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Posts posted by me4now

  1. well for me i pretty comfortable with some of my friends most of them try to act if sex is not important and i know that they can be just as wild as i can. as for my husband we are both very open with each other my family no not open at all they are not on the same level as i am and thats fine with me as long as i can be honest with my husband and myself everything is PEACHY, GREAT OUTSTANDING :lol:

    good topic

  2. Being a victim of a crime is always a shock. At first you can't believe it. Then, you start wondering if you did something to bring this on. Then you get frustrated and confused, and only after that gets to be boring do you get mad.

    When you are young, and you are the victim of an assault for the first time, most people don't even report the event to anyone. Certainly not to the police. Only if they are injured and need medical attention do most people call the police. And then, often such events occur where young people are doing something else illegal, like using drugs of one kind or another. They don't call the police because they are worried about being arrested themselves. I know from interviewing hundreds of criminals and human predators that there are people who actually search out such parties, to crash, or get an invite from someone they may have met just briefly, so that they can prey on the people at the party. I had one client who would steal checks from the middle of checkbooks left in the coat room by guests at a party. The victim would not discover the missing checks for days, and often not until after the police were calling the victim about a bounced check. Sexual predators are known to haunt parties where there is a lot of drinking, and lots of young women who may or may not have come to the party with a date.

    Drink less, have a good time, but keep your wits about you. Don't trust everyone you meet until they prove they are trustworthy.

    I once went goose hunting with a new acquaintence, and we spent time in the goose blind getting to know one another. Our first concern was about safe gun handling habits and practices, as no one want to get accidentally shot! But in mid-morning, an American Bald Eagle flew out of the refuge and over our blinds. He was majestic to watch, and about 120 yards up. Eagles are protected from any shooting, but there are creeps out there that do shoot at them. There were some people in a goose blind several hundred yards away from us at another club, that were shooting at everything that got within 150 yards of them. My friend calmly said, " If anyone shoots at that Eagle, I am going to kill them!" To which I said, " You had better be a very good runner if you are going to beat me to them!" He laughed, and said, " I didn't know how you felt about those kinds of things. " I told him " I didn't know how you thought about those things, either. I am glad we agree." No one shot at the Eagle, and it eventually flew off. But I learned some very important character traits of my new friend, and we were the best of friends until his death this past November.

    I felt confused, guilty, shocked, etc. the first time I was attacked. I got madder sooner as I got older and was victimized several more times. The first time I was shot at, I didn't want to believe it. But the moron kept shooting, so I finally fired back. The shooting stopped. I found out then, and in a later incident, that the bad guys don't like to be shot at either. Shooting back is the quickest way to send them in the opposite direction I have found. But you will have done this woman a favor in the long run by pursuing those charges against her. She needs help, and the sooner she gets it, the better for her.


    you are so wonderful :rolleyes: my friend said most likely if she doesnt return to her home they will put a warrant out on her either way i will win .

    and yes i was constantly thinking what have i done for this to happen i barely had a conversation with her and she went in to my friends bedroom and took some of her perfumes so you are right thier really is some issues thank so much HOWRD

  3. hi everyone

    sorry it took me a while to reply i was doing exactly what you all where saying it is so funny that you all are on the same page we did call the police who is a good friend of ours and file a report against her, i could not shake this off of me and my appetite was gone i told my husband how i felt and he said lets HOWARD (LOL) and see what could be done and he explain that it was assault and we filed a report.

    howard you are right if it was a man i would have not hesitated at all and my husband said the same things you said so now we are waiting, our friend really didnt know alot about her so hes not sure of her were abouts but i feel alot better since i filled out the report thank you all so much. its still a complete shock!

  4. Hello to all

    let me tell you what happen to me on last night (i cant believe it myself)

    my husband and i went to a friend house who just had a baby and we decided to spend the night to help out along with 5 other people since our friend wife had a c-section we went to bed about 12:00 a.m i took the first shift to help out one of our friends brought his new girlfriend (i say new because this was the first time we met her) and she seem nice a little loud but cool i told my husband i was ready to go to bed and that i needed to take a sinus tablet for my allergies are acting up so we went bed.

    ok heres the trip out part as i am sleeping i feel this air blowing on my face and these hands rubbing up and down my breast i open my eyes because this feels a little different them my husband touch very different because i feel my nibbles being pinch very hard and thats NOT!! my husband technique our friend new girlfriend is standing over me naked massaging her pussy i ask WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she replies i was dreaming of you and that made me realize i had to have you my husband wakes up like whats going on? and why in the hell are you standing in our room with no clothes? she says i had a dream that i was sucking on your wife scumptous devine breast and that let me know that i should make the first move.


    we get up go get our friend and hes pissed off we didnt want to wake our friends with new baby we took the conversation down stairs and this lady really didnt have any remorse of what she had done, she felt that what she saw is what she should have her dreams always lead her on the right path <_<

    I have never been with another woman never had the urge to be with another woman thats not me so what was it about me

    that made her do what she did? why are so many people so bold they fell that they can try any thing to anyone (male or female) personally i was insulted is that wrong of me? am i over reacting? please help me out i ask my friends that are lesbains and they were shocked of her boldness. HELP!!!!!!!!!! :(

  5. hey

    Congrads to you and your family

    My mother was foster mom and two of the children she adopted were drug babies but now their fine they are now my children once my mom past we adopted them for legal reason so i know exactly how your brother feels and you way to go i am so happy for you all

  6. for me

    it would be Godly values, intelligent hardworking has a vision never settle for just the now but eager to strive even harder

    excellent teeth romantic loving friendly,tall patient a motivator i could go on.

    these are things that i didnt think about when i was younger adn i truly appreciate now especially being married

    thanks Mikayla great topic makes you really think.

