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Posts posted by Ducky19

  1. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers - it really means a lot! :rolleyes: We had a sonogram today that helped ease our minds at least a little. The baby is approx. 3 lb 1 oz which is a little above average for the age, but very good in this case (our daughter was 9 lb 3 oz, so bigger wasn't really better there! :o ) We have the fantastic fortune to be in one of the best hospitals in the state (and by far the best in the area) for this sort of situation, and there are three high risk doctors that we will be dealing with. The doctor we saw today said that she currently has a perfectly normal amount of amniotic fluid, but that this can change at any time. My wife got her second steroid shot tonight - these are to help develop the baby's lungs. She is also on magnesium sulfate to keep contractions away, and also has two antibiotics that they are tag teaming her with. We are far from out of the woods, but things could look a lot worse! Pretty much all we can do at this point is to pray that little sucker in place - please, as others stated above - if you are pregnant and you sense ANYTHING out of the ordinary (and there will be lots of those things, most of which are perfectly normal) ANYTHING at all, call your doctor!!! They would much rather see you 5 times a month for no reason than to not see you and have something happen. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers, I will keep you updated as time allows. :blink:

  2. Hello all - while I'm not what you would call a regular poster, I do browse a lot! For those of you not aware, my wife is now at 28 weeks with our son :P Well, last week she told me something that caused me a little alarm (I won't go into the details - suffice it to say it would gross you out). I started pressing her to call her doctor, but she's as stubborn as she is beautiful. So today I finally guilted her into calling her doctor who of course wanted to see her today. Long story short, somehow last week she ruptured her membrane - for anyone who doesn't know, this isn't really something you want to happen at 6 months. The doctor sent her straight to the hospital, do not pass go, do not collect $200, where she will remain until she delivers. The doc pretty much told her she will not go full term, but that every day we keep Jr inside is time well spent. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers - we need em!


  3. I so want to go to a strip club. I'm bi so I appreciate a nice female body ;) !


    Ok, so not to be an ass Liesl, but if you are bi, why does it say str8 on your myspace site? Just wondering... Like I said, I'm really not trying to be a jerk - I am just curious, so please don't take that wrong! ;)

  4. Hi All,

    One of the happiest moments of my everyday life is every morning, when my gf gets up and walks to the kitchen to switch on the espresso maker. Lying there and seeing her slender figure swinging its way forward in the morning sun just makes me the luckiest (and rather often, the horniest) man alive. As to O.C.'s habit, that is exactly how I wish every woman should see themselves - simply gorgeous.



    Amen, CGEM! My wife is not what most would deem a perfect ten, but I have always seen her as a 12+! She just can't understand what it is about her that just makes me think I am the luckiest guy in the world. I can't ever remember being more turned on by another woman - damn she is HOT! I just WISH she could begin to see how I see her, then she would have just a little more confidence!

  5. Thanks for the reply - I knew I could count on you for a good answer! Judging by your response, I'm gonna say my bend is at about 5-1/2 to 6 inches. I've never had any problems with penetration - I am comfortable enough with myself that relaxing is easy. I usually use a toy I got for my wife that she didn't care for - it's about 6 inches long and 1-3/4 around and is wonderful for backdoor play because it has a large round base (it's supposed to look like balls I guess!) so I never have to worry about losing it. I really love that full feeling! I have to take a business trip in Feb for three weeks, so I probably won't order the toy I want til I get back, but I really want to try something around 2" in girth. Just the thought gets me steamed up! :P Thanks again for the reply - it helped a lot!

  6. This question is for Mikayla, or anyone else who has a lot of anal experience. I was so glad to find this site and find that many other heterosexual men like playing in the back yard. Before coming here, I looked at it as something I should be ashamed of, but no more! So before I go any farther I just want to say thanks.

    Here is my question - do you notice when using a larger toy that you get to a point depth-wise where it is uncomfortable, almost painful to go deeper? I'm talking somewhere in the 5-6 inches range... I was checking out a toy (thinking of finally getting something for myself! :P ) - it is 9 inches total, with 6 inches useable length. It looks AWESOME, but I wonder if I will be able to take the whole 6? Let me know what you think - thanks!

  7. Congrats, we are also pregnant (about four months) and if memory serves me, one of our favorite positions by that point was her on her side, me on my knees with one of her legs wrapped around me. Not only did this help relieve the pressure on her (she is free to put pillows about anywhere that makes her comfortable), but it also allowed me to still get deep, thrusting strokes. As an added bonus, I got to enjoy her ass a lot! If you're in the seventh month and her OB/GYN hasn't told you NOT to have sex, there is no concern as far as hurting the baby. It may feel strange to get an elbow poking you in the side at just the wrong moment, but keep your sense of humor and just have fun! Remember she is probably feeling VERY insecure about her body, so make sure you tell her just how sexy and beautiful she is - I can't remember ever being more turned on by my wife than when she's pregnant! She doesn't understand it, but she knows I'm not lying by that crazy look in my eye! :blink:

    Sorry to write a book - again congrats, and if I encounter another position that works well for us, I'll be sure to pass it on! :P

  8. If there is no exaggeration going on here, then there is absolutely nothing you can do to prepare yourself for that... oh MY! All kidding aside, if you don't mind breaking your hymen with something other than him, I would suggest the two of you start off with a toy, either a vibrator or a dildo. There are some great toys on here with cyberskin, and silicone toys are great, too! (I know I would be remiss if I failed to add "NEVER use a silicone lube with a silicone toy") Honestly, this would be the route I would advise, since it would give you an idea of what it feels like to even have something inside of you. Playing with toys is an extremely arousing way to lead into sex. I have only been the first for two women and I am not ashamed to say that I am significantly smaller than your man! I know no matter what the size, the first time is at best uncomfortable at first. It will help immensely that you are with someone you trust since you will be more relaxed. If you are dead set against anything other than him breaking your hymen (personally, I think it's a technicality since you would be with him) then all I can say is RELAX, RELAX RELAX!!! Go very, VERY SLOW, and use plenty (do I need to stress the word "plenty"?) of lube. Remember, women are very stretchy down there! If my wife can pass a 9 lb 13 oz munchkin outta there, you CAN take it! You should also practice your kagel excercises (articles on here about those). These will help you have better control over your vaginal muscles and you can relax them easier. There are others on here who know more than I, if there is anything else I forgot to mention please point it out! Hope this helps and let us know how it goes! :P

  9. money for sex? I wouldn't know what to charge! Pay a woman for sex? No. Never. I am too good a lover to have to pay for it. I have represented prostitutes in my career, and the women generally don't like men, or having sex with them. They do it only to make money, and they are usually feeding a drug habit. I can't remember meeting a hooker who actually enjoyed sex, with men, or with women, although I have known several lesbians who were hookers. The women tell me that 95% of their business is oral sex, and only rarely does a customer pay them for sexual intercourse. Lately, they complain about the young guys wanting anal sex. Some refuse to do it, and others do it but charge extra, and get it! Its a sad world in the sex trade. The only difference between the street walkers and the higher priced call girls is the amount of money they are paid. when the call girls lose their looks( drugs, pregnancies, abortions, drinking, and smoking, fights with their pimps that removes teeth without an anestetic, all contribute to early aging), they make less money and are soon on the streets. :(


    Are we to assume that you are a barrister or a pimp?

    Just wondering! ;)B):D

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