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Posts posted by chels1987

  1. Hey! I got my new toys in just the other day and I have been playing some. I have never gotten off, and so I was wondering how exactly I know that I have. I get as far as feeling a TIGHT ball of tension in my lower back and my legs involuntarily shaking, but there is no euphoria. Any tips will help! Thanks

  2. I have a question about lube! I'm new to this whole game and have actually never had an orgasm. I purchased a Jelly Vibe and a waterproof Jelly G-Vibe. They will both be arriving on Wednesday, and I'm sure they will get the job done! The only quesiton I have is what kind of lube should I use. I know that some lubes can be harmful to your toys, so I wanna make sure I use the right one. Do I need a different lube for the waterproof one and the regular vibe? I live in a small town in Missouri, so basically anything you could pick up at Wal-Mart would help! I'm so excited about getting them in, and I just want to get the show on the road!! Any advise you could give, I would certainly appreciate!!

  3. Mikayla, Thanks for being a mom! No seriously, its fine! To answer back to your questions, Nathan, my ex, is not the only guy that has came in me, but I honestly, cannot remember details of being with anyone else! Nathan and I were together for like 2 years and I have been sexually inactive for about 8 months..so its hard to think back that long! But anyways! This happened EVERYTIME he got off and didn't pull out. I swallow when giving BJs..but it was just like I was swallowing a soda, went right down, no problems, no reactions. I have a male gyno, but being as I'm still pretty young and he's like older than my dad, I feel VERY uncomfortable telling him that my ex came in me because I will just be setting myself up for a pregnancy intervention right there in his office. Now addressing the other question. I was quite serious when I said something must be wrong with me because I have NEVER gotten off. EVER! From what everyone says, I'm missing something extremely awesome! So..any advice would help me out a lot!

  4. Alright..So I have dos (2) questions and this is like a whole new ball game to me! First of all, I am of course young (you know, the whole 1987 thing) but I'm quite concerned...I have been sexually active for 3 years now and I have yet to "get off". Guys think they have sealed the deal..but I think I would definently know it if it happened. I'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong with me.. :unsure: Question #2 In my last relationship, we were together for almost 2 years. I was on the shot so we often didn't use condoms and he would ejaculate (I feel so official using that word :) ) in me. When he would do that..it would ALWAYS burn, like I was seriously on fire! It was very painful so more often than not he'd pull out. Can anyone tell me what's up with that? Any advice would be REALLY appreciated!! Thanks!!

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