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Posts posted by Mike_d

  1. Wal-Greens has some of the best beginners vibes avialable. back by the pharmacy labeled as personal massagers! I doubt he would quit shopping there if he knew. He would probably pick one up for his SO if he had a lick of sense! Oh well, one day, he might take a load of laxatives and drop that stick out on the deuce.

  2. First off, there is no problem with saying you are beautiful, that is a healthy attitude towards your own appearance and that is great. Second, if you have enjoyed sex in the past and are not enjoying it now, the simple soloution is to look at what has changed. If your last guy made it fun and this one has not, it would seem as if you have the soloution. Next, I have never been a woman, and therefore never masturbated as one (*Takes a page from Tygers book and checks the old twig and berries down stairs*) and so I can't give you proper advice on who to do so. I can say check the sex education tab up there and read about masturbation if you are curious. Mikayla has written many many great articles for this site and I know there is one dealing with how females should best go about exploring their own sexuality and masturbation. I will agree with my "bed fellows" and say that you should be having a much higher level of enjoyment from sex. If this guy is out for himself, than you need to educate him on how to please a woman, namely you! If he is unwilling, tell him to shape up or ship out sailor. We don't deal with selfish lovers in these parts. He gets his, why shouldn't you be getting yours? (over and over and over!!)

  3. I have to agree with Fargo Gal and I want to say that I think she was treated unfairly. once again if you don't swallow, you are not a good lover. It's just not true. I also find the whore's advice pretty lame. If you don't like the way it is at home you always stray? not really. There have been times when my sex life was not all that I wanted it to be and guess what, I have never been unfaithful to my wife or been to a hooker to get a blow job. So much of a healthy relationship is about compromise and understanding, but not in the realm of oral sex, you better suck it all or you are lousy.

    There are no rules, no right and wrong way to please your SO, live and let live. Since when do you have to do it your way to have a great sex life? I don't do what everyone else here does, no body is trying to push 3somes or pearl necklaces. There are plenty of sex acts that are 110% optional, and so is swallowing. So what if a bunch of old farts who can't keep it in their pants want to pay for someone to suck them off, that does not mean every guy whose partner won't is going to find a prostitue. That is down right absurd.

  4. Is there one romp that stands out in your mind? Maybe one night when it was more meaningful or romantic? One afternoon when it was hotter than ever?

    I remember one day, my wife and I spent in the closed down area of a state park(it was closed due to fire damage) and we made love for hours. six or seven times over a five hour period. The weather was great, low humidity (a rareity in Arkansas) and nice breeze coming in off the lake. We were under a canopy of oaks and the sun coming in through the leaves was making shapes on our bodies. It was romantic and highly memorable. One of the best days of my life.

    You don't have to be as sappy or romantic as that, but was there just one session that will always be ingrained on your mind as the most enjoyable?

  5. You hit the nail on the head Tyger, IMO. It just sounds as if you both need to talk about your expectations and desires, away from the bedroom or a sexual situation. Let her know that you are willing to learn what it takes to please her. It is something that you both should do and that intercourse is not always the best part. Sometimes, just being naked with your wife, touching, holding, kissing and so on are just as important and enjoyable.

    Porn is not the place to learn about sex. If there are religious reasons she is not comfortable with some things, fine, it's her call. Just make sure that there are clear and defined boundaries and open communication. There should be no reason for you both not to have a fulfilling sex life. She just might be intimidated or scared that her lack of experience might be a huge turn off and she knows you are going to enjoy intercourse.

    Did you both take the time to discuss sex as part of the relationship before you were married? Did you talk about it's importance to each of you or your expectations? If you wait for marriage, you should always be open about what you have in mind for your romantic life post nuptuals. The fact, like Tyger said, that she is willing to dress up and so on is a good sign. She is at least willing to go beyond the norm and in time, if you are a loving, caring and supporting person, she just might get over her initial ick factor on some things and surprise you.

    My wife and I were the same way when we got married. After about a year and she had a few heart to hearts with her close friends, she became much more open and willing to try new stuff. Now we dang near burn the place down every time we hit the sheets. It's taken time and effort to learn each others hot spots and preferences, but also to just realize that this is something we have reserved for one another and it's something that we do only with one another. So why not "slut it up" for each other. You can be each others fantasy, and fulfill their every desire, so why wouldn't you?

