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Posts posted by CuriousCat

  1. I have dated the same man on and off for 8 years. He rarely initiates sex (unless he has smoked weed). Even when he tries to initiate it he gives a tickle to my hip or foot and is more playful than amorous acting. Though I am use to (and prefer) a passionate firm touch and handling to translate desire, I have accommodated this touch. He rarely looks at me. there was an incident when he had been folding towels when I stroll in naked, he doesn't even blink. Sometimes I lean over the counter and push my butt out in hopes of a look or little slap. He doesn't even notice. We now work different shifts. He is sleeping when I shower and I go to bed while he is still at work. We will go weeks without being intimate. I have discussed all of this with him. He tells me that his mother told him to respect women. I'm not sure how that explains.  I have asked what else i could do to make myself more appealing to him. I have a nice body, but I told him I would work out more. I have tried sexy outfits. I have rubbed on lotions. I have even tried doing many of the house hold jobs he does, just because you always read that if a man does dishes the woman is more inclined to have sex with him (I thought perhaps the opposite might be true). I hear all the ladies at my work complaining about their men not letting them sleep, groping them and wanting sex every night. I'm like, at least you feel desired, I bet you know your spouse wants you. Is it really too much to give him a few mins of your time? I always tend to be the male advocate.  It wears on your self esteem to always be the one asking. He is a very good man other than this. Very generous and smart. He certainly is some women's dream, he can fix anything, he cleans house and he isn't going to keep you up at night. I have purchased toys. Though they cant look at me or touch me like I am attractive they might spur him to participate. Any advice?

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