaming at me to tear her pantyhose open and fuck me now I was about to slip my cock in her pussy when she yells no I want you in my ass, fuck my ass now well as they say the rest is history from that day on she loves/craves anal. So fast forward to a few short years ago my wife discovers her bisexuality which has succeeded the two of us being more in love and more happy than we could ever imagine, she has a steady live in girlfriend but occasionally will bring a new friend home to play. One night her girlfriend and I decided she needed to be DP'd I lay on my back and she slipped my cock in her ass and lay back against my chest her GF then fucked her with her strap on. Well to say my wife was over the top in orgasm heaven cumming multiple times. One night one of her lady friends decided to put a new spin on cluing me into her plan when my wife went to the bathroom, my mounted me reverse cowgirl and I pulled her back  on my chest and began massaging her tits kind of taking her by surprise when her friend slipped her strap on cock into her pussy my wife gasped and let out a series of moans and oh yeah fuck me oh my god well you get the picture. When she slipped it all the way in we both began fucking her she had such intense orgasm she almost passed out. We tried it again with her friend who put a butt plug in her ass . I have repeatedly asked my wife if she wanted to try it with two real cocks. She said as much as the thought really really got her interest she said she isn't in the right place to bring another man into our bed. He girlfriend however enthusiastically said she would like to give it a try.

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  7. Patients and work yourself up to it, don't be discouraged start with one a little smaller a trainer  so to speak....lol   1.6" on the girth isn't all that big that you shouldn't be able to handle it, I have to say the emphasis  is use LOTS of lube. Thats me taking it form one of my wife's friends one night but the other two are my wife taking one of her monsters up the ass, a woman who never even wanted to try anal. Good luck and enjoy


    Lori anal.JPGcontent.invisioncic.com

    take it.JPGcontent.invisioncic.com

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  8. Well I agree to some extent all breast are beautiful some are not, lets be honest there are more then a few really ugly breast out there . I myself am  a fan of larger breasted women, let face it if a woman has the great looking breast and just plain sucks in bed and I don't mean that in a good way even they can't make a bad lover into a better one. My wife agrees with me in that a woman doesn't have to have really nice big one's but when she has tits like a prepubescent teen it does nothing for her

  9. On 8/15/2020 at 9:39 AM, RedVelvety said:

    Hello all !

    So here is my situation, a friend of mine ask me to do a threesome with her husband. He's very shy, and I don't really know what to do to make him relax. My friend just came out and really want to try to have sex with a girl and, her husband is really open and accepted for her to try.

    I told her i was open if she wanted, since i really love my friend (non romantic) and now her husband wants to participte (which I'm okay with), but he can't touch me and I can't touch him.

    He's so shy, I'm afraid he won't be in the mood, or he'll be miserable and I really don't know what to do to make him relax a bit. What do you think I should do ? What positions and scenarios would work best so everbody can have a good time ?

    Is it really a good idea for us to do, since we are friends and all ? I don't want her hubby to be uncomfortable afterwards because I'm still close to my friend... 

    Ok I'm going to be the wet blanket at this party, I say no don't do it because there are too many red flags

    "but he can't touch me and I can't touch him" ok its sex you touch people during sex, whose idea is this? When I helped my old GF who said she wanted a to experience a threesome with another woman we set up a few ground rules with the other woman first off it was all about her pleasure I would only do what she was comfortable with even if it was just watching we settled on I would not fuck her but she would be allowed to suck my cock basically to get me hard enough to fuck my GF again they call it a fluffer in porn movies well with my GF's blessing I did fuck her that night and the multiple times afterward when we would get together its all about boundaries and setting them up ahead of time.