    My advice? Go for a sunday drive or a walk and simply ask her about it. Do not be judgemental, or harsh, but ask what you can do to improve and how you can both make sex better for you both. Tell her that you love when she dresses up and that you would find it sexy if she did _____. never make accusations with language like, I just wish you would do X more often or, why don't you do X? That will make her defensive and upset. You might ask her to come here and see if she wants to order a freebie or a economically priced vibe that has good reviews. just something simple might be the key to opening her eyes to a new way of thinking about sex.

    Best of luck to you both.

  6. If you were to date a member of the forum, Who would it be and why?

    Also, if you were FWB with someone here, who would it be? You don't have to justify it, but feel free to do so.

    Gotta say GingerJ would be my hook up on both counts. Amazing mind, eye(for photography) and figure! Can't go wrong there!

  7. Both of these ladies know what they are talking about. My wife and I both come from strong religious families and our knowledge of sex toys was super limited when we found TT. Over the past few years, we have learned to relax and have fun, the two most important things you can keep in mind in dealing with sex. If you love this man and want to have as much fun in and out of the bedroom as possible, just relax and let him know you need to move at your pace. Look on here and check out a bullet or two. It is one of the most versitile toys ever made. Best wishes.

  8. um......I am pretty sure that is not possible, unless!, you and your guy had anal whilst you were unconcious. Sperm breaks down in a matter of minutes to hours, and cannot last for more than 6 hours with out refridgeration. So this is one of two things, either you are having nocturnal bootylicious fun, or this is not semen and you need to seek medical advice to see what is happening. I highly doubt this would be a serious issue, but all the same, get checked out. If there is another possibility, I missed it.

    *Edit, I am not saying that your problem is not to be taken seriously, I mean that I doubt it will have long reaching medical consequences. You do need to look into this ASAP.

  9. Sorry, the closest I have ever come to this is when my wife tells me I am a sex machine! LOL

    really though, I can see that there is something sexy about a machine that is built for the purpose of pleasure. I find sex machines(like on extremerestraints.com) that are a cock on a mechanism with a motor for non-stop pure penetrating pleasure! However, I have not ever thought about a sex robot.

  10. No, i don't think you are being unrealistic to ask for an amazing connection. I am not a relationship whiz but I know that I wanted real love, not the kind of feelings you have for your friend, and I heald out until I got them. I would not ignore him, but I would send him the clear message that friends it is and friends it will always be. The worst crime here is that he could be led on by you and given false hope. That will destroy any friendship.

  11. Outside the realm of standard intercourse, what is your favorite kink? Is it a high heel and stocking fetish? Does leather, whips and chains excite you? Corsets and costumes and sex toys oh my!?!?

    for me, its a toss up between making a photo show during sex or having mirrors around. I just love being able to watch the action from another angle.

    of course this topic is 110% subjective so anything can apply to anyone, so take it as it is and don't try to read too much into this. For the reference of this topic, there is no set definiton of "standard intercourse".

    I do know a guy who likes sex in the closet. Not a gay euphamism, but litteral sex in a closet. Standing up, she grabs the closet bar that he puts his clothes on and it takes some of the pressure off him to hold her up and go at it. once i get a new home(am currently between homes!) I might have to give this one a shot.....

  12. What is the longest length of time you have waited or refrained (willingly or not) from having sex after you became sexually acitve?

    I ask because I am on a minimum 3 week dryspell while my wife is away and I am working every weekend! I might be typing gibberish by the time week 3 starts, you have been warned people!!

  13. oh boy, I am no Mikayla, but I have a list that longer than I would like to admit!

    - Movie theater, that is right, threw my trench coat down and went at it with a little blue haired lady in the row infront of us

    - My brothers car, while he was driving

    - on a bunk bed in a dorm room with some friends of ours on the top bunk and us on the bottom (they were doing the same and neither of us knew it)

    - at various parks and recreational areas

    - my in-laws pool while my FIL was working in his garden about 50 ft away

    - my in-laws shower while everyone was watching a family movie

    there is a short list of just off the top of my head. I will have to do more thought on this one......

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