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Posts posted by Mike_d

  1. TC738main.jpg

    Is there anything better than a nice relaxing bath with your lover at the end of a long tough day? Well, now there is, that same bath, but with a bunny!


    The Bath Time Bunny!

    The minds at Top Cat Toys have taken an excellent toy, and added one of the best features imaginable, it’s waterproof! Now, we all know that dual action toys tend to rule the roost with most women. This pink jelly jewel is no exception!

    Right out of the box I noticed a lot of things to like. The smooth jelly and the deep pink color are great; I know my wife loves the more unique colors and not the fleshy ones. Also a smooth jelly toy is one that uses less lube and still feels amazing. The ears on the rabbit are a bit longer than most and are sure to be easily placed exactly where they are needed. Third, the base dial is large and easy to turn. This thing was sure to be a hit. The only thing left was to try it out.

    So away we went a little make out time and some other activities and there was no lube needed! Now, as we all know, first impressions are key. My thoughts were right on; she loved the color and was very happy to see those ears! I began to use the toy on her and she loved how strong the ears were. I told her they should be, with 2AA’s and no shaft rotation, all the power goes straight to the ears. With in a couple of minutes she had a strong orgasm. Not take my breath away, but not that was nice but could have been stronger either. The second time the pretty purple powerhouse came out to play, it delivered the goods in the form of a G-spot orgasm! This is one of the toys that can do both. That gets my vote any day! So there you have it.

    I strongly recommend this for beginners who want a rabbit, a waterproof toy, and something that is inexpensive and almost guaranteed to give an orgasm every time. The only down side I have come upon is the smell of the jelly. Wash it good and if you have some real issues, you can always add a dab of scented or flavored lube to cover up any smell. I didn’t notice the smell too much, but enough that I thought it should be mentioned.

  2. SE0043-14-3main.jpg

    Oscillating Mini-Massager

    Don’t let the appearance fool you, this toy has several surprises. A new way to approach an old question, what is the best way to get her off?

    Oscillating Mini-Massager

    Oh happy day! My new box from TooTimid just came. I do the normal ritual and lay all the toys on the bed and size them up. I got some really good toys from the looks of it and then I came across the last one in the box the Oscillating Mini-Massager. It looked really interesting and I couldn’t pass it up. It is a base handle with four different head attachments. I like things that offer variety and are unique. I learned that sometimes novelty is not all that is needed for a good toy.

    Ok, four heads right. Now, I am a guy who likes to have fun and I like for things to be clear and good communication. To that end, I sat down with my wife and we named all the attachments. The first one was the Zebra. It has a wide kind of squashed face, but a rounded “mane” on the back that was ribbed and looked striped. Second head was the Micorphone. It looked a little like a microphone but with raised rings around it in places. Third, the Samurai. It looks like the masks you see guys wear when they practice and is oval with raised lines over the front. Last and certainly not least was the Urchin. It looks like a sea urchin. It is round with raised bumps over most of it, but one side is caved in with small spines pointing inward.

    Now for the mechanics of how this thing works. The best way I can describe it is like an electric toothbrush. No lie. Really. You put the attachment of the day on the end and handle and use a small button on the end to turn on the two speed motor. Neither speed really impressed me either.

    Let me say something about the power for this toy. It uses three AAA batteries and I thought that might be enough. I was right and wrong at the same time. If you turn the toy on by it’s self, the motor seems to do a good job and twist and turn that little head all over the place. If you touch it to a finger, it does a good job of providing vibration. If you put this toy anywhere where the motion will be limited, like between two fingers, it slows down almost to a crawl and really loses function. While my wife and I used it, she really got into it from the beginning. She was loving this toy, loved the movement, we have tried all of the heads and she can’t pick a favorite. Our only gripe is that it’s just to weak to get her to orgasm on either setting. The problem was that even with holding her lips open, you could get to a good speed, but if you wanted to make the sensations more intense and direct, the heads were pushed into the clit and the soft tissue, it slowed down almost to a stop.

