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Posts posted by christinaf085

  1. I'm uncomfortable because of the exposure. And because of this uncomfortableness, my brain isn't focused on sex, and all of the sudden I don't know how to work my body or my hips, which I then get embarrassed about. It's mainly a confidence issue.

    try being on top and laying your slef against him and then just moving your hips and or legs. Do this with your calfs folded up to your thighs, not with your legs straight out.

    also try it with the lights dim or off

    for me being on top is the same as being on the bottom except that you have more control. Unless you are one of those girls that just lays there and takes it... in that case you are missing out on more than just being on top.

  2. This may be a stupid theory but I have come to think that bigger girls are usually tighter and maybe not as deeper because of the weight maybe pressing everything down and together. Or is it possibly genetic? Because both my little sister and I are curvy women and are tighter which could also be because we both aren't experienced and haven't slept with a lot of people. Just something I came up with, of course, it is not something that would be 100% true and definitely not a "stereotype". Just a strange thought.

    I have to say that imo its got to be genetic, or atleast partly. I say this because I have been a little bigger than I am right now but I have NEVER been over weight and I am always tight. If I go more than 3-4 days w/out sex I tear and bleed because it tightens up that much. I also haven't been with very many people so that theory may be true (although I do have lots of sex with my so now)

  3. OK I personally have not had many real relationships so I suggested this site to a friend who is having a hard time with his girl. I also suggested some of the toys the site offers because, he has asked me several times to help him find someone and keeps telling me he needs to get laid. I told him I think he needs to break up with her before he tries going after someone else.

    This is what I know: about 8-10 months ago she cheated on him, then he cheated on her... they broke up, they got back together. from what I know they were doing good for about 6months. They used to live about 30min outside of the city we live in. About a month ago my bf and I and the two of them moved just outside the city. We were all excited to be living so close to each other, or so I though. But we haven't really hung out at all. last week was the first time he send me a text about needing to find someone new. From what he tells me she has been going out after work (she works at a restaurant and gets out around 11pm) and doesn't come home until 4am, some times later. I talked to him yesterday and she hadn't been home all night from the previous night, I guess she finally came home around 5pm but just took a shower and left again. I was friends with her and used to talk to her but I can't because she has a new phone. Which he says she must have gotten in someone else name because they couldn't get cell phones from verizon a few months ago b/c her credit was bad. and she has a verizon phone. He says he hasn't been cheating and that he just waits for her to get home. As I cant talk to her I don't know what her story is, except that they did come over 2 days ago and she would not give anyone her new number. They are engaged.

    So, my advice to him was to break up with her and move on. Beyond that I had no advice and he keeps refusing to come on and get advice on his own. So does anyone have any additional advice I can give him?

  4. Since I keep my va-ja-ja very well groomed, a some time ago I noticed the skin on my labia's starting to get slightly darker in color. Yuck!, After thinking about this for a while and not interested in getting my labia's bleached (yes you can do that); I decided to try an experiment. Because I always moisturize the rest of my person, from head to toe everyday, but never thought to moisturize the va-ja-ja; I decided to used a moisturizing massage oil (already had it) every day after showering to see if I put thing back to pretty and pink. I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, at least 6 mths (probably more I'm really not sure) the pinky tone has returned. Is this a coincidence or should I have been moisturizing the va-ja-ja all along. I couldn't tell you but, It worked for me, maybe it will work for you. What do you think?

    the only times i have ever noticed it getting darker in color is when my b and i first got together, we had been together about a month and i had seen him atleast every other day, and being a new relationship we naturally HAD to make up for the days not seen by having sex 3+ times a night... anyway he went on a 4 day over night trip with his family and though i tried to masturbate i was extremely horny by the 3rd day and couldnt get my self off. i think the reason for this was that he was the first to ever give me a g-spot O, and i just couldnt give my self one at all. once we had sex and i got a release it went back to normal. but there have been a few other times when i have gotten really in the mood and couldnt do anything right then that i have noticed a darker color.

