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Posts posted by shytigress09

  1. 2 words for ya: KEGEL EXERCISES!

    Squeezing the muscles of your vaginal walls (think of squeezing the muscles that you do when you have to pee really bad but have to hold it). You can do this anywhere, and nobody will know you're doing it. You can do it at your desk, in the car, in a line at a store, wherever. Start with 10 reps, then work your way up.

    These muscles will get toned just like if you were working out other muscles. The stronger & more control you have over them, the better the orgasms will be!

    Thanks for replying :)

    I already do them, fairly regularly. I'm not having a problem with orgasms and they're already awesome. It's just, after the 4th one my legs gave out and he still hadn't at all. Now, I'm not complaining (not in the least!!), but are there any other tips or suggestions?

  2. To make what could be a very long story, I would like some tips on improving my endurance or ability to handle multiple orgasms. And ways to better satisfy a man with some extreme staying power.

    Would products designed for female stimulation (all those gels and creams) work in helping a guy achieve orgasm faster? You know, in those cases when 4-6 hours of sex (no, not including foreplay) may cause me to pass out lol

  3. wow, thanks you guys for all the advice! I've been trying to do what ya'll have suggested. One step at time. Since I'm moving across the ocean soon, I'll get rid of the clothes that don't fit and are just a bit too baggy (I'm keeping some for the field work I'll be doing (wildlife conservation major)) and pack those that fit me. I just got refitted for bras (turns out I'm bigger than I thought...) and bought some new ones. As for the short hair... I'm not sure if it looks sexy on me but I like it. My profile here has a pic and I'm trying to grow it out, but how knows how long it'll look. I'm not used to this texture, but that's a whole other topic for a completely different site. lol

    Anyway, I don't really have a weight loss goal. I wasn't trying to lose weight, but when I went vegetarian it just happened. I got down to 135 but it was just a little too thin for my height (I'm 5'10"). I wouldn't mind getting a little thinner but I'm just trying to tone up some. I know it's going to take some time and thanks again for the advice. :D

    PS: Howard, I agree... flip flops are such ugly looking shoes on people!

  4. thanks for the advice you guys. I'll try what you suggested Thurisas and I have been trying to get clothes that actually fit my body. I've lost some weight so it's been a little weird actually wearing tighter clothes. I've always prefered baggy clothes. It wasn't a huge weight jump, but enough that my baggy clothes were starting to be a bit too baggy, you know? This bf now is my first bf and he's really helped change how I dress. I'm getting more comfortable in form fitting normal clothes (I was fine with form fitting formals), showing a bit more cleavage and not keeping my head down when I walk. I know a big part of it for me is that I don't have the "ideal black woman" body and seeing that all over the place or at least women much closer to that than me... well is a little frustrating. I know it shouldn't bother me and I'm working on it. Cutting my hair to stop straightening it has also helped a lot, especially with keeping my head up. I've never been good at accepting compliments. Even as a little girl. I'm not sure why, but I am trying to work on that.

    Again, thanks for the advice. If ya'll have anymore feel free to let me know...

  5. How exactly do you become sexually confident? I'm having serious problems with it and I know it's because of my body image issues but I really want to overcome that. I just don't know how to do that. I don't even know where to start. My boyfriend tries to help, but since we're in a long distance relationship it's hard for him to do much of anything. It's horrible, but I don't really believe him when he tells me he thinks I'm beautiful. It's not that I think he's lying... I just can't see the same girl he does when I look in the mirror. So I really want to work on it. I know it hurts him to know that I don't believe him and I want to be able to feel good about myself and throw on all those cute, sexy outfits and feel that they look good on me. Any advice ya'll have to offer would be appreciated.

  6. These sound really interesting! My bf and I were talking different positions we could try and I think one of these would really help. Too bad my bf thinks having "sex furniture" is taking sex to an unhealthy level. <_< I tried to explain how these would help (like the wedge or ramp) and wouldn't really be sex furniture but he wasn't into it.

    Maybe I'll just have to go "Well I would do that position if I had some kind of cushion for support..." when he suggests something.

  7. my first time was a really nice experience. My bf was really gentle with me after a weekend of foreplay. Yeah... a lot of foreplay and I ended up pushing him away a few times once it got to the point of pain. In the end, I was the one pulling him on top of me and saying I was ready while he kept asking if I was sure. I don't really remember much to be honest... I remember occasionally saying harder, but my bf says I was saying way more than that and that I grabbed his butt. The day after I was sore and bleeding a little but it wasn't too bad. The bleeding freaked me out lol An hour or two after we ended up on Navy Pier, running around and playing mini-golf and stuff :D

  8. my bf just brought this up today. He says he wants to try it. Personally, I just think it sounds really.. well... odd. Besides, I don't think I'm big enough for that to actually work. I don't think I'd get a power trip from it. I'd probably just have a really confused look on my face ( :huh: ) the entire time. He says it would be a good lead into oral, but I don't understand that either. But then I don't like a ton of attention on my breasts and my nipples are actually ticklish (one of the few spots where I am ticklish) so if I wasn't looking confused I'd probably be laughing lol

  9. I completely understand... my bf is in england while I'm in the states. We do talk on instant messengers a lot though so that helps. But I do feel really lonely and so annoyed when I see happy couples wandering around together. Well maybe not annoyed but that kind of jealousy that you either want to cuss at someone or cry but you're not really sure which... maybe that's just me...