    This is a great idea, good design, and we love the multiple heads and possibilities, but it just needs more power or a stronger motor or both!

  3. SIN1314main.jpg

    Yes Virginia, there is a vibe made specifically for the contours of a woman’s anatomy! We all remember hearing those immortal words right? Well maybe not those exact words, but the vibe mentioned is one that you won’t forget.

    Superbe Natural Contours Massager

    The Natural Contours vibe is just wonderful. I really enjoy this item! I don’t know that you can tell that, so I had to state it plainly. First, it’s not really big or cumbersome. It’s a simple curved wedge, and the curve is designed to fit the in the palm of your hand and reach the promised land, the clit. It also comes with its own batteries and well, let’s face it that is a definite plus.

    Now, I put in the batteries, just 2 AA, and we were ready for action. This vibe has a simple three stage motor and that is more than enough given the fact that this toy sits perfectly on top of the clit. Also it’s so easy to use since it fits just in the palm of your hand. Well, on a lazy Saturday afternoon with our son down for his nap, we went to bed too for some playtime. This was the first thing out of the box and we decided to give it a try. I opened her up and began to gently massage her clit with the end of this and no vibration. She liked how smooth the end was and how it gently worked her clit to arousal. I pushed the slide motor control over to the lowest setting and she immediately let me know that was just what she wanted. Less than a minute later, she wanted more, I pushed it up to medium and she came almost instantly! We didn’t even make it to highest setting (that day!) and she orgasmed twice on medium speed!

    This toy is also good for use when a woman is on top and wants some clitoral stimulation, it fits almost perfectly and the vibration can be shared! A great toy and only one complaint, this one tends to get a bit on the noisy side, so you might want to turn on some music or something to keep the nosy neighbors from getting suspicious!

  4. This is definitely one of the most unique erection rings on the planet!! This one comes straight from the wild kingdom!

    Man Shark Erection Ring

    I don’t know if there is a link for this toy, I will put on up as soon as I find it.

    There are many diverse and unique cock rings available. Some are simple and straightforward, just a simple rubber or cyberskin ring designed to fit over the base of the penis and testicles to constrict blood flow out of the penis making a stronger and fuller erection. Others have two loops, one for the penis and another for the testicles, a little more user friendly and you still get the desired results. Still others involve micro-vibes designed to stimulate the clitoris during sex, and various combinations of these. Well, I have a new category all together! This thing belongs in the looks like it will hurt and eat your lover all at the same time category. At least those were my initial thoughts. As you can see, the ring is the beginning of a shark mouth, complete with several rows of “teeth” designed to stimulate the man and his partner. Yes, it’s soft and very pliable; it’s made of soft silicone and stretches very well. It just looks kind of uncomfortable.

    Well the time came to try “sharky” out and that ring is fairly tight. I had a bit of difficulty getting it on until I added a drop of TooTimid lube. I tend to see if rings go on smoothly at first with out lube just for the “inquiring minds want to know” factor. My advice, use lube, water based lube at that; we don’t want this ring disintegrating, that sort of defeats the purpose. Well, with this ring snug around the base of my member, my wife quipped “Oh honey! He looks like he is gonna eat me!” followed by fits of giggles that a man never really wants to hear when his package is being discussed. Honestly, I had to agree though. The top of the “mouth” only came about one-third of the way up my shaft, but it did look a bit silly.

    So it looks silly and fits well, but how does it perform? Not too hot in my book. I could feel the underside doing some thing for me, but it was kind of weak. Since the mouth is attached to me, there is no real way for it to deliver the friction that I wanted. The top part did face up and rub my wife’s labia and clit, but the silicone was so soft, she said it really didn’t do much for her. Now, it did give me a bit more staying power and I really like a snug fit, and it delivered in those categories, not to mention the novelty of a penis shark.