    I do moisturize everything, EVERYDAY! i don't feel the need to put anything special down there but i do have sensitive skin everywhere so i figure if it doesn't bother me anywhere else it shouldn't bother me there. i like the VS body butter, the scent is not too strong and it leaves every part of me feeling silky and smooth. I also thing it helps me not to get so many shaving bumps (conpared to no moisturizer)

  5. OK this really is not a sex question but I don't know where else to ask for help. I am 5'4 118lbs, i exercise regularly in addition to having a lot of sex. I have great arm muscles, my ass is firm and everyone tells me I have gorgeous legs. I am physically fit and medically I am not even close to being over weight. BUT, i really want flat abs, i don't like the look of a 6-pack on a girl, I don't think its attractive, but i have this little pouch and i just want it gone. I don't have kids so its not from that. I do crunches, and run a lot, tired jumping jacks. When my SO and i first got together I was on top a lot i was heavier then and in the first month we were together I lost about 15lbs. It was great for my self esteem but now summer is coming, I have been comfortable in a bikini for the last few years (4 years ago I was 145 and a size 12, not i am i size 4) but I really want the flat belly that i have been trying to achieve for the last 3 summers. does anyone have any tips on how to attain this, other that running and crunches?

  6. i actually googled cheap sex toys about 3 years ago. i had been using a personal massager for a little while but wanted to try something different, and i was embarrassed to go someplace and buy something. after my first purchase I signed up to receive monthly emails, started reading some of the tips. I posted like one question on the forum a little over 2 years ago but didn't come back for a long time. then about 2 months ago i wanted some new tips for giving oral and this was the first place i thought to look. now i am on the site at least once a week, its very useful.

  7. Oral is anticipated play in all sexual encounters. I can't say, other than the occassional broom closet quickie, that I remember making love when we didn't... doesn't always mean we continue until climax, but it is almost always part of the foreplay. I can't imagine being in such a pleasurable moment and not wanting to use all my resources.

    I remember this Chris Rock stand up routine once where he was talking about the current state of dating. He said he went out with one gal who said she didn't "do that." His response was, "What do you mean you don't do that? Isn't that standard these days? Hell, I didn't know they made models like you anymore!" I was cracking up.

    As for the Chris rock thing, i heard somewhere the only 26% of american women are willing to give oral... i don't know how accurate that is but I do know several people that refuse to give or recieve it.

    and when i think it depends on how we are both feeling and what time of the day month week it is (work schedules etc) sometimes its oral only, sometimes oral is foreplay and sometimes we just wanna go at it. I would say oral is foreplay for us about 50% of the time, mainly on him as i prefer giving, oral only is about 2 times per week. For I love giving oral most of the time, and i really enjoy using it as foreplay except on the 3 days he works (12 hour days is just not good for smell or taste). as for my receiving its like 2-4 times per month, foreplay mostly, I really have to be in the mood and feeling it and it has to be done right, he used to like giving it a lot when we first started dating and I think I turned him off to it, I like it done all the way oral mostly and he would get tired and try to finish me with his hands... idk its just not the same.

  8. I have to agree with the person above me, if shes not aroused shes not going to want to do it. Also, for me I want to do it when I feel like it, just like sex, I'm not going to want to give oral if I'm not in the mood.

    Also, for me anyway, being asked for it all the time, especially if say, i'm having my period, I can't have sex and even if I'm horny, you shouldn't just expect it just b/c you can't have sex. And personally feel like if I'm being asked all the time that you like oral better than having sex with me, which happened with an ex of mine and I think part of being in a relationship that is physical is wanting to pleasure the other person as well as your self.

    As far as the not wanting to do it there are times I don't want to, maybe she just needs a break, its pretty strenuous on your neck and shoulders, and then if she isn't really into it and is just doing it to please you thats just adding to her stress. Offer to give her a neck rub with it, or AFTER IT, before is not going to help.

