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Posts posted by erelayne

  1. I finally achieved female ejaculation! I was flying solo with my new toy and all of a sudden, a particularly large O hit me and bam, my hand was soaked. I know it seems silly to be proud of it but I am! It felt so nice and my pussy has never been tighter. After the one they just kept coming and coming (no pun intended! :D). The only down side is the rather large wet spot on my bed. Lol. I just had to tell someone, you guys seemed right <3

  2. Call me crazy but in all honesty I like the simplest toys the best. I'm a female and my absolute most favorite toy is the Silver Bullet. There is just something about the simplicity, yet power of this toy that gets me every time. I use this lovely little toy nearly every day, about 5-6 times a week, I love it that much. I love to curl up with this lovely (Sometimes literally!) at night when I have alone time and I LOVE to use it in my bed listening to music. Thank you TooTimid for having this lovely little dear.

  3. Well my X was my first and he had a penis just like the on described. I thought it was perfectly normal, so Alex I don't think you have much to worry about. Regular missionary style is really good with this sort of penis, just make sure you're careful and take things slow so you don't slip and cause yourself pain. I don't think it will be a problem for your girlfriend, I know it never cause me any pain though sometimes it was painful for him.

    Hope this helps in some way.


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