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About SGavin2004

  • Birthday 10/03/1985

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    With my husband!
  • Location
    New York
  • # of sex toys you own?
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. SGavin2004


    I am starting this blog as a way to release anything and everything in my head. Please feel free to leave feedbacks. I am 21 and a mother of 3 children. I have a son that will be 3 on christmas, another son who with be 2 at the end of January and a daughter who will be 1 in July. Very stressing but would never change it, I am a stay at home mom, and my husband of almost 2 and 1/2 years works. We are moving into our first home next week. So everything right now is very stressing. Right now we are staying with my mother until our home is set up. Which is very stress full, daily and nightly, we have to sleep with our 2 youngest so sex is very very hard. We have been here like 4 weeks now and could only have seex 2 times. We are used to sex once if now more then that a week. I cant wait for our place to be done!
  2. I am a married woman, with three children. I have noticed everytime my husband or myself uses our hands to masturbate myself, I can only get so far, I can never achieve an orgasm. This is very frustrating for myself, also is there any tips to make giving oral to my husband easier on me? Thanks for the advice. Savannah
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