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Posts posted by trista

  1. I think you are asking way to much on this forum. to give you a lost of questions would take days and weeks. By example, why not go through all the topic here on the forum, and review all the pages and pages of posts on each topic. The questions asked by the readers can be put on such a list, no? This will only take you a couple of months to compile.

    Seriously, I have seen these kind of lists in articles in Playboy, or Penthouse, or Cosmopolitan, or other magazines, so they are out there. I have a few lists I saved, but in reading them with my wife, we were struck by two things: 1. How many of the things we had already done; and 2. the fact that the questions were so often specific to a particular city or area of the country.

    YOU can make up your own questionaire, or list by simply reading the topics on the index page, and making a list of questions to elicite the kind of answers you want to know.

    For instance, under " Oral Sex Discussion", If I were dating a new woman and we were planning to be lovers, I would want to know:

    a. Do you enjoy having oral sex done to you?

    b. Have you ever had an orgasm as the result of oral sex done to you?

    c. Have you ever had multiple orgasms as a result of oral sex done to you?

    d. What parts of your body react the most to being licked or kissed?

    e. Do you like to be kissed during sex? tongue?

    f. Have you ever had toys used on you during oral sex? Like it?

    e. Do you like oral attention to your breasts? Clit? vaginal lips? anus?

    f. Have you ever had anyone lick you from your neck to the base of your spine and back? ]

    g. Would that be exciting to you, or just tickle?

    Now, I have not even begun to ask questions about what she would do to me with oral sex, but you can see some of the detail that you can ask to really get to know what your partner likes and likes to do. You will also find out many things they have never thought about or done, so that you both have ideas of things to try.

    I have never seen or heard of a complete list of questions that contain every question that you would want that would give you every answer that you would want to know. Lists get added to all the time, as new things come to mind.

    For instance, I saw a porn film where two women were making love to each other, mostly with their hands, and lips, but what intrigued me about this film was the fact that both women were wearing very thin rayon sillk pants, and that one woman was purposely rubbing and stroking the clit of the other through the fabric, making a point to rub the fabric against her lover's clit. The reaction of the lover was very real- no acting- as her spasms and occasional blush showed. As much as she was making a movie, she could not help but react normally to this kind of sensation.

    I had never thought to use silk, or rayon silk to rub my lover's clit, but I have it on my list of things to try NOW! And, I suppose, it would make another question to put on a list.


    Sorry Howard,

    You are probably right it was a dumb idea. I am just trying to save something that probably can't be saved. sorry to have bothered everyone

  2. I was thinking of making up a sex/romance survey for me and my hubby. Something to get us thinking and talking about sex/ romance again. What do you all think? Is this a dumb idea?

    I would like to make the survey sexy and fun. I thought we might learn more about each other and maybe find something that could get the fire going again. Please tell me what you really think and if you have any questions I could put on the survey.


  3. Hi Mikayla,

    This is one of the Dvds I ordered. I watched it and agree it is a very good one. My hubby has not watched it but I'm hopeing he will watch it with me and hopeing that it will help us get out of this rut we are in. I also ordered Sexual Satisfaction but haven't watched that one yet.

    Thank you for posting a review on these that helped me pick what to order.


  4. Thanks for the wonderful ideas. I did dress up in the school girl outfit but just did a little strip for him not a roleplay but we did have good sex.I have not done the nurse at all yet because he has not been in the mood. We have not done anything for a few weeks now. I feel his lack of desire is killing my desire at this point :( Hopefully things will change and if they do I have some wonderful new things to try.

  5. Hi Trista, I have never tried them but I think I want to review them now!!! Glad to hear the fun part was right. So what type of flavor were they? Did the taste okay? Just wondering thanks!!

    Hi Katprr,

    They had a fruity taste and yes, they tasted ok. kind of like gummy candy only a little harder.

    Just thinking about it makes me laugh :D

  6. Head Candy - Oral Sex Helper

    Just wondering if anyone else has tried these? it says that Your oral adventure is now easier, tastier and more fun. well I don't know about it making oral sex easier but I put these in my mouth and my husband and I could not quit laughing.I looked so funny with these in my mouth. I did try to do oral on him but he kept laughing and that made me laugh more. Well the fun part was right!


  7. don't forget the latex gloves! That'll make him laugh or.....?

    and no nurse's shoes, go for impractical, yet SEXY, heels.

    (lucky dog your husband is...)

    Thanks Edge,

    Wish he thought he was a lucky dog :) I do have some sexy high heels that i got from Frederick's of Hollywood.

  8. I wouldnt worry too much about the having sex with a little girl problem that has been brought up. The school girl look is a very popular sexy look and I'm sure that when your husband sees you in it he's not going to be thinking of little girls. You are both adults and playing! Have fun!

    thanks jax,

    I ordered a nurse's outfit. Does anyone have any ideas for this roleplay? I have been teasing him a little about this one so i know he is looking forward to it and so am i.

  9. Your husband is not being truthful to you about his fears. His answer" I just don't like my nipples being touched" without details indicates he is hiding again. Don't accept that answer from him. I would not do so if I was his therapist. You are his wife. He owes it to you to explain why certain areas of his body are " out of bounds " to you.


    Hi Howard,

    Now he tells me that his nipples and his neck are just to sensitive and he doesn't like the feeling.I am just so glad to have him talking to me about it.Last night I slept with my head on his chest it was very nice.

  10. What are the reasons he tells you why he does'nt like to be touched in those areas?

    Hi Jax,

    Well, we talked about it last night and he said that he just doesn't like his nipples touched at all. No real reason he just doesn't like it. With his neck he said that its tickelish. I told him at i feel like he doesn't want me to touch him at all and he said thats crazy that he loves for me to touch him and he doesn't want me to feel that way. so I do feel better about that :) so will see what happens.

  11. Thanks Tyger,

    I agree about touching being important and that is what got me thinking about it all. As Howard suggested I think I will talk to someone about all of this. I have worried before that maybe he has fallen out of love with me. I know that he loves me, but I wonder if he is still in love with me


    I will try what you suggested I hope it works because that sounds like it could be alot of fun!!!

  12. Hi again,

    I'm sorry if my post came out wrong. I am not very good at writing what I am thinking :)

    My husband is not a cold person and I think that is how i sounded in all of my posts. We do hug and kiss but he doesn't like to have his chest or neck kissed or touched. When we were teenagers and dating and were making out i do remember kissing and touching both places.Now he doesn't like it at all.Like I said it is hard to make love that way i feel like i am just laying there.

    thank you all, It does make me feel better to know it is not something wrong with me :)

  13. My husband does not like to be touched. He doesn't like for me to touch his neck or his chest at all even when we are making love.I can touch his penis and that is about all. he is the only lover that I have ever had so i was just wondering if this is how other guys are. Some of the stories and stuff that I have read show that most men like to be touched. It is hard to make love to someone when they don't want to be touched :( Any ideas on what i could do to help with this.

    I have ordered some dvds from the site so I'm hopeing that they help but just wanted others points of veiw.


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