  10. I'm like that a lot of the time and I came from a really religious family. I'm getting out of the slut idea, but with somethings I just can't seem to do because I think it's too slutty. My bf helped (and is helping a lot) by telling me that it's okay to do things, that it's not being slutty if I'm not out there actually sleeping around and being easy and other stuff like that. Reading and asking questions on this forum and the sex ed articles also helped me a lot. But like I said there still are some things that I'm uneasy about like giving him a lap dance or roleplaying or climbing up on top (but this stuff also ties into my body image issues but that's another topic all together). It'll just take some time. Right now I'm slowly trying to be more assertive (suggesting positions and places other than the bedroom to have sex after reading Mikayla's Outside article lol) and working giving a blow job. Maybe splitting things up almost like lessons would help her?

    Be patient, but know that she might not be able to overcome everything.

  11. elise, I just read your post on the homemade straps. That's such a great idea! Maybe I'll do that instead. I could always add some velcro to the straps or make a couple sets.

    Oh and the paddle or whip wouldn't work lol I sent him the description of something here that had a whip with it and he laughed and said he's not into it. But he does like to spank me so I'm not sure why he wouldn't like a whip or paddle... he's confusing sometimes lol

    Thanks again for all the suggestions!

  12. Well the only problem I can find with it is that he's told me that he actually likes doing it (he's more experienced than I am) so I feel a little bad when he offers I refuse. It doesn't really seem to bother him too much though... or at least it doesn't seem like it to me. Maybe I'll ask him about it to make sure it doesn't.

  13. Is that really a problem I should get help for? I thought it was a little unusual (after some discussions with my girlfriends) but I didn't think it was something serious. Just something I'd rather not try. I'm pretty open about other things and it's not that I won't do oral on him or that I don't like doing it. I just don't want it done to me. Is that really something I need professional help for?

    Maybe panic wasn't the best word to use with describing it.

  14. hmm... how about "Can You Handle It?" By Usher?

    Some of the lyrics just in case ya'll haven't heard it:

    Can you handle it

    If I go there baby with you

    I can handle it

    I can go there baby with you

    Oh I hear you talkin' babe

    Can you handle it

    Can I go there baby with you

    We gon' set it off

    We gon' tear it up

    Baby can you handle

    Wooooo baby

    You say all the time

    You only want the best of my love

    Now I can see that

    There's only one way to tear it up


    I'm willing to tell you

    Everything I let stand between us

    But what if I tell you too much

    What about you babe

    Will you tell me

    All the freaky things you are

    Before I do

    Need you to know

    If we make it through

    Our love will grow

    Oooh ho ho

    Imagine how amazing things would be

    Or another pop one: "All Day Long I Dream About Sex" by JC (yes the nsync boy lol)

  15. *sigh* for some reason my husband doesn't/won't/can't?? I don't know, we have been together for 21 years and I don't think he has gone down on me more then a couple times. I tried to get him to tell me why he doesn't/won't/can't, but he won't tell me that either. And I lick him everywhere, suck him daily as of lately, and prior to that, would pretty consistently give him BJ's. So it's not that I won't give that I don't receive. :(

    I'll trade with you, with that anyway. My bf keeps trying to but I won't let him (So vibe, to answer the question lol). Yeah I know, it sounds weird, but every time he tries I panic and feel sick thinking about it. It's not that I'm worried about how I smell (I'm not and he has almost no sense of smell anyway) or anything. I just freak out anytime it even looks like he might be headed for that. So I'll trade ya.

  16. I wasn't trying to cause any problems, I just want to make sure I get something that I won't regret buying later.

    Howard, I will look into the type of rope you suggested the next time I go near a hardware store.

    Mikayla, I think I will get the Tie the Knot kit since it has everything but the paddle. I'm not too sure about getting a paddle just yet, but I am considering it.

    Thank you both so much for the tips and advice. I'll keep ya'll updated.

  17. I read that bondage tape is hard to get off... like it sticks to itself and it's tricky to cut when it's so close to the skin... and I wouldn't want to be gagged. I decided not to have it sent by the 23rd since I won't be there for a few months and it'd be a little silly for him to have them and no reason to use them. I'll probably have them sent to me and then bring them along (wrapped of course) when I (FINALLY!) move over there. But maybe I'll send him a whip or something lol

    Thanks you guys for all the suggestions!

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