    And as far as the swallowing, sometimes its good and sometimes its not. let her do what she feels is right, sometimes swallowing is ok and sometimes i just hold it in my mouth and then spit it in the sink, other times i take it out completely before he comes and finish it with my hand. everyone is different.

    If the rest of the relationship is going good and its just oral that is a problem then you should work through it. If you honostly think this is a reason that the two of you are going to break up then there are likely other problems that the two of you need to work on, or maybe you aren't meant to be.

  9. it shouldn't matter if you are straight or bi or whatever, if you like tits then you like them. i think the question here is not weather you can like them as a straight woman or not, but rather can you accept that you like them? can you be honest with your self about it? i think that by labeling your self as one thing only you are closing your self off to opportunities.

  10. i use just a very small amount of conditioner and use lotion AS SOON as i dry off. this seems to make the hair grow slower, unfortunately in my experience you can't shave as soon as the hair starts coming back, in my case the hair is just too thick and thats when i get the worst shaving bumps cuts and ingrowns. I have tried waxing and this last pretty well but its very hard to do on your own and i haven't yet found the courage (of extra money) to get it professionally done

  11. we arent married but heres my story:

    I had about 3 weeks prior finally ended a relationship of over 2 years, for the prior 6 months i had been telling him it was over and he just kept telling me it wasn't just my decision to break up, or that i was just nuts or we just needed to work things out.

    my bf had been on dates with a few girls over the summer but (according to him) once they went out they all ended up being losers.

    we both ended up going out last august for a friends 21st b-day, and both of went just to relax and have a good time. we weren't looking for anything and expected to be single for a while. he was w/ the friend who was turning 21 and we all met at a mall to have dinner and drinks, I was the first one to meet them so the 3 of us walked around the mall. we were both instantly attracted to one another. he started flirting with me almost as soon as we sat down, little things. when we all went to leave he said he would talk to me again.

    he took my aim name from another friend and we talked online, I gave him my number, he said he would call me soon... that turned out to be about 5 min later. we talked on the phone almost every night for a week and went on one date. we ended up spending the night together and havent spent much time apart since then. he moved in at the end of october officially.

    this is the happiest i have ever been with another person. i am in love. so i think yes if you arent looking for it too hard love finds you, it just happens

  12. i think dating more than one person is OK as long as all parties know that you aren't "exclusive". for me I expect that once he has committed to me, said I am his girlfriend, he will not be having sex or going on dates with any other girls. I live with my bf right now and at this point in a relationship we both agree that he nor i should be dating other people. I personally think that if you are dating and having sex with more than one person and they don't know, or you lead them to believe you are exclusive you are just a scum bag. and as for your different types of people i think my bf and i are like you, we only go after one person at a time and i think people like that end up together, same with your other types.

  13. IMO you need to show her the site. BUT if you don't and continue to came here she will find out and she is going to be deeply hurt. while I don't think this site is cheating after scrolling through all the topics you can read/post in I see where she is coming from: we have a section for nude pics, and sexy stories and if your wife considers porn cheating then I think this will definitely be seen as cheating in her eyes. You need to be open with her, let her read what advice you are getting and what you are posting, and maybe share the username and password you have for the site with her so that you both can look together. if you have nothing to hide this will not be an issue, if you can't share it openly with her then i'm gonna have to agree with your wife (i dont know what else you have posted/looked at) it's definitely a from of cheating in my eyes.

