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Posts posted by danielsvixen

  1. I like a wide veriety of music.... It depends on the mood and beat of the music, it also depends on where I am at personaly at the moment.

    Black Velvet (not sure who sings it)

    Smokey Robinson

    Luther Vandross

    Berry white


    Tim McGraw

    Faith Hill

    Casting Crowns



    I can't think of any more right now.

  2. I completely agree with you Crazy - No one man can speak for ALL MEN - nor can I speak for ALL WOMEN or MEN! This is a matter of personal opinion which is great. If every man liked big tits - well, half the women of the world would be left out. The same with curves vs. no curves. Variety is the spice of life.

    I do think women should just try to find their inner sexy - if that happens - they will seem sexy on the oustside!


    Mikayla, how do you go about finding your inner sexiness??

  3. So, if I am reading this post correctly, you want to know how to flirt? <_<

    Well, nowadays, it is a little harder to flirt than it used to be because of all the sexual harrassment problems and all the sickos out there that take a little good natured comment out of context and think that "hey, nice butt" translates to "I want to suck your cock!" It is interesting how our times have changed and how both men and women have to be so careful about what they say in mixed company.

    Flirting is so much fun - but to answer your question the best I can - I really have to know who you want to know how to flirt with (or to teach your daughters to flirt with!) If it is a boyfriend, someone you are already dating - that is much easier. If it is someone who you WANT to date, and haven't approached yet, that is harder to do. Let me give you an example of each:


    You go out to lunch somewhere, you are sitting together at a table. Sit sideways in the chair, legs crossed so he can see your leg. You dangle your shoe on the end of your foot and kind of play with it there, while bouncing your foot slowly back and forth. If his hand is on the table, take it gently in yours and run your finger from his wrist slowly up his middle finger then back down while talking to him and looking directly into his eyes. Ask him what he thinks about lingerie, does he prefer thongs, g-strings or cheeky panties. Ask him if he likes sensual massages, showering with his lovers, etc. When your food comes, let go of his hand and eat, but keep up with the foot dangle - it keeps men off balance. ALWAYS go to the ladies room after eating and spritz some perfume on so you smell "different" than when you first met up. Come back to the table, but before you sit down, stop by his side, give him a small nibble on his ear and whisper "thanks for lunch (dinner)" in his ear and sit down.

    If this guy isn't ready to kiss you passionately after you leave the restaurant, then he is dead!


    Let us say this guy is someone you see frequently in a lunch area where you work. He is not in your office, but in a place people gather to eat lunch. (I won't say bar, because, well I don't want to go there) Anyway, you have noticed him and you want to meet him, and want to flirt with him. Dress nicely - skirt, heels, lower cut blouse, jewelry that goes into your cleavage. Wear a nice scent - something memorable. Towards the end of lunch time, not the beginning (men like eating too much :) ) walk up to his table CONFIDENTLY and just put your hand gently on his shoulder as you stand sort of behind him, say "hey, I notice you here all the time, you are one handsome (or sexy) guy" then WALK AWAY IN THE DIRECTION WHERE HE CAN WATCH YOU. Do not look back, just keep walking.

    Now, the next time you see him there at lunch (you may want to skip a day or two, be myserious) you also dress nicely. He may come up to you. If he doesn't. You can go back up to him, and say "About the other day, it occured to me, I hope I didn't embarrass you, but I am a woman who just says what she means, and I had to tell you that I find you so sexy." At this point, he will either invite you to sit, or tell you he is flattered but he has a girlfriend.

    This approach will work with people in your office or workplace too, as long as your find the right place to make the approaches.

    Now, for your girls, to teach them to flirt, it is all about confidence, being direct, being tactful, sexy, but not over the top. They have to be appropriate for their age. Telling a guy he is cute, is OK. They have to be confident and maintain the control. Part of the fun of flirting is being in control of the situation. You have to expect the rejection too, sometimes. My experience with these approaches has been success every time....

    Now, if you want more specific ideas, please let me know!

    Mikayla B)


    I am married so I will he will be my object of attetion. My girls are 13 1/2 and 20. I have been watching them this past week and they are doing well for themselves (thanks to my mother and sister in-law). So this lesson is for me to grow and my hubby to enjoy.