  7. ok i remember

    i had to be about 10 this boy bought me some flowers from his mother garden (red roses,pink ,yellow) and all the weeds connected in an old jam/jelly jar he poured chocolate syrup all over the roses and gave them to me.

    he told me his dad gave his mom flowers with chocolate on them:lol: oh yea he didnt shake the dirt from flowers off, i ran in the house to show my mom and she laughed so hard :lol:

  8. First, I wish people would understand that there is nothing nothing nothing wrong with using lubrication. Just because you may have to use it, doesn't mean the woman isn't excited. It just happens! Just like sometimes a man either can't get a hard on, or a full hard on. He just CAN'T do it. Again, different causes may be to blame.

    There are times of the month, where a woman's hormones may cause her to be a bit dryer. As well as medications, stress, and yes, even taking a shower/bath can cause a woman to be a bit on the dry side. The soap from showering can dry a woman out, or sometimes even the water, depending on what & when they treat the water (with).

    Personally, I like Astroglide. It's water-based, so safe for toys & condoms alike. Practically odorless, and a little goes a long way! I've used K-Y lube, and I didn't like it. It just didn't seem to last as long as I needed/wanted it too.

    Just out of curiousity, why won't she join TT?

    she just wont we have set at the computer and tried to come up with names and she just wont, so i stop asking

  9. hello to all

    1 of my best friend is embarrassed :unsure: because sometimes before they are intimate she sometimes go an shower and afterward's she's dry sometimes really dry and it's not that she not in the mood its just hard for him to penetrate she explains they have lots of foreplay but its takes her a while to get wet so i told here that i would find out what type of lube she can use that wont irritate her or him so please help me.

    thank you!!!!!!!!

    i have tried to get her to join tootimd she wont ;)

  10. hi CGEM

    sorry :( it has taken so long to get back i have been so busy at work ;) , so i do apologize again :)

    well the egg that i purchase is the Cleopatra by Dr laura Berman i love it you just have to be used in a place were its not very quiet because it can be a liitle noisy but the fun of it is great.

    my husband and i use it the cheese factory i place it in position before i left home with a liitle lube and once we got there i hand him the remote and everytime the waitres came to our table he would turn it on to different vibration and some vibration were stronger then others but it got me so horny we didnt finish eating (lets say i was dessert) :P please keep extra batteries because the ones that i got with egg didnt last long and you need 1 with the remote also and 6 six watch sizes batteries and happy palying. some people say its uncomfortable but it didnt bother me at all i really like it. i hope this help :D please let me know

  11. hi CGEM

    sorry :( it has taken so long to get back i have been so busy at work ;) , so i do apologize again :)

    well the egg that i purchase is the Cleopatra by Dr laura Berman i love it you just have to be used in a place were its not very quiet because it can be a liitle noisy but the fun of it is great.

    my husband and i use it the cheese factory i place it in position before i left home with a liitle lube and once we got there i hand him the remote and everytime the waitres came to our table he would turn it on to different vibration and some vibration were stronger then others but it got me so horny we didnt finish eating (lets say i was dessert) :P please keep extra batteries because the ones that i got with egg didnt last long and you need 1 with the remote also and 6 six watch sizes batteries and happy palying. some people say its uncomfortable but it didnt bother me at all i really like it. i hope this help :D please let me know


    The position Mikayla just said work well for me i didnt know the name at the time or even if it had a name :lol: it just work out so wonderful for us(THANKS MIKAYLA :lol: ) Spooning and all the other positions where fine until my last 3mos and that s when we started The flower press :lol: and that work very well so enjoy be careful and have fun

  13. 1) Ever been to a strip club


    2) Ever been to a bar?


    3) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?


    4) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?


    5) Kissed someone of the same sex?

    yes my mom :P

    6) Thrown up from drinking too much?


    7) Had sex in a car?

    Yes last night

    8) Had sex at the beach?


    9) Had sex in a movie theater?

    not yet

    10) Had sex in a bathroom?


    11) Had sex at work?


    12) Have you ever been in an "adult" store?

    Yes last night

    13) Bought something from an adult store?


    14) Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store?


    16) Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider?

    yes i married him

    17) Have you been caught having sex?


    18) Are your breasts real?

    oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!

    19) Have you ever kissed a stranger?


    20) Does anyone have naughty pics of you?

    not yet inthe making

    This was fun :P


  14. I went to a sex toy party and i was so amazed at what a lot of the women were excited about placing orders for sexual toys so i told my husband and we both brush it off then i decided to go buy a silver bullet and we laugh about it, but then a friend of mines told me how she and her husband reaction to the rabbit how good it made her feel so that gave me the push to use the silver bullet with my husband and on & on since :rolleyes:

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