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Posts posted by truckerswife

  1. Okay, here's one for you all...I had a couple of the Better Sex Videos. I thought they were great. I surprised my husband (at that time he was my significant other) with one one night. He got turned on and we had sex but afterwards (weeks later) we were having a disagreement about his young son (who is now studying to be a minister) looking at porn on the internet and he told me that I should NOT have those videos in the house as long as there were children around.

    I shoulda known then.......

  2. I have to say thank you to all of you for your replies. I think you've all said what I've known but needed confirmation of it. My first order of business will be to find myself a job and start putting money away for me for when the time comes. I'm a certified medical transcriptionist and am looking for something I can do from my home and am not having much luck with that at the moment.

    Things here are very tense at the moment, his mother is in the hospital and not expected to live so I'm dealing with that right now......he's out of town until Friday so I'm expected to be at the hospital. What can I say...his mother is a lovely lady and I'll do this for her.

    Again, thanks everybody and hopefully one day soon I'll have the brains and the courage to get out of this mess I've gotten myself into!

  3. Thanks for the info Howard! I always thought that he was having an orgasm when he ejaculates, he just thinks he knows everything there is in this world to know. There is so much more to this situation than I've told you. One thing though, leaving him at this point is not even possible.

    You're right about sex should be fun. My gosh, that is the one and only thing I miss about my ex-husband. We had a very very good sex life! But that's all water under the bridge as they say.

    As far as the talk goes......I hate to be negative but talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. When I bring up a serious subject or start crying (I'm going through peri-menopause so emotions run quite high!) he tells me I'm being silly. In fact, one night about a month ago (he's a long haul truck driver and is home every three to four weeks for only three to four days....which may be the only reason this so called marriage works!) we were lying in bed cuddling and actually talking I told him that it made me sad that we never kiss anymore. His reaction??? He patted my hand and proceeded to roll over and go to sleep!!! Was I totally pissed off? You betcha baby! I've told him since the beginning of our relationship that cuddling and kissing and physical contact were extremely important to me. And I realize that there's not always that "passion" there and thats okay butttt.....Oh shoot, I forgot where I was going with this whole thing! Rats, I hate this CRS (can't remember shit) disease I have!

    You're absolutely right, he is a self centered jerk but I've made my bed and now I have to lie in it. You say I deserve more.......that may be true but the question is whether I could get more. I'm not a young sexy good looking chick and that's what the majority of men want!

    Anyway, I do appreciate your input!

  4. I hope this is the right place to put this. I'm not sure where to begin, it's a long story! My husband and I met six years ago. This is my second marriage, his fourth...I know, I know, red light! We have a very good relationship but the sex is just......well, it's just sex. My husband is a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kind of guy. I don't know what to do anymore. He refuses to perform oral sex on me because the couple times he even tried he told me I smell bad and he will have nothing to do with it. (I went to the doctor and I'm fine and was told there was no unusual odor so I think maybe he's just lazy or just doesn't want to waste his time). This is getting totally frustrating for me. I don't know for sure, but I have a strong feeling that he's been with many, many....MANY women in his life. That's a part of his past that I really don't want to know about. When he's in the mood, there is very little foreplay...his idea of foreplay is rubbing my breasts and sucking and and playing with my nipples for a very short time! Ya know, I've tried to get him interested in sex toys, he'll have nothing to do with them; I've tried adult videos, he gets excited but is just not interested. I haven't had an orgasm with him ever. Oh, and he says he doesn't orgasm either, he just ejaculates. He claims that a doctor "ruined" him when they did a scope up his penis to check for stones. I don't know if that's possible or not. The only time I orgasm is when I masturbate...now isn't that sad??? When I try to bring up the subject of sex he pretty much changes the subject. Oh, and when I give him a blow job, he does nothing but lie there. I know he enjoys it, although he NEVER makes a noise! He has never once told me that it feels good (sex either). He doesn't touch me when I give him a blow job either...which is very frustrating for me...

    I'd love to try a cock ring with a little bullet vibe or something but I'm so afraid that it would turn him off and that would be the end of that! I'm at a loss here.

    I guess I'm not really looking for any advice but I'd sort of like to know if anyone else has dealt with anything like this?

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