    What Howard has suggested here is not exactly about flirting, but more about what to wear and the ins and outs of "shopping for your figure" which is, part of the whole appearance. What he said here:

    is a little less like "flirting" and a little more like a sexual advance. Now, if you want ideas on how to make sexual advances, I will also be more than happy to give you some ideas, but I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that you were referring to a more innocent type of advance, called flirting.

    Also, Howard did make a very good point - about smiling. Smiles are very, very important! You should always be smiling. However, I do not know if a man will truly notice your smile before your breasts or your ass, but hey, if a good smile could really do that, then it is definitely worth a try! I do think that a happy, smiling face does draw attention up and away from other things - but men will be boys, and they do notice the curves - sorry <_< but they do!

    So, there are my extra 5 cents!


    Mikayla, I would love it if you sent me your ideas on making "sexual advances".

  4. OK I'm not sure if i'm more embaresed for myself or the family that raised me... I never learned to flirt growing up.... (I just figured it out for myself a few days ago and it's really bothering me). It bothers me because I have two daughters who I want to grow up healthy and accepting of themselves. I figure I can't teach them what I don't know so I better get busy learning! This is the best place I know of for advice and acceptance.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  5. I can feel them coming on and as the do my eyes close, my head is thrown back (if i'm on top) my back arches and words start to flow.... somtimes it's just oh my god! sweet jesus... to harder deeper fast oh fuck me etc....

    I have been know to scratch up his back and fanny to leaving bite marks on his chest .

  6. I'm quit noisy and usualy end up with a pillow in my mouth or my face buried in hubbys neck or chest. We have teens at home and in rooms close to ours (paper thin walls... this will be changing soon).

    I tend to hold my breath and almost pass out right at the end of an orgasm... Defanetly makes them intense...

  7. Sex was GREAT when I was pregnant! Everything in me was more alive and sensitive. Pluse I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. I also found that during this time sex was a great way to get exercise and condition all the muscells needed for delivery (we had 4 kids), also helps put ya into labor at the end....

  8. For me I have found that having sex during my period eases the cramps, bloating and shorten the length of flow time. Plus I have found that is what showers are for LOL.

    As for kids we have 3 and have always found time for fooling around.... nap time, their bath time, bed time, middle of the night, early mornings etc.... (we were also on seprate work schudels for 10 years).

  9. Vixen: I think MiKayla's suggestions are very good. As a guy, I always liked to be touched, and caressed, just like I would do to my wife. Do what you want to do to your husband, really ! It is no harder to do than that. Men like neck and back massages, just like you probably do. You want to get his attention when he is doing something like reading, or watching TV? Start with a massage. Run your fingernails behind his ears lightly so they drag over the mastoid bones. Very sensitive place you should already know about from your own experiences. Is he standing someplace? Walk up behind him and give his tush a squeeze, or a rub, or pat. If he turns around, run your other hand over his cock, and give it a pat or squeeze, or rub. Kiss him. French kiss him. Then whisper to him that you want to Fuck ! I may be easy, but this has always been all I needed to know to interrupt anything I was doing and go and play with my wife or lover. Have Fun.


    Thanks for your input guys. I already do alot of your sugestion, it seems that I haven't been following through to the good part though! LOL. Guess I will have to get creative in leting him know I want him (we still have 2 teens at home). I do great once the ball is rolling (that's how I got the name vixen from hubby).



  10. Vixen,

    You'll probably get many different answers since it really differs with each guy. For me, standing close is good, touching is even better. Compliments are always good too. Mentioning that you know a place for drinks (or food, or whatever) that is very private would work (am I just too easy?).

    It also depends on what you're looking for. Do you want a long term relationship or a one (or two) night stand? If you're looking for the latter then take the direct approach and just ask for what you want. A word of caution though. Unfortunately there's still a double-standard and women who take the direct approach too often, or with the wrong person, can quickly earn an uncomplimentary reputation.

    If you have some specific questions then ask them here. This board has some very helpful and intelligent men and women.


    I am married and want to learn to come on to my hubby. I never learned this stuff growing up and am finallly comfortable enough with my sexuallity to explore. Now I want to be able to start the lovemaking with hubby.

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