    Overall, the ring is good, nice and snug, the “teeth” are just a bit too soft to do anything. This is definitely a novelty and unique product. If you are looking for a great gag kind of gift for a bridal shower or bachelorette party gift, it will definitely spark a reaction!

  5. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4471

    Product Review by Mike - Little Rock, AR

    A good G-spot vibe, who doesn't want one? I had looked for G-spot vibes and I had looked over a lot of them, every single one in fact. I showed this item to my wife and we agreed to give it a try. It was the first G-spot vibe we have ever purchased. I don't think it will be our last.

    I got home before my wife and saw that the box from TT had come. I was very excited, we have gotten many wonderful toys from here and I was very excited to see what we had now could do. I got out our other items and looked at them very excited. Then I pulled this one out and my eyes became the size of sliver-dollars. I thought the shaft was covered in small bumps or just a wavy, ribbed sort of texture. I was wrong. It is covered in hundreds of small protrusions. Now, this toy is jelly, soft, pliable, and you can almost bend it in half. That being said, you might think the bumps would be soft, not really. They were quite stiff. Well, I had my questions, but my wife was eager to try it out.

    We used some lube, and began to play around. It became very evident that she was not enjoying it as much as she anticipated. As I got it in, she was having difficulties with this toy. Being a very dedicated woman, we ventured on a bit more and I saw a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. When the curved head hit the right spot, you could see it on her face. It was clear that the head on this was made just right for finding the G-spot. However, any position change that was made with the vibe made her wince with discomfort. It wasn't long and we decided to stop using this toy.

    After she had a bit to relax, I began to ask her about the experience. She said the G-spot head was okay, but the shaft was "like the side of a cheese grater with the small, rough, raised parts, for grating hard cheese". OUCH!!!!

    All I can say is, the noise was super quiet, and it uses two AAA batteries, has no funny smell, and is a nice color. None of that matters though if you cant stand to use it. My only other though is that you might use a condom to try and cover the bumps on the shaft, but why bother with going through all that, when there are other great G-spot vibes here with GLOWING reviews?

  6. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4420

    There are dozens and dozens of lubes out there. Some flavored, but are sticky, stringy and taste similar to cough syrup. Others are clear, flavorless, no staining, and are there to just do their job and do it well. Still more are greasy, very long lasting, maybe even too long lasting, and are only safe with certain toys or condoms. Each has good properties, and bad, but there has yet to emerge a lubricant that can take the best of all others and leave out all the negative aspects, or so I thought.

    Now, I am not saying that it's good or even just an okay lubricant, this stuff ROCKS! I mean it ROCKS HARD!!! This lube is clear, smooth, and water based, therefore, safe for all toys and condoms. It's not greasy, stringy, or difficult to wash off. Now, it's also very sweet. I love the strawberry flavor of this lube. I have had other flavored lubes in the past and I have always, always, always noticed that each one had an aftertaste that was close to cough syrup. Using lubrication should NEVER be like taking your medicine! Of course if it bears the name of Astroglide, I know it's a top notch product. I have not seen an Astroglide product that has left me with a "bad taste" in my mouth, and now I can say that literally! I have used Astroglide with my wife in the past and found that even the normal liquid and gel have a slightly sweet taste. This takes the cake though! I love this lube, it's not every day you come across a lube that you can use with toys, then immediately begin oral and keep going from there to intercourse. Or mix it up and go about your fun in any order you choose, and not worry about chemical taste, ingestion, or condom safety!

    After very close inspection, I put a fair amount of this lube on every light or white washable item I could find. I was certain it would have at least one negative quality. Much to my pleasure, I was wrong. It didn't stain the white sheets, socks, t-shirts or any other white machine washable item I tried it on. I didn't use it on satin, like satin sheets, or silk, I could only imagine if I put it on a nice silk shirt of my wife's and it come out stained. I would rather not think about that!

    All in all, I cannot think of a better all-around lube on the market. Some are thicker, true, some are slicker, some have different flavors, but pound for pound, this is #1 in my book.

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