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Posts posted by sonnyeyed

  1. We have 4 kids. They are 15,13, and twins that are 6. We just lock our door at night so if they need something they knock. If we are in need of a quickie we sometimes will try to get the little ones involved in a movie or something and hide in the bathroom, bedroom or even our walk in closet.

    As a new mother when my oldest was just a baby (crawling) she sometimes would sleep with us. Even if she didn't sleep with us I would have never closed our door or hers. We tried to be very discreet about sex and thought we were doing well until one day while having supper at a friends who had a child 1 month younger. They were rolling around on the floor playing and all the sudden our daughter was on top just humping the hell out of their poor kid. OOPS! Maybe it is o.k. to close the door for a few minutes every now and then.

  2. I get mixed signals from my hubby on this isue. When I met and married him I was skinny. I am almost 5'10 and only weighed 118 pounds. My nick name in high school was barbie. So basically I know he is attracted to "barbie" types After having 3 pregnancies the last of which were twins I was able to stay thin about 135 lbs. Then about 9 months after the last pregnancy I quit smoking. I had always heard that you gain weight when you quit smoking but I didn't think twice about it because I had always been so thin. Oh boy every pound that I had lost after pregnancy I regained.

    O.K. I know that I am still very attractive because well I attract a lot of attention. I also know that my husband still finds me attractive. He compliments my ass and my tits all the time and he has a hard time keeping his hands to himself. I will start to feel OK with my new found curves and then he will say something that will through me for a loop. He will make little comments like for instance I bought an MP3 player a few months ago so he asked if I was going to go to the gym everyday now. So what is it he is trying to say?

  3. I like when he fucks my tits. It also comes in handy if I am on the rag and don't want him down south. He seems to like it if I wrap them around his dick while using one finger to make a constant pressure point that moves up and down his shaft with each stoke.

  4. I like watching porn with my hubby. We definatly don't make it through the whole thing. We barely make it through the first scene. I like porn because I learn from it. I guess some of the stuff does turn me on. But most of all I like it because when the hb watches it he can go again and again he actually lasts longer than I do! Also he is more willing to try thing that are different.

  5. Well as embarrassing as it is I guess other than rubbing my first experience was with my dog at about 13. She slept with me everynight and one paticular night she started to lick my pussy. At first I was appalled and told her to stop but then it was like wow that was awesome. I also enjoy the shower head especcially the pulse setting. The jets in a jacuzzi are unbeliviably pleasant. I once read to use a soft brissle toothbrush on my clit with lubricant. It did a good job but it was a bitch when I had to pee cuz it stung like hell. Never tried that again!!!

    Oh I forgot. The most unusual place would be the tanning bed. I was getting bored so I found away to pass the time.

  6. I would have to say I agree with mikayla. If my husband was to go to a strip club and had a lap dance I don't think that is cheating. Some of the best sex I have ever gotten was after he went to the club with his buddies. But he damned well keep his dick in his pants until he gets home.

  7. Boy, I guess I would have to say doggie style. Although I don't usually cum this way it still feels very good. I think it is the domination part of it. I love the way he grabs my hips or my hair and just slams me. I also like to be on top. It is much easier for me to cum this way and I like the way my tits smack him in the face if they aren't in his mouth.

  8. Ok All You Ladies- I was having a discussion with one of my good friends last night over dinner and I was APPALLED to learn that she DOES NOT SWALLOW her boyfriend's cum!

    I thought that this was something that I had coached all my female friends on - apparently she missed the seminar on cock sucking! :P

    She, of course, defended her actions with the whole "It tastes bad...blah, blah, blah...." argument, that I only half listened to and then cut her off with "WHOA.....no friend of mine is going to blabber that crap!"

    So, ladies, what I want to know from you - and I want to know from all of you who are looking at the site and don't post much too - what do you do with your man's cum - SPIT or SWALLOW - and WHY?????

    I promise to all the "spitters" to not yell at you....I will simply defend my argument on swallowing in a non-argumentative and sensible manner! :D

    So what is it - SPIT OR SWALLOW???

