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Posts posted by Mike_d

  1. If the toys are washed in warm soapy water with anit-bacterial or anit microbial soap and then dried, there is nothing medically wrong with them. As a word of caution, I would wash them again for my own sake and use an anti-bacterial wipe a time or six on it my self. I just think it's a tad gross to borrow and swap toys. There is nothing medically wrong with it if the proper steps are taken.

  2. Well, we have used a variety of things over the years, we had a box for a while we just kept under the bed. About a year ago, I upgraded to a "treasure chest" I got from Hobby Lobby on clearance for about 10 bucks. It looks nice and has a place for a small lock, like the ones that used to come on luggage or a childs piggy bank. We don't have a lock on there, and the kids don't come play in our room so that is not really the issue. Most of our friends have see the chest and know what it is, but I think it's a nice way to keep them. The inside is lined with red velvet and to keep from fibers getting all over the toys, I put a purple silk scarf in the bottom.

    I keep trying to get a pic of it up here, but I cannot seem to load them from my computer.

  3. CL, tell me what you think of Henryandjune, I really think they are more reasonably priced than some of the other places around. I still say that Hips and Curves has the best customer service I have found on the web for lingerie!

    Just so as I don't offend anyone, I have never had to use TT customer service the products work so well. So from all the places I have dealt with Customer Service online, HandC is the best.

  4. My wife and I do this on occasion and we have a blast. We use toys for both of us and we really get hot watching each other. Some nights we take turns and I watch her get off, and then vice versa, it's very hot; and yes, I think it can be educational, her hand job technique definately improved after a couple of times watching me and I learned a bit more about what motion she likes on her clit with fingers or toys.

    The first couple of times we did this, it was not planned or suggested, it just happened. I would be using a toy on her and she would ask me to jerk off where she could see and I was very eager to suggest that she take over the vibe or touch herself for me. It would up working out so we came together and were very satisfied. We did this a few more times and now we try to do this every so often to keep things interesting.

    That said, there are several ways you can get a partner involved in this. One is to simply ask, do you like watching me touch, play, or screw myself (use the word you are most comfortable with)? Or tell them to meet you in the bedroom, when they come in, tell them you want to give them a show, they can touch themselves, but only themselves and only when you tell them they can. I know that choice is definately for the bold and daring, but it's so much fun. If they break the rules, the show stops. What is good is that you can reward him with a bj after you have gotten a few orgasms under your belt.

  5. Yes, that ship has sailed, but honestly, I was never looking to board it. When I was about 15 and the idea seemed great (4 tits, 4 butt checks to squeeze and spank, and two vaginas to screw!) but part of me has always been pragmatic and realizes that it might be fun for a bit, but the novelty has to wear thin and preferences will be formed leading to an uncomfortable situation. Weather anyone will own up to it, that is the nature of human relationships. You like some people more than others and vice versa, some like you more or less than other people.

    I have friends who have done the MFF 3some thign and some say it was the best night of their life and all have differnt takes on the idea, some get in a little trouble for bringing it up more than they should and causing contention, but they want that other person back in bed, they prefer them over their SO. Other friends, guys now, own up and say it was okay, but not nearly as exciting as it is hyped to be. I never bought in to the idea that it is something that everyone should do and I personally just don't care one way or another if someone does it. I hvae a close friend who wants a blow up doll for her and her husband so they can mimic a 3some. She ask if I thought it would be sexy and I had to tell her honestly, not so much. It just doesn't appeal to me, but it might to him and I know it does to her, so I don't dare to judge. I just gave my opinon that it was not really what I would do if I had that kinda money. If TT sent me a doll to try out and all that jazz, I would certainly give it try to see if was something I might enjoy, but is it in my top 20 fantasies, not even close.

  6. Euphoria, I am with you on this one. I don't like the idea of two women so much, because I just feel left out. I want sex to particiapte in, not just sit back and watch. I also don't like porn, and feel that it is not for everyone, I dont' think it's for anyone really, but that is just my opinion. I think if the sex at home is good enough, there is no need to bring in someone else from either sex to add to the mix.

  7. maybe I watch too many westerns but here goes something:

    A fist full of dollars

    A few Dollars More

    The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    on another note:

    A few good men

    Gladiator (Glad he ate her)

    300 :o

    The Passion

    An Affair to Remember

    Look Who's Coming

    Look Who's Coming Too

    The Full Monty

  8. Val, did this stuff have a smell? What is it made of and how do you care for it? Any special instructions? Is it safe with a silicone lube or do we need to stick to water based? Thanks for the info and I just might have to get this!

    My wife and I have the Nookii game (not sold here, sorry folks) and it's a LOT of fun!

  9. Ladies, thanks. I agree that women like Paris Hilton and so on are unattractive on a physical level only. I just don't want a woman who reminds me of a starvation victim. When i can see the ridges in the breastbone of a woman, it's unattractive. I have seen several "plus size" women who are far sexier than their skinny bleachblonde counterparts. Gimme a real woman any day.

  10. ss930-06main.jpg

    Our first bondage kit was well......our first bondage kit. Seriously, we have these exact same teathers I got a while back and getting a new set was like breaking in the first one all over again. The set includes four long nylon lenghts with black fur cuffs at the ends with velcro closures. Strong velcro closures. And a sportsheets sleep mask. I am not a fan of these, but my wife was willing to give it a shot.