    "since we are friends and all ? I don't want her hubby to be uncomfortable afterwards because I'm still close to my friend" I would say this is a no if you become friends afterwards with a stranger such as my old GF and I did and my wife and I have thats a different story

    "My friend just came out and really want to try to have sex with a girl" My suggestion is the two of you get together maybe talk and why not have sex to help your friend experience how wonderful it will be, women are no where near as jealous and possessive as men are and I owuld seriously doubt it wold jeopardize your friendship

    My wife had a lot of sex with her present girlfriend who now lives with us before I had sex with the two of them and then her alone, I was perfectly cool with it because I knew they needed their bonding time and having me there may have changed their comfort levels, good luck I hope you have a wonderful experience no matter what you choose

  10. I'm late to the party here as always but I'll just tell you about something that happened to me oh almost 20 years ago  maybe a year or so before I met my wife. I was head over heels in love with this woman I met and we both agreed that we felt we were finally getting back what we gave, by that I meant previously I felt most if not all of my relationships were pretty much one sided, me always being the more giving partner. We were laying in bed when she asked how I felt about us thats when I told her I finally felt that I was getting back what I was giving and our relationship wasn't one sided. She jumped up and kissed me saying oh my God thank you so much I feel exactly the same way but have been afraid to say anything. Ok so its established that we love each other, our relationship was one that would take a lot of time to nurture even though we spent every weekend together and some weekday and night basically when ever time allowed. She was going through a divorce and didn't want thing to get ugly with her soon to be ex but I understood and was ok with not meeting her family and her friends with the one exception of her brother. Well one night I can't honestly remember how the subject  of cheating came up, but she made a comment that has stayed with me til this day and changed our relationship. "Its not cheating if your not married" I felt like I had just gotten gut punched by Mike Tyson form that day on I never trusted anything she said and her sincerity was always in question. When I mentioned it to one of my best friends a girl who I had known forever and had no sexual relationship with, told me she's one who can not be trusted and if she isn't cheating on you already I can guarantee you she will. My friend did meet her a while later and told me that night when my gf went to the ladies room, My friend said look I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that  but she's a cheater I'd bet everything I own on it.  The relationship ended and yes even though she denied it, she was cheating . So the moral of my long winded story is that even something as casual as a random sex  even with a stranger that trust a relationship is built on is gone and gone for ever


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  11. Sounds like you had a great anniversary, funny about the underwear thing, when we started dating my gf now wife surprised me one night saying I bought some new lingerie today would you like me to model it for you. she didn't have to ask mew twice, She went into the spare room to change , she came out in a few minutes wearing a killer black and silver bustier with matching silver and black panties and black stockings, little did I know she had her new outfit on her her cloths, while changing she called asking me to pour her a glass of wine . I was way ahead of her and said its waiting  for you. She looked like she walked right out of a centerfold smiling she said do you like it well yeah and she had both her hands behind her back saying I have a surprise for you baby.I was like ok how could this night get any better. She came over and sat on my lap sipping her wine and produced a small bag saying here this is for you and I pulled out a  pair of men's bikini briefs that matched her outfit, hell for all I knew or cared they could have been women's panties. She kissed me and said please go put them on. So I did and came back goofing around did the runway walk turn and all of that she was whistling. She asked me honestly if I really liked them I said yes I did and no woman had ever bought me underwear of any kind. I don't have to tell you how great the sex was that night but form that day forward my wife enjoyed buying me men's sexy underwear she said why should me have all the fun of seeing their ladies in sexy lingerie us girls enjoy it too. So good for you and BTW I have the exact same pair.....lol

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  12. My wife and her gf both enjoy pegging me and of course I enjoy it as well but recently my wife and I were watching porn and there was a shemale and a hermaphrodite, whihc she has become obsessed with saying that she/he has the best of both worlds having seen me being fucked in the ass by a guy who she set up the whole thing says it would be even more exciting erotic to watch me being fucked by either a shemale or a hermaphrodite. I agreed but said well whats good for me is good for you. her response was most definitely  

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  13. On 10/17/2020 at 10:20 AM, Fun4her +me! said:

