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Posts posted by Tallywacker

  1. M1972O

    Im sure you have more to offer than just boobs!  You should never feel like a looser!!!!  I’m sure you are far from that....  It is mind boggling how significant others would not be interested, but I can say I understand that to some degree. It’s just sad how a woman that’s so into it, can’t get their hubby to be into it....I’m on the flip side however, and it’s more than likely more prevalent that it occurs with males vs females unfortunately. 

  2. Flower, im so sorry about that. Life can be very difficult and puts all sorts of strains on marriages. Ive been married for almost 15 yrs and 2 kids later have made sex secondary or even worse in my wife’s eyes.  Sex is important to me and i put my everything into it when i do get the chance to. Often times i have found myself playing alone. I will say i have ventured out with a few women/men/couples. Not often, but i have. I must say it was absolutely amazing. I will send you a peivate message and we can chat more if you like. 

  3. Sorry to you both. I guess i cant understand how a guy looses his sex drive for a wife?  I love sex and would love to have sex as much as possible....  unfortunately my wife lost her sex drive also. I feel as though i have to beg for sex and its a miracle when we have it. She does enjoy it when we do have sex, always gets really wet and makes alot of noise. Lol. Just doesent have the drive...  I assume its the same for your husbands?

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