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Posts posted by bcbroker

  1. Well, truthfully, the only real advice I have for your wife is...to simply breathe through it and let it happen! There is no magic trick to having an orgasm - if she knows she is about to have one (all the feelins are there) and she stops for whatever reason - then she just has to relax, let you do your thing, take some deep breaths and let it happen~

    Once she has the orgasm she will feel much better knowing what it actually feels like and that it isn't going to be some terrible experience! It will happen, it will feel fantastic, and she WILL want more!

    Just have her relax and go with it!

    Mikyala B)

    (from me wife)

    I know I need to relax .. but how do you just let yourself go .. I can’t seem to do that

  2. I told my wife about this great web site hoping she would get on and review some of the tips and such herself about my posting yesterday. But for starters she asked me to post a question for her. We use several toys during our play time. She loves her rabbit! but, it gets her going in the right direction and then she makes me stop. she just won't or can't let herself go to her next level? What do you suggest?

  3. I have tried everything to get my wife to try anal sex. from buying a dido to sending her sexy stories about her and I have great sex and part of it is her doing me. she e-mails me back and said that sounds great but she never tries it on me. i don't want to push her.

    any help?

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