    17 years ago I had a 23 year old male sub-renter O-Kd by my landlord since I was also a renter with a strict policy of no overnight guests. ( He got tired of renters calling him about guests who overstayed their welcome, and always having to change locks on the doors so he added that clause to his agreement on all his properties.) My sub-renter back then wanted to know why I would  agree to something like that, and I told him I got the place because of the landlord's policy and I also worked for him! Shortly after my new renter moved in and got his pc set up, he joined a hook up website and every weekend he was gone.  One night he went out around 11 and was back by 12:30 or so and I asked him where did he go in such a hurry, and he tells me to come to his room and he shows me a pic on his pc of an 18 year old girl claiming he  just had sex with, who did not live too far away.  I told him if any of the women he hooks up with has an older sister to let me know, of course he never did. One Sat. morning we were just hanging around, he decided to show me the website and some of the women he had hooked up with, because of his age none were over 29. (he liked women close to his age) He explained to me how the website worked and had an instant messaging feature, he told me to get  a pc and I could find women my age to hook up with. I told him last thing I wanted/needed was a pc, though I had  a job my landlord didn't pay much, most of my labor was trade off for rent. So as he was scrolling thru his pics, I asked him to stop on this young beautiful 27 year old Brunette and asked him about her, he told me he met her but they didn't have sex.  I asked him why she looked beautiful, he told me she had more than he expected, I asked  don't tell me that is a guy he said no not exactly, she is a woman so to speak. My curiosity was getting the best of me, so I kept urging to find out what it was about this woman and he  just came out and said it, she had a pussy and a dick and it freaked him out. Young-uns , I told him women like that are called Hermaphrodites born with both sexes, some Hermaphrodites claim is just a big clit  he told me that was no clit, it looked exactly like a penis and where the balls should've been was her vagina! What upset him most, she never mentioned it until he showed up her house and when he put is hand inside her panties, and felts something that shouldn't have been there he got mad, until she showed him what was between her legs and that was too much for him! She didn't get mad he told me, she told him some guys are cool with it others like him don't know what to think. I asked him if she was hard or soft and he changed the subject and I let it go! I truthfully can not say how I would of reacted if I would have ever been a situation like that, though there are some gorgeous Hermaphrodites out there. It has been rumored Jamie-Lee Curtis, Tony Curtis daughter was born a Hermaphrodite, but never really proven and I think Jamie-Lee is a real sexy woman especially in her past roles that she costarred in - Trading Places and True Lies! There is a website I look at every now then that feature she-males that I  find are very pretty and sexy from the waist up with fantastic looking legs, I just ignore that part that does not make them a total woman, though I like watching females with she-males adult videos!


    Wife and I were watching a porn video one night that feathered a shemale and a hermaphrodite , I have to admit we were both really turned on buy it she commented on how with the hermaphrodite we could both have the best of both worlds. Ever since she has been talking about us hooking up with one

  14. The other night my wife and one of her new friends were in the master bedroom having fun while I was having my own fun with my other wife aka her best friend. when they took a break my wife popped in asking us if we would like to join them, which of course we did.  Later on we're laying there and I smile at her saying when we first me I'd never would have thought I'd be laying bed with you and two other naked women. She kissed me saying just trying to catch up to you baby. The most important number is one, the one your with right now...😉

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  15. On 5/6/2016 at 8:26 PM, Tyger said:

    Have you ever been the recipient of an erotic massage? I'm not talking just a muscle relaxing back rub here. I'm talking slow, sensual, sexy massage that is all over, or targeted to that one special spot of yours.

    I've been privy to several erotic massages. I'm like my name, like a big cat, that just LOVES to be rubbed. I purr, nip, and definitely show my appreciation! I've also given them, though, sadly, my hands aren't that strong, and I'm probably developing a bit of carpal tunnel, so I'm limited. *sad face*

    Well I have given many an erotic massage and enjoyed the the reciprocation benefits but honestly can say I have never  enjoyed being the recipient of one 

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