    I wanted to test these to see if they were tough, so I tied one end to the door knob on my bedroom door and put the velcro on my wrist. I pulled and tugged and fought, when I heard the door and jam creaking and popping, I knew they passed my test.

    Our favorite time to use these cuffs was one night I felt a little like teasing and so I bound her down, and normally this is just to keep her from scratching. My wife has to grab something to hold during orgasm, the stronger the O, the more she tightens her grip. So normally, I just bind her to keep her hands to her self. This time, I laid out our 10 favorite toys.

    She was laid back spread eagle and candles were lit all over the room. I began to tease her with different toys and work her slowly up to an orgasm, then swap toys and start her all over. I had finally begun using her fav dual action and sending her over the edge, when she started to pull against her restraints. I did't know who would win out in the end, but she was held fast and I was thoroughly impressed. I took her very slowly that night before un-doing the velcro and unleashing the wild woman in my bed. My wife remarked how even though she was pulling very very hard against them, she didn't get any friction burns or irritation. They were always soft and comfortable, yet surprisingly strong. We keep them tied to the frame of our kingsize and have plenty of slack to tie off. These little guys stay attached to our frame and we just tuck them under the dust ruffle when they are not being used.

    I would say if you are looking into some light bondage and want a very un-intimidating set up, this is the way to go. These ties are soft, comfortable, easy to get in and out of, not to mention strong. So what are you waiting for?

    a little more kink awaits you

  11. GK14061MAIN.JPG

    Ever been to the gates of hell? A road trip there with Michael Moore and Bill O'Reilly sounds more fun that attempting to use this painful, hellish, torture device again. Seriously, send this thing to Guantanimo for use in interogations.

    I got this and I had already read MM's great review of this product and figured, hey, a second opinon never hurts. Man, was I wrong.

    So I got this from the box and took out the bullet with the three included batteries and began to put it all together to give it shot. Well to make a long story short, the battereis didn't quite fit in like they were supposed to and the bullet ran continuously with no shut off. Not to mention the batteries were HOT HOT HOT to the touch when I unscrewed the cap to take them out. I must have gotten one with bad wiring, but that is not the real issue here.

    I put the batteries back in and slipped the bullet into it's place on the sleeve. I added some lube and began to work my hard-on into the appropriate tube on the toy. I figured shaft first, balls second. Well, I never really got around to the second part, because I could not get the head past the entrance. I tried, used the best lube I have got and still no dice. The rubber is thicker around the area built for your shaft and so it does not stretch like normal. I worked at this for several minutes and got no success. I finally just tried to ram it in there only to get the sensation of someone snaping a clothes pin on the head of my dong. I lost my erection almost immediately and chalked this one up to a lost cause.

    I would have to say this is not the toy for me. I am by no means hung like a horse or anything like that, just an average guy really( I think, I don't spend much time looking at other guys packages) but I had some real issues with this toys performance. It might work for guys who are under average and need a litttle extra to help them go the distance.

    Can you be a marathon man?

  12. as a guy who has done this thing, (lets face it, after a kid, many women do not have the figure they did before hand) i would say to go for it. He picked it out and had you in his mind, so why not see the look of utter lust on his face when you surprise him with it. I know how it is to fuss over body issues, and feel like you are not attractive anymore (i gained 40 lbs after getting married) and I know that she still thinks I am sexy and vice versa. What it all comes down to though is this, if you won't feel sexy in it, don't wear it. If you think his looks of admiration, lust, and desire will make you feel less insecure, go for it.

    I know that I always appreciate the effort she puts into it and the fact that she might be willing to come out of her comfort zone to accomodate some of my fantasies.

  13. I am seeing a pattern here! My wife an I were looking at some Simmons matresses a while back and loved them, they all were the no flip kind with a heavy pillow top cover. They were so nice! but close to 1500 for the matresses alone. I can really see spending close to 5K on a bedroom suit (Matresses and all) and be just fine. I might look at the tempurpedic and see what they offer, call me vain, but I like to see the look of a good bed rather than just a frame and the matresses. If I could get a four poster, mahogony tempurpedic queen size, I am good to go!

  14. I don't approve of strip clubs. I know that many othes on the board disagree, but I would not, nor have I ever been to a strip club. I know the attitude of many is "It does not matter where he/she gets their appetite, as long as they eat at home" but I just have to disagree. When you frequent places where the focus is a perceived notion of sex with someone who is designed to be a fantasy, what does that make you. reality and just like many people on here have said, somtimes reality is not as good as the fantasy, so he goes back to get that same feeling of fantasy and release. I think it's cheating, but that is Just My Opinion.

  15. Your stress level input makes it seem to be an relaxing mechanism for you. If you are stressed and don't feel like having sex, your subconcious sees the benefit of the endorphins and when you shut down for the night, it says, we need to relax and this is a sure fire way.

    Just my two more cents here.

  16. sponge bath, what!? Sign me up!! We are not into the medical play, but I like the idea of surgeon and nurse screwing it up. Too bad she would rather be the patient.....

    The surgical tape could be fun.....I might have to shave her wrists so the tape doesn't pull as bad......

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