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Posts posted by DB556

  1. On 12/27/2023 at 7:43 PM, Susan James said:

    If your pecker feels like it is asleep or less sensitive you might try a dab of Franks' Red Hot on the tip to light that candle. The other problem which may lead to decreased sensitivity is habitual masturbation when one beats their meat like an organ grinder. Over aggressive self flagellation and a strangle hold on the pecker can cause neuropathy and a  result in one being comfortably numb leaving you with nuts full of cum.

    Ugh, nope to the Frank's Red Hot. Maybe you were joking? Can't imagine that would feel good on me or inside the vagina it would go in. And, it's definitely not from over aggressive masturbation. I know that does cause this symptom, I've read that, but I have no need to do that, my wife takes care of it nearly every day and sometimes multiple times a day. But thanks for the reply. Also, quite poetic...nice work.

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  2. On 12/27/2023 at 2:37 PM, 6981 said:

    Wouldn’t say it’s age related as I’m much older than you with no symptoms. Perhaps if it happens, just stop and let you cock stay inside her for a little bit, start slowly and let it happen. Works for me. I tend to want to delay to saber the feeling. Have you tried just stimulating your frenulum? It’s very sensitive to stimulation, perhaps you will find benifit. Hope this helps, keep us posted!

    Thanks for the reply and tips. The more I think about it the more I think it might just be due to how often we're doing it. I've noticed it doesn't happen if there is a day or two with less activity.

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  3. Is decreased penis sensitivity normal as you get older? The more important question....Is there a way to improve it?

    I'm not talking about getting hard and staying hard, I have no problem with that. I'm talking about sensitivity leading to orgasm. I have noticed that if I delay or try to control it, like edging, it can be very difficult to get back to the point of orgasm. It did not used to be like that, I could get to the point or orgasm then stop, calm down, start again and get back there. Now, sometimes if I delay it things just start to feel kind of numb and I don't get back to an orgasm.

    It could just be age related, I'm 52. It is not my testosterone level, I'm at 815 on that. It could be frequency of orgasms...my wife and I have some kind of sex 4 to 5 times a week. It can happen with vaginal or anal sex, and maybe a couple of times with oral. If it happens with vaginal or anal she can usually get me there with oral. It does not happen every time, sometimes I'm done in a few minutes, but if I delay it, that's when it can happen.

    Bottom line is that I have noticed a decrease in sensitivity after prolonged stimulation and I'm wondering if it is normal and if there is a solution to increase sensitivity.

    Thanks for any input.

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