    Mikayla B) [/font

    I definatly swallow. I do think it is an acquired taste though. When I first got with my husband I was only 16 and although he begged me to go down on him and I refused. The reason being I had no idea what to do once I got down there (unfortunatly 20 years ago this site wasn't available). I mean they call it a blowjob but I don't spend much time blowing. Thanks to my best freind, who when told my problem, took my finger in her mouth and gave it a blowjob. After that I started sucking on his cock occasionally but I asked him to pull it out before he came. Eventually I let him come in my mouth and I didn't really spit but just kind of let it ooze out while I finished. After becoming pregnant with our twins I was told not to have sex because of the risks of premature birth. Well I felt guilty and I knew I pressure had to be relieved. I wanted to satisfy him so I choked it down. Nowdays I love to suck on his big hard cock and I love to swallow. Too bad it took me so long to try it.

  9. Can any women reply and let me know if I'm off base about approaching my wife about this subject...are women into this or is it just a porno movie thing?

    If my husband was to ask me I would certainly try it. In fact I would love for him to give me a facial. I think you should ask her and if she doesn't want to then fine. She may even change her mind if given time to think about it. Since I have been coming to this site I have realized that maybe the reason my husband isn't as kinky as I would like him to be is because I just hint around at things instead of just bluntly asking. Some of us just aren't as comfortable with our sexuality as others. Anotherwards just go for it and you may be pleasantly suprised.

  10. Until her 15th b-day party my daughter talked a lot about boys but was still my little girl. At her party which was in a hotel her freind asked her boyfreind to come and bring a freind. I really didnt think much of it. I was always near and they just sat around the pool and talked. My daughter who is beautiful with chestnut hair, huge almost black eyes and is already in a D cup is a little chunky. She has in the past made comments about the boys at school all like anorexic girls and I just tried to reassure her. I figured the attention from this boy would be good for her self-esteem.

    After the party he continued to call every night and she seemed very happy. I agreed on a double date at the pizza parlor if I dropped her off and picked her up ( the boy has his drivers liscense). A few weeks later they went to a movie which my mother drove her to and she sat away from them. Problem is I didn't do my homework and come to find out the boy is 18. I dont like this idea but at the same time I dont feel that I should say she cant see the boy anymore just because of the age difference. He comes over every weekend and brings movies which we all sit in the living room and watch as a family. Yes I know 18 yo boys think of one thing but he seems like decent guy. I met my husband as a 16 yo and he was 19 which is the same age difference. Some people, like my mother, are appalled by the fact that I am allowing her to date an 18 yo.

    I have had several talks with my daughter and about sex and try to reassure her that she can talk to me about anything. I have also have told her that I believe she is to young for sex but that the thing I am most worried about is using protection. Is this giving her permission to have sex? Am I crazy by beleiving it is lame to tell her she cant see this boy just because he is 18? I know from personal experience that forbidden or not if she wants to see this boy she will find away. I feel that I actually have more control over the situation by giving her some freedom.

    She is very mature for her age and has a good head on her shoulders. The other day her and a freind wanted me to drop them off at the mall for a few hours. I asked her if James would be going. Her reply was " No, if he goes he will want to buy me things. Then he may think that I will owe him something."

    Has anyone been in a situation like this or have any feelings on my position?

  11. This is the first time I have been to this site but I am sure I will be back. My problem is that I want to try new things and I have a hard time getting my husband to agree. I have been married for almost 16 years and he is a great husband. We have a decent sex life but I want to have crazy kinky sex. The only way I get earthshattering sex is to get him drunk and get a porn movie. The sex is hot and heavy but he balks at the idea of getting a movie. The last time I tried to get him to rent a movie he refused so he sat in the parking lot while I went in to rent the movie, later that evening we both enjoyed the movie many many times.. One time when I suggested it his reply was "aern't I good enough" so I now watch what I say because I dont want him to feel that way. This makes keeping an open line of communication very difficult let alone trying a toy or something. Dont get me wrong he likes sex. It is not unusual for us to have some form 2-3 times a day. It is not the quantity but the quality I am looking for.

    Over the years I have rented movies which he obviously enjoys so why is he so hesitent about getting them. I have brought him old playboys from a freinds husband. As far as I know he never even opened them. Could he think this behavior would offend me? If it would I wouldnt offer it to him (dah). I have called him a prude on several occasions. One day we were talking and something was said to the effect of a pin-up of some hottie in his toolbin at work so if he can look at them there why can't he look at them at home.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about spicing things up and trying new things without offending him. I guess I am just getting mixed signals and I don't know how to get him to just loosin up.

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