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Posts posted by Demos

  1. I managed to have multiples 3 times in my life. While the first 2 times it happened made me sweat like a faucet and wiped me out completely but the 3rd time it happened was an accident that saved time. I was about 20 minutes into giving my g/f her fifth orgasm when I got a deep and grabbing cramp in my ass/taint area and it would not let go so while I am grunting and moaning from the pain, I started to punch myself in the ass which caused me to suddenly start to orgasm and she then started orgasming. I was yelling and she thought it was due to her causing me to have this massive orgasm and I rolled off the bed and hit the floor which knocked the air out of me but the cramp finally started to back off. She looked so proud and smug thinking that she really gave it to me good and I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth.

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