  14. Not really.... Too Timid headquarter is in New Hampshire.

    oh see i just read things backwards... lol

    but yea it does help when we order things even with the shipping that says it will take 8+days it gets here like a days after they ship it :D its fantastic

  15. Officially welcome to TT. Your from NH, where the mother ship is..... lucky girl.

    ok i'm a little dumb with the internet some times... mother ship? i'm from NH and haven't lived anywhere else, but I've lived in like 8 different towns, Concord area right now (is that what you ment? lol)

  16. I wouldn't worry too much about it. In fact, I would say that his own mental 'expectations' probably made him think it was going to be SOOOOOOOO tight that when he got there, and you were relaxed and it felt good, he was confused as to why it wasn't MUCH tighter. Also, this could be a testament to your tight PC muscles. IF you do a lot of kegels and take good care of yourself, you might just have tremendous vaginal muscles - which would be great anyway!

    yea i guess that makes sense, it was just not the response i expected and just made me wonder

  17. I am actually not officially "new" to the site i have been lurking around off and off, reading posts but until recently I had only posted once and, while mikla gave me some really good advice i was in a young and stupid relationship and choose to ignore that she was right.

    I am in a pretty great relationship and very much in love, we aren't perfect, no one is, but I love that he is willing to work on our problems. in all of my past relationships my partner would push my feelings aside and/or tell me i was being crazy, over emotional etc. We have been together since last August, he moved in with me in the middle of October. I know thats a little fast (maybe a LOT fast) but its good. Neither of us had lived with a partner before, but we are both learning a lot about living with someone whos not your family, and about each other.

    while I don't agree with the opinions of everyone her i do enjoy reading posts and all the different responses that people have. It is making me more curious. I have probably posted more here than anyone cares to read but that's me ! :P

  18. Maybe I am strange but so be it. I honestly don't consider cybering or camming cheating. Granted if you are hiding it form your SO then to me I think you may have crossed the line. He and I have talked about it and are open about what we have done. There are no secrets with that. I know we have a trusting relationship. I know he cybers and that doesn't bother me in the least. We know how we feel about each other. I have friends here that have seen this side of him and asked several times are you sure. It honestly does not bother me at all. He loves me and I love him. If it was face to face physical in person that is a different story.

    I agree that a threesome is the only difference when it comes face to face as that is not cheating.

    Camming doesn't bother me either. I feel the same way. I think it all boils down to trust and if you trust each other and that everyone involved is aware of its true meaning. That it isn't a new relationship beginning and such. Just some fun to be had and that is all.

    my problem with cybering or camming is that I wasn't there and he initially tried to hide it from me. it was only once and as he felt differently than me I have moved on but I am horney pretty much ALL of the time and so is he, but if he does it with out me I get little or no sex when i get home. I just didn't like that he would do things behind my back. Its something i'd like to watch and be part of, but if its sexual i want to be part of it. i'm ok with mastrubating to porn when i'm not home but even that i like to watch some times.

  19. I was thinking today that there's so much I haven't done yet. Here I am over 40 and life is open! So these are on my never have done but want to list. Does anyone else have a "want" list?

    1) Sex in a chair or on a table.

    2) 69

    3) Sex in a car

    4) Sex in the grass

    5) Sex in the showeror the tub

    6) Sex in a pool

    7) Being tied up

    8) Using food (chocolate sauces etc)

    9) Being undressed by my husband

    Guess that's about it.

    I have done all on your list except the being tied up, but I haven't done all of them with me current bf, most but not all, and i'd really like to. hes the only person i've ever been with who is up for sex almost any time. so here is my list for him;-) :

    1) sex in THE car

    2) hiking and sex on the mountain (again, i was nervous the first time outside, give me another chance)

    3) in the shower

    4) in a pool/ hot tub

    5) tied up or let me tie you up

    6) threesome with another girl

    7) something semi-public

    8) make a tape

    i'm sure there are others. I love sex!

  20. OK so last night I had anal with my bf (not my first time but first with him and his first time) it took us a while to try but it was pretty good. I'm a little sore but it was worth it. but after he said that while he really enjoyed it and feel closer to me b/c I am the only gf he has had that has let him in the back door, it wasn't what he expected. He said that he has heard that anal is supposed to be much tighter than vaginal but apparently it wasn't really any tighter back there. I havent had kids and I know I'm nice and tight up front but it made me wonder has anyone else had this response? just curious about what other have experienced.

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