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Posts posted by me4now

  1. wow i like his topic

    About 3weeks ago my and I were talking about this same topic, and I didnt know what to do about us watching porn together so i suggested on our date night that we go to a store and look at some things and he was like ok; so when we got there i ask if he wanted to look at some adult dvd and he was like yes!!!!!! afterwards i said would you like to buy one and see what happens and he bought it. So maybe you can take her to a store or invite her to look at some dvd on here and get her opinion to kind of break the ice.

    My husband are going to start buying dvd's from here

  2. what i did was get back in school and once i had our son in 2004 i did gain weight so now i am working out. we both belong to the gym so when we work out at home we make it fun by doin sexual exercise together which make me exercise harder. What my husband does now is he cooks more since Im in school plus run my own in-home daycare so i do get a little tired, and I am letting my hair grow also.

  3. I dont agree 100% of this article, but I have a very good friend and she has cheated 3 times and her rason is because she cant release all her sexually frustration out to her husband. so she had a co-worker who she had the affairs with, and what made haer stop is when she found out her husband almost cheated with a good friend of ours. That gave her a serious i opener she begin to communicate with her husband explaining why she did what she did. He was hurt by her confession.

    Come up with simple excuses for your tardiness or absences, and never use friends as alibis without their knowledge. Ask your lover not to wear perfume or heavy make-up, as your wife could easily detect a scent or see smeared cosmetics. And make sure to use protection [the first good advice I have heard yet] an accidental pregnancy or STD is hard to explain

    All this above is what she did to her husband.

  4. hello here my heart goes out to you and your husband on the lost of you baby.

    I would like to say i agree with the other posts that you should wait for the Threesome and why? I have a very close friend who lost her baby last year and they never mourn there lost and thought that doing other things would take there mindes off there loss and it did for a while he started working longer hours she started traveling more with friends and never time for each other so she decided that she wanted to bring another woman into the marriage and that was Hell that cause all hurt. When the other woman came up pregnant they were not sure if it was my freinds husband child or someelses because the husband was sleeping with her without his wife and she was spending time with some guy at her job. again neither one of them mourn their daughters death and during all this it finally hit them that this woamn is preganant her husband was not ready for another child and she was devasted that this woman and her husband could possibly be having a child together. After all was said and done it turn out he wasnt the father but they had hurt each so much now a year has pass and there trying to find their way back to each with counseling he just moved back home they have been dealing with their baby death and things are looking very good for them. I am not saying this will happen to you, but take it slow enjoy your husand get yourself together before anything else take the advice from here at tootimid so you wont have any regrets later please keep us updated and again deal with you loss grow closer with your husband just the two of you.

  5. It depends on the mood between my husband and myself it can really balance out.

    There are times when I can just go,go, go and he just cant do anything and then there times when he does the same thing so again it equals out. In the past I was not aggressive just go with the flow type of girl but now I'm married its all about being please and pleasing my Husband.

    Ok this is Want2know husband she is more agressive during the night time something really takes over her and for me its whenever However she just have me so turn on:)

  6. OOOOOOO LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing you WONDERFUL night it always make so fuzzy inside when I hear (read) stories like yours realizing that romance, intimacy, and all those other Fantastic things we do is never dead please continue having Great love making and fun with your wife.

    Please continue sharing with us also

  7. I would have to say one of the biggest mistakes would be, when I first got married to man husband I allowed a lot of the women here in Ga. get into my head and that lead me to not trust my husband so I would check his pager to see who would be callig and leaving him voice masseges and that lead to a whole lot of distrust.

    I later found out that they didnt want us together because they where ofter him the whole time, sometime I still feel really bad about that, but thank God for forgivness.

  8. Yes!!!

    If some one cheats or commits adultery they can change I know I am not going to say anything different from what has been already said. But I have lots of friends male & female and they cheated on their spouses some of them change and some didnt. I think if you really want you marriage or relationship to work you will change and also if the spouse or companion can forgive the cheater it can turn out to be a beautiful beginning for everyone, if the forgiveness has not been done then it would be hard for the relationship. As some one said early it just depends on the situation and the persons all involve but for the most part they can change.

    And its not a small % of change its form the heart and i will never do it again with determination they can change

  9. Great review I too love high vibes and for a while i thought that something was wrong with me and my husband said No its just the high the vibe the better you are and the more you come so i really have to add this to my list really good view cant wait to share

  10. My husband was worried also we went to the store together and pick the silver bullet (that was our 1st toy) and we came home had awesome foreplay before our love making and it went from there we didnt just go for it we played around with the bullet (my breast,legs stomach etc..) and that help him out a lot once he saw my reaction and how i responded to his touches we both were hook :D

    as everyon has said before me he cantbe replaced i really think that is a myth that is